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UPDATE 5/18/05

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Dear All You Wonderful People in Our Life,

So, yesterday Jimboy gained another 2.5 pounds. We are at a whopping 36.5 pounds!!!!


He is moving around more, looks clearer than I have seen him in a long time, talking more and just plain old happy. But then again, throughout the entire past year, I don't ever remember him not giving us a smile. No matter what he faced there was still a smile to be had. He really is a true living, breathing inspiration. Wow - what a year and a half.

Which brings me to a conversation I had with a friend this morning. She asked how he was doing and I explained how well he has been, and that the tumor is still stable and that now we wait until July for the next MRI. Her reply was so what you are telling me is "He is truly a miracle." I answered, "Yes I guess so." I hung up and really started to think about it.

Which, leads me to the questions, "What constitutes a miracle?" Please share your thoughts on this. I have believed from day one that this little angel was a miracle just because he was living with such a large tumor and was still living his daily life. Walking, talking etc., but now I think about the incredible obstacles he has overcome, and that is a miracle. When is something officially declared a miracle? He still has a stable tumor? As long as it does not grow? I am at a loss. He is alive - that is a miracle!!!

We still have to wait and watch. Thoughts on this subject are very welcome. I believe that so many miracles have happened throughout this course. The miracle of people. The miracle of love. The miracle of life. The miracle of God. Is that the miracle? The miracle of taking each day at a time, and realizing what life really is? Interesting isn't it?

As always, I love you each and every one for your continuous miracle in our life. I always thought the miracle was the BIG ONE. I think we have to look at all the little ones, and pray for the one that will make the big difference - tumor free. So there you all have it, from the incredibly over active thinking mind of Gina Arena. Take a big deep breath today and enjoy the miracles around you.

Love, Gina and Family

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Im not tyring to be mean, Im only 14 and i jst want to know who Jimmyboy is? i dont know who he is or anything about him. please can u explain who he is. thnk you.

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No "mean" taken. A lot of people from outside the area are unfamiliar with our little resident hero:

"Jimmy Boy" is the youngest of seven children and only son of Katonah FD firefighter and ex-chief, Jim Arenas. Jimmy Boy lives with his family in Northern Westchester. He was diagnosed some time ago with a brain tumor and has been fighting an uphill battle ever since. Thanks to the prayers and support of pretty much the entire emergency service community in Northern Westchester/Putnam he has reached a plateau after being treated at Loma Linda Children's Hospital in California, one of only three in the nation with specialized treatment (Proton Radiation) capable of dealing with a case like Jimmy's. JimBoy's dad is a member here on the board and provides us all with regular updates and thankfully the news lately has been positive. I'm sure he can and will provide any/all information you need. You can also check out the little guy's website at which has a lot of information and updates.

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