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Tourists Disrespect 9/11 Memorial: Families

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Tourists Disrespect 9/11 Memorial: Families

Relatives of 9/11 victims say tourists have been treating the National September 11th Memorial like a playground, sitting on plaques engraved with the names of the victims, splashing water from the waterfalls on their faces to cool themselves, and resting bags and cups of coffee on the ledges.

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Would you expect anything less from people - no.

I do expect more. I was at Arlington a couple weeks ago where I stop at everytime I'm in DC (It keeps you in perspective) and there were plenty of people there and people were respecting where they were including me trying to teach my youngins why they needed to keep their voice down. It seems to me that memorial is attempting to be so PC and progresive that they are missing the point of what they are. It make me sick and it's probably why I haven't been there.

JM15, x129K and BFD1054 like this

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The memorial disrespects us, as a police officer who responded on 9/11 I was not checked to see if I was carrying a firearm. Today I am not allowed into the museum/memorial while carrying my service weapon while off duty. It is staffed by a bunch of security guards wearing light blue shirts who have no authority. They should have just made a field with a tree for each victim.

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I was there yesterday and saw a couple of kids reach under the plagues and grabbing the water and splashing but nearby adults (Parents) promptly scolded them. Did act as an impromptu tour guide for a German family. They were very thankful.

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It's got nothing tto do with the city or how the memorial was designed, some people are just disprespectful period. I've been there twice, for the large amount of staff they have there, they seem to be doing an awful lot of nothing, no interpretation, no enforcement.. After the first incident with the school kids, there was an editorial from a retired Dep. Chief who summarized a sentiment I have heard before. This should be in the hands of the National Park Service, who run not only the Flight 92 National Memorial but as the chief mentioned World War II in the Pacific National Monument, (more commonly known as USS Arizona or Pearl Harbor). He was quite right in saying that the NPS does not tolerate any nonsense in running these sights and mantains a respecful and quiet atmosphere in deference to those lost.

PEMO3, BIGRED1, BFD1054 and 4 others like this

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disgusting....people should have more respect and i bet if it was one of their family or friends they would put up a whole fight about it

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Grumpyff ... I hear you loud and clear. I went with a group of armed feds escorting an internation law enforecement official. We left when it was suggested we hide firearms in our vehicles. We complained to management. Apparently they werent as happy to see our kind 10years later.

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Grumpyff ... I hear you loud and clear. I went with a group of armed feds escorting an internation law enforecement official. We left when it was suggested we hide firearms in our vehicles. We complained to management. Apparently they werent as happy to see our kind 10years later.

"The sheep generally do not like the sheepdog. He looks a lot like the wolf. He has fangs and the capacity for violence. The difference, though, is that the sheepdog must not, can not and will not ever harm the sheep. Any sheep dog who intentionally harms the lowliest little lamb will be punished and removed. The world cannot work any other way, at least not in a representative democracy or a republic such as ours.

Still, the sheepdog disturbs the sheep. He is a constant reminder that there are wolves in the land. They would prefer that he didn't tell them where to go, or give them traffic tickets, or stand at the ready in our airports in camouflage fatigues holding an M-16. The sheep would much rather have the sheepdog cash in his fangs, spray paint himself white, and go, "Baa."

Until the wolf shows up. Then the entire flock tries desperately to hide behind one lonely sheepdog."

-Colonel Grossman

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I was there the other day with my nephew who is in the coast guard. He had never seen it so i said lets go take a look. Went in and was shocked at the way people acted. I mean it has turned into another tourist attractions. It's like "Lets go take some pic infront of the Wall Street Bull, Empire State and oh ya lets go into Ground Zero, nice pic for the family album". I was just sad and annoying. I mean I saw alot of the same stuff going on. Kids running around, people talking on their cells phones loudly. Had a family ask if i could take a picture of them. I did since I am a nice New Yorker, but they had these big smiles like it was the Statue of Liberty! It's a memorial, have some respect!

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Yeah, right. There are a lot of people out there don't give a rusty %^*& about what this memorial is all about. Let's face it, most of the kids are too young to understand what happened, or weren't even born. Dumba$$ parents who can't control their kids. I'm beginning to really think that people who weren't directly affected by that day are starting to forget.

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It is sad what is happening at the site. Let's not forget the fact that the general public will usually act with ignorance, unless there is somebody there to guide them in their actions.

Idea: What about forming a "task force" of sorts. Let it be comprised of retired MOS, particularly those who worked 9/11 and the aftermath, and other MOS who have lost family members there. I'm willing to bet there'd be no shortage of volunteers for the job.

Let them form a constant presence at the site; in Class A's. Their function would be to gently remind people to maintain a respectful decorum, and they could also talk with people who are visiting; tell the people about 9/11, what the MOS did that day, and the sacrifices that were made.

I think they have retired sailors on some ship museums who do this exact thing.

Just the presence of MOS in Class A's, standing gently at attention at various spots within the Memorial, would make a world of difference in my opinion.

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Let's face it, most of the kids are too young to understand what happened, or weren't even born.

I agree, but you can't really blame those kids for not knowing. You can't talk about what happened on 9/11 anymore without it turning into a political debate. Any time I've tried to have an objective discussion on the facts of what happened that day, I've been interrupted by some jackwagon spouting off about how it was a conspiracy or talking about how they're against the war.

Schools sure as hell aren't going to teach it, they're more concerned with teaching to the standardized test. Anyone who is talking about current events will only be talking about the election. I've got kids in my firehouse who were in 3rd Grade when it happened. Hell, I was in 7th, I just paid a lot more attention because of my interest in fire/law enforcement service. Its up to us to teach the probies and our younger family members about what happened that day. I plan on bringing my copy of the Naudet Brothers' documentary 9/11 to the station on Tuesday and playing it in the day-room, and hopefully generating a discussion with the Explorers and younger guys about what I remember from that day, limited as my experiences were.

As to Cap's idea, I LOVE it. Education is the solution to this problem, and what better way than having those who fought there go through their experiences. I might be a bit more of a history buff than the average guy my age, but whenever I'm in DC at the Memorials I always enjoy striking up a conversation with a Veteran who experienced it firsthand, I always come away with more appreciation and knowledge. People my age and younger are so attuned to learning everything from the internet that I think a true firsthand account of someone's experiences could really be moving to them, if you could attract their attention.

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If you build it they will come...

They come to see the magnificent work of art.

To see the massive man made structure not caring about the thousands of souls that perished due to some quasi religious belief.

I bet most of the homeless have more respect than the average person.

Let everyone one forget how the millions rallied beyond the destruction flying American flags to show support for this country.

September 11 is already just another day.

We don't even have a president that respects this country, we expect our youth too.

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It is even happening locally. Last year I worked the Memorial Day parade for my ambulance corps and our unit went into the cemetary to see the service. I was shocked how many little kids (like 2-5 year olds) were either leaning on headstones or playing hopscotch with the flat headstones.

The parents were either all too busy listening to the politicians speak (an issue for another day) or too busy on their smartphones to notice or care.

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"The centerpiece of this space will be the memorial. It deserves all due deference, but it should not be treated as a cemetery. Thousands of bodies may be interred on these 16 acres, but just as children frolic on the National Mall, the Vietnam and Korean war memorials are no worse off for it. The same goes for the 9/11 Memorial."

This statement about children frolic on other memorials then they should be allowed to at the 9/11 memorial is WRONG! There are other places for children to run around and play at not memorials. Parents should be ashamed of themselves, this is why this country is going down hill. No one respects anything. If people don't show some respect now in the early "days" of this memorial, they never will.

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