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Guest DFFD227

Dobbs Ferry - Large Brush Fire - 5/18/05

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Date: 5-18-05

Time: 1955 hrs - Units Clear at 2055 hrs.

Location: The Childrens Village Campus, in the wooded area.

Units: E- 47, E-48, Tower Ladder 23, Utility 24, Car 2091, 2092, 2093.

Desciption: Large area of brush on fire, using all hands.

Writer: DFFD227

1955hrs- DFFD Dispatched to Childrens Village, in the wooded area for a reported large brush fire. Hastings PD calling it in.

1959hrs- Car 2092 10-19, confirming large brush fire, advising the first due engine (47) to hit the hydrant and start making a stretch. (Hydrant located about 50 feet from the fire)

2012hrs - Car 2091 reporting all hands working, Engine 47 using master streams, 2 L/S/O, Making good progress.

2035hrs- Main Body of fire K/D, Holding all units to check for any further extension.

2055hrs- All Units going 10-8.

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