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"Chicago Fire" (TV Show)

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I for one am looking forward to Chicago fire. I'M sick of doctor and CSI shows. We need another great fire tv show. Hope this is it.

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I for one am looking forward to Chicago fire. I'M sick of doctor and CSI shows. We need another great fire tv show. Hope this is it.

haha well in that case you'll be glad to know the CSI Miami was cancelled after 10 seasons.
PFDRes47cue and SageVigiles like this

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You go we go, Ringgers laiktate WD- 40 go get him Johnny same sh** !

Edited by PCFD ENG58
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From the trailer it looks like another BS show, Can't have a nose cup in the mask it blocks their face, why have rope protection on the hand rail, I know our drivers always yell some motavating comment. Guys with no shirts, drama, BS. They should show what it is really like. Practical jokes off set by conversations on how the city is laying guys off and taking away benifits. I agree bring back emergency.

JCESU, sfrd18, bigrig77 and 1 other like this

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Looks like Rescue Me with Chase from House instead of Denis Leary. So long as they stick to the firehouse and don't bring in anyone the nonsense that Rescue Me did, I figure it will have moderate success, at least among our circles. But if I get even a whiff of any sort of Rescue Me type drama, I will certainly be finished with it. All of that being said, it looks amazingly poorly researched...I lost track of the number of things that they did wrong in that three minute clip. From the diving from the bridge to the car accident to the patient in the back of the ambulance to structure fire, it looks like they did more things wrong than right...

yankees#17 and sfrd18 like this

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Looks Cheezy!! In my opinion the only FD movie/show who showed something of what it is like to be a firefighter is Ladder 49. However, Emergency was before my time so I have to trust GGG that it was a good show!

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It will be interesting and fact that it is from the same producer as the "Law and Order" franchise can't hurt. It looks like it will portray the firefighting, technical rescue, and EMS aspects although how accurately remains to be seen. Some of the fire sequences look an awful lot like "a certain movie" about the Chicago F.D. from a few years back. I assume the Squad is a Heavy Rescue/Special Operations company? Some of the stars look a little too "perfect" but that is the case with any profession that is portrayed in TV and movies. Most of the recent shows about the fire and EMS services have been disappointing, even Rescue Me became very outlandish in the later seasons. I would like to see something more along the lines of "Blue Bloods" or "NYPD Blue".


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Two things I noticed in the trailer about the show that I found interesting:

In one scene, in the middle of a building fire, two guys aren't wearing SCBA. Despite being surrounded by smoke, they aren't even choking.

Also, Squad 3(a fictional company) is responding to a call in the real CFD's Squad 1's district. Also, all Squads in the CFD, save the one at O'Hare, have a mini-snorkel 2nd piece, a rig that for some reason doesn't exist in the show. Maybe they couldn't find an ex or spare snorkel squad around.

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Bring back Johnny and Roy and Station 51!!!!!!

And while you're at it, bring back Jon and Ponch, maybe move station 51 to the beach, house it with a lifeguard station and satellite CHP station. That's a show.

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It's NBC. Remember that awful show "Trauma" that was supposed to show how awesome EMS is? It was god awful and not even close to being accurate in any way. Therefore, I don't expect much from this show. By the way, didn't the Mayor of Chicago just privatize the ambulance service for the city? I believe a lot of Medics and EMT's were laid off or took jobs with the new private for profit company at substantial pay cuts. All the CFD ambulances are now decommissioned and sitting in a city yard. Funny how that never made the national news.

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By the way, didn't the Mayor of Chicago just privatize the ambulance service for the city? I believe a lot of Medics and EMT's were laid off or took jobs with the new private for profit company at substantial pay cuts. All the CFD ambulances are now decommissioned and sitting in a city yard. Funny how that never made the national news.

East Chicago I believe. Not the actual city of Chicago.

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Who knew that you could survive in a burning structure without SCBA while standing up.

The female actresses look promising in a sexual promiscuous way. Even the female chief, I'd let her sexually harass me.

Maybe NBC shouldn't have dumbed down Third Watch. They try to recreate it in some way every few years.

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I too think that is pretty cheesy don't know if I will watch it. If you are going to make a "firehouse" type show at least get the Job down (ie no SCBA's in the fire scene) and when they were at the "pin Job" no one had there shelds down too.


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The female actresses look promising in a sexual promiscuous way. Even the female chief, I'd let her sexually harass me.

Dude, a little too much information there. Let's try and keep it focused on Chicago and the movie, instead of women and how they look ! LOL

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can't wait to see it....hope it is just as good at third watch...but then again nothing can replace how good third watch was!! :)

texastom791 and RJB896 like this

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I hope it isn't anything like 'Rescue Me'. Essentially I felt that 'Rescue Me' was an embarassment to the fire service. It portrayed the main characters as completely disfunctional, sub par human beings except for those times when they answered an alarm. Otherwise in or away from the station, they were a--holes.

Not a single character I would want a young member to emulate.

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I hope it isn't anything like 'Rescue Me'. Essentially I felt that 'Rescue Me' was an embarassment to the fire service. It portrayed the main characters as completely disfunctional, sub par human beings except for those times when they answered an alarm. Otherwise in or away from the station, they were a--holes.

Not a single character I would want a young member to emulate.

I agree with you 100% but remember its a drama series......the fact that the main character is a firefighter is just icying on the cake

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So because of the VP debate I'm guessing that the show will not be on tonight. Kind of a bummer was looking forward to watching the show

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saw the pilot for this show it was horrible. the only thing the show got right was the noise of the pass alert.

fireboyny likes this

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Looks like they had special face pieces made so you can see the actors faces. Maybe know they won't be running into a burning building without there face pieces. LOL!!

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Of A revolution or OAR's song "heaven" off there album King is on promo's for the show. FYI they are a great band to see live if you get a chance.

EdAngiolillo and BFD1054 like this

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Of A revolution or OAR's song "heaven" off there album King is on promo's for the show. FYI they are a great band to see live if you get a chance.

Can second that I have seen OAR a few times..

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