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Stamford, CT. - 2nd Alarm 8-3-12

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Date: 8-3-2012

Time:1226 hours

Location: 303 Greenwich Avenue, between Selleck Street and Milton Street

Frequency: Stamford Trunked

Units Operating: E-2, E-5, E-1, T-3, T-2, R-1, E-4 (RIT), E-1, T-1, E-3, U-4 (IC), U-1 (Chief of Dept), U-8 (Safety Officer), Fire Marshal Division, Mechanical Division (Air Supply); SEMS M-901 (Captain), M-1, M-2; SPD.

Weather Conditions: Very Hot and Humid

Description Of Incident: Working fire in a 2.5 story Class 5 multiple dwelling. Multiple lines stretched and operating. Truck opened roof. Primary and secondary searches all negative. Several members treated for heat exhaustion by EMS. Cause and origin under investigation by the fire marshal's office.

1226 hours: Multiple calls received for a building fire next to 295 Greenwich Avenue. Full box assignment transmitted: U-4, E-2, E-3, E-5, T-3, R-1, E-4 (RIT) assigned to the box.

1228 hours: Glenbrook Chief 311 in area reporting a heavy smoke condition.

1229 hours: C311 on scene reporting working fire with full involvement on the C side of the structure.

1229 hours: E-2 on scene, stretching a line.

1231 hours: T-1 assigned to the box as an additional truck.

1237 hours: Command requesting an additional engine, E-1 assigned to the box.

1238 hours: Command transmitting second alarm - E-3 assigned to the box.

1322 hours: Command transmitting recall (fire under control), holding all companies.

Relocated companies: E-6 to HQ, E-7 to Station #3 (West Side). Belltown T-45 to HQ, Belltown, Springdale, and Glenbrook volunteers called to cover their stations.

Reporters: SFRD49

Stay Safe!!!

sfrd18, firedude, x4093k and 2 others like this

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