
Connecticut Canteen

12 posts in this topic

After success in the Providence RI area (Providence Canteen), they're moving towards opening a new base in CT...





Our plan is to staff this Canteen 24/7 with at least 2 people and have it automatically respond to working fires (1st Alarm) within a 40 minute or so drive from its home base. It would also respond automatically to any 2nd Alarm or higher outside that 40 minute window or when requested by local agencies. This procedure has been successful for the Providence Canteen for many years and we plan on adopting it. We want everyone to understand that we are not there to hinder your operation, but to provide rehab to firefighters, police and other hard working personnel. The process of automatically responding means the Canteen will be there when it’s needed to rehab personnel on scene, not hours later. If we arrive at your scene and you do not need us or want us, then we will turn around and await another incident without question. The last thing we want to do is interfere with any fire, police operation or investigation. You tell us where to park and we will set up shop. This service will is completely free as the Special Signal Fire Association is a non-profit organization.

We are also looking for interested people to help staff the Canteen Unit. If you are interested in helping staff the truck, please let us know. Whether you are a retired, active duty firefighter, police officer, fire buff, photographer, or simply looking for a way to help, we would love to hear from you. If you are able to give 8 hours or 60 hours a month we would love the help. No need to be a member of New England Citywide or any other organization.

If you are an area chief or official and have questions or concerns on exactly what we intend to do please contact us. We will be working to attend some area meetings in the coming weeks and months to give area officials a place to ask us questions. This is all new to us at New England Citywide and we are looking for your input. Again we plan on adopting a lot of Providence Canteen's ways, but we also understand things done in RI or MA may not work here in CT. All we want to do is help out our fellow emergency services workers when they need assistance. A lot of the members who will be staffing this unit are firefighters, dispatchers, and other emergency services personnel, so we understand that everyone is going to have concerns and questions at first.

For more information about the Connecticut Canteen, please follow us on our social media accounts that I have linked below. By following us you will stay up to date on when the truck is here and other information about what the Connecticut Canteen is doing. Once we get everything in place, we plan on scheduling some open houses and bring the truck around so everyone can see what its capabilities will be.

Facebook –

Twitter - @CTCanteen

E-mail –

Phone Number – 860-265-6467

Flyers and Photos from Connecticut Canteen Facebook Page

PEMO3 and sfrd18 like this

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Very nice, but the American Red Cross and Salvation Army disaster canteens units have been performing this function for decades and have good relationships with the relevant authorities. Both organizations respond once requested, so as not to waste the efforts of their volunteers or complicate/annoy the efforts of the responders on the scene.

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I believe this Connecticut Canteen will be modeled after the Canteen Service out of Providence, RI. That service has done an Excellent job in the entire State of Rhode Island and many parts of Mass. for many years. It is well established and managed. They even responded to the World Trade Center in 2001 and operated for about a month there.

I wish them all the Best of Luck in the future.

firedude, Sailr322 and sfrd18 like this

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Awesome! I would love to see it in use in Connecticut and wish them great success there. Maybe one day it will have enough success there and they can branch out to the New York Metro area.

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>> "Our plan is to staff this Canteen 24/7 with at least 2 people and have it automatically respond to working fires (1st Alarm) within a 40 minute or so drive from its home base. It would also respond automatically to any 2nd Alarm or higher outside that 40 minute window or when requested by local agencies. This procedure has been successful for the Providence Canteen for many years and we plan on adopting it. We want everyone to understand that we are not there to hinder your operation, but to provide rehab to firefighters, police and other hard working personnel. The process of automatically responding means the Canteen will be there when it’s needed to rehab personnel on scene, not hours later. If we arrive at your scene and you do not need us or want us, then we will turn around and await another incident without question". <<

>> "If you are an area chief or official and have questions or concerns on exactly what we intend to do please contact us......This is all new to us at New England Citywide and we are looking for your input. Again we plan on adopting a lot of Providence Canteen's ways, but we also understand things done in RI or MA may not work here in CT". <<

This sounds very well meaning and most likely a needed service, but I have major reservations about the model they are using. Why not go to the chiefs 1st and offer the service, not we will show up no need to call. Why not set it up on an automatic bases so the dispatcher will dispatch you instead of you hearing it on a scanner and buffing it.

Automaticly responding on a 40 min drive distance for a working fire? Most of our working fires are done in 30 minutes or less. Also what does "responding" mean? I see they have red lights are they legal to use in CT?

How is this different than "Aviation Fire" in the Bronx?

Disaster_Guy and sfrd18 like this

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There are other canteens in CT. Milford FD retirees and Box 22 associates in New Haven are two that I can think of. These two are affiliated with their local Departments.

Barry, I am not sure of what legality running lights to call are for canteens in CT but I do know that some have lights so they can get into the scene. I'll see what I can come up with. I would assume at it would fall under The non priority response then only using lights at the scene for identification.


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Firedude, I'd suggest going to the DEMHS Regional Coordinators and providing them with the information, because they can notify all the fire and police Chiefs, as well as the Emergency Management Directors.

Self-dispatching is only going to piss people off and get you escorted off scenes by the PD, but if you get a good awareness campaign going you can become a well known asset and get called to more incidents. It would be even better if you could meet with all the local Chiefs.

Finally, where in Wallingford will this be stationed?

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I wanted to add that quite honestly, unless they are requested for any alarm by the IC, they shouldn't be responding automatically anywhere. Not saying a canteen is not a good thing, but there needs to be an agreement with any agency they expect to service.

SageVigiles and Bnechis like this

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Firedude, I'd suggest going to the DEMHS Regional Coordinators and providing them with the information, because they can notify all the fire and police Chiefs, as well as the Emergency Management Directors.

Self-dispatching is only going to piss people off and get you escorted off scenes by the PD, but if you get a good awareness campaign going you can become a well known asset and get called to more incidents. It would be even better if you could meet with all the local Chiefs.

Finally, where in Wallingford will this be stationed?

I'm in no way affiliated with this agency and have no plans to be. Just posted this to get the word out.

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I'm in no way affiliated with this agency and have no plans to be. Just posted this to get the word out.

Whoops, sorry about that.

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>> "Our plan is to staff this Canteen 24/7 with at least 2 people and have it automatically respond to working fires (1st Alarm) within a 40 minute or so drive from its home base. It would also respond automatically to any 2nd Alarm or higher outside that 40 minute window or when requested by local agencies. This procedure has been successful for the Providence Canteen for many years and we plan on adopting it. We want everyone to understand that we are not there to hinder your operation, but to provide rehab to firefighters, police and other hard working personnel. The process of automatically responding means the Canteen will be there when it’s needed to rehab personnel on scene, not hours later. If we arrive at your scene and you do not need us or want us, then we will turn around and await another incident without question". <<

>> "If you are an area chief or official and have questions or concerns on exactly what we intend to do please contact us......This is all new to us at New England Citywide and we are looking for your input. Again we plan on adopting a lot of Providence Canteen's ways, but we also understand things done in RI or MA may not work here in CT". <<

This sounds very well meaning and most likely a needed service, but I have major reservations about the model they are using. Why not go to the chiefs 1st and offer the service, not we will show up no need to call. Why not set it up on an automatic bases so the dispatcher will dispatch you instead of you hearing it on a scanner and buffing it.

Automaticly responding on a 40 min drive distance for a working fire? Most of our working fires are done in 30 minutes or less. Also what does "responding" mean? I see they have red lights are they legal to use in CT?

How is this different than "Aviation Fire" in the Bronx?

I am somewhat familiar with the Providence Canteen service but not a member.

As I understand it, they do NOT self dispatch and go to incidents. Providence Fire dispatches them. The members themselves may call Providence fire to ASK if they want the services of the Canteen, but as I know it, they do not respond unless they are requested.

As I know it, once requested, they DO respond to the incident with lights and siren. I could be wrong on this, but as far as I know, they have never had an accident while responding. The person in charge of the Providence Canteen is, or may be retired now, a Providence Police Officer. He runs a pretty tight ship and I'm sure those drivers are all well trained before they go behind the wheel of that Canteen truck. Some of the incidents they respond to are pretty far away and I guess thats maybe why they feel the need for the lights and sirens (???).

If this service is based on the Providence Canteen and their policies and rules, I think this would certainly be a great asset to providing a necessary service to our emergency workers out there. And like anything else, although all are welcomed, there still needs to be a screening process that all the members should be required to go through. I'm sure there's plenty of wanna bes that would love to sit in that drivers seat and go flying down the road with those lights and siren whalling "get out of my way, here I come".

I might consider joining it myself. My problem is, "can I climb up into the drivers seat without somebody lifting me up".

I really wish them all the best and hope it is a welcomed sight soon at these incidents.

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