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Westchester County Airport response

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DoES Anyone know what the rundown is for a level 3 or 4 for the county airport? down in FL they would have something like a dozen or so departments to stage at the entrance..

thanks for any info

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Off the top of my head... just to start what I can remember... Purchase, Port Chester, Armonk, Banksville Tanker, PCRRB EMS, HEMS, GEMS, Chappaqua EMS, Batt 15 Bat 19 (?) EMS 10 EMS 11. *don't quote me*

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All I know is Level 3.. Which is the following.

Armonk FD

Purchase FD

Rye Brook

Port Chester: Engine 59, Engine 64, Engine 60, Rescue 40 & Ladder

Banksville FD 1 tanker

Armonk EMS

Westchester EMS 45M1

Harrison EMS

Port Chester EMS

Chappaqua EMS

White Plains EMS

Greenwich EMS

WCDES: Battalion 16, Battalion 19, EMS 10, EMS 11, County Car 1

Thats what's assigned for an Alert Level 3.

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All I know is Level 3.. Which is the following.

Armonk FD

Purchase FD

Rye Brook

Port Chester: Engine 59, Engine 64, Engine 60, Rescue 40 & Ladder

Banksville FD 1 tanker

Armonk EMS

Westchester EMS 45M1

Harrison EMS

Port Chester EMS

Chappaqua EMS

White Plains EMS

Greenwich EMS

WCDES: Battalion 16, Battalion 19, EMS 10, EMS 11, County Car 1

Thats what's assigned for an Alert Level 3.

I also believe West Harrison and Chappaqua Fire go on standby in quarters.

Edited by WHFD318
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I also believe West Harrison and Chappaqua Fire go on standby in quarters.

It must be a different dispatch then, because I just listed all that from a recording I have of the L3 dispatch for the airport. They could dispatch them seperatley afterwards or something.

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More importantly how many people know what each Alert Level means?

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The way the county calls it's 'alert levels" is inconsistent with the way the rest of the flight world. HPN has classified 3 different types of calls, Alert level 1, Alert level II and Alert Level III (have yet to figure out what they mean)... The rest of the world has Alert 1, Alert 2, and Alert 3, with levels 1-5. So you can have an "Alert 2 level 4" incident.

The levels are laid out like so:

Alert 1 Airport (Possible Crash) - minor problems or equipment failures

Alert 2 Airport (Probable Crash) - major problems (mechanical or electrical) or major failures of equipment / systems

Alert 3 Airport (Crash/Aircraft Incident)

Level 1) 1-2 Souls

Level 2) 3-10

Level 3) 11-25

Level 4) 26-50

Level 5) 51+

once again it seams as if the county wants to be completely different then the rest of the world......

JM15, RJB896 and Disaster_Guy like this

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The way the county calls it's 'alert levels" is inconsistent with the way the rest of the flight world. HPN has classified 3 different types of calls, Alert level 1, Alert level II and Alert Level III (have yet to figure out what they mean)... The rest of the world has Alert 1, Alert 2, and Alert 3, with levels 1-5. So you can have an "Alert 2 level 4" incident.

The levels are laid out like so:

Alert 1 Airport (Possible Crash) - minor problems or equipment failures

Alert 2 Airport (Probable Crash) - major problems (mechanical or electrical) or major failures of equipment / systems

Alert 3 Airport (Crash/Aircraft Incident)

Level 1) 1-2 Souls

Level 2) 3-10

Level 3) 11-25

Level 4) 26-50

Level 5) 51+

once again it seams as if the county wants to be completely different then the rest of the world......

The FAA defined the there designations of "Alert". That's the national standard and defined in Federal Aviation Regulations.

From the regs:

Alert I (Local Standby) – An aircraft that is known or suspected to have an operational defect that should not normally cause serious difficulty in achieving a safe landing. This is notification only. No response is required. All units involved will be manned and will standby in quarters.

Alert II (Full Emergency) – An aircraft that is known or is suspected to have an operational defect that affects normal flight operations to the extent that there is danger of an accident. All units respond to pre-designated positions.

Alert III (Aircraft Accident) – An aircraft incident/accident has occurred on or in the vicinity of the airport. Al designated emergency response units proceed to the scene in accordance with established plans and procedures.

Westchester just tried to quantify it since there's no way to know from an "Alert 3" response if there is an Airbus with 155 people coming in or a Cessna with 2.

It may seem complicated but it is designed to give responders more information.

JBE, firedude, Bnechis and 2 others like this

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Thanks for the clarifications Hellicopper!!

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