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Christophers long journey

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Hello again brothers and sisters. As many of you know my 'little buddy' Christopher was diagnosed with "Leg Calf Perthies" about 7 months ago. Tomorrow he goes in for his last surgery to have his hardware removed. Christopher has been a long time fan of what we all do day in and day out. He is also SCARED!!!!! Cristopher and his parents have been close friends of myself and my fiance for many years and wishes for nothing more than to be a "normal" kid with the ambition of one day being a firefighter. After my origional post of the photos from a birthday party for Christopher held at HFD in dutchess, the outpouring of support from the members here was overwhelming. I thank you all again for your support for my best little friend and ask that you keep him in your prayers as he embarks on the final leg of his long journey. If I may ask, can you all post some well wishes and words of encouragement here so that his mother can read them to him both befor his surgery and on his road to recovery. Lets show this little guy what it means to be in the emergency service community!

Thank you all in advance. God bless and stay safe!

efdcapt115, x4093k and voltage1256 like this

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Christopher you are brave....get better soon little buddy!!

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Thinking of you Christopher.

I hope you feel better so you can go riding on some Fire Engines real soon.


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Hello Christopher,

It may not feel like it now, because we all know that you are hurting and in pain, but guess what? You actually have a great advantage over other kids your age! You will grow up to be a stronger person, and it will help you as you pursue your goal of being a firefighter! Yes that's right. :)

You see, when you are tested like this, it builds courage and strength that few other people possess. Chris, most people don't have the advantage of being so strong in character at such a young age. We know you may not feel that way right now, and we want you to know that all of us here; the firefighters, the paramedics, the police, the emergency technicians, the dispatchers, all of us are pulling for you as you get through the tough fight you have been fighting. We also know you are going to make it! And your dreams of being a firefighter can come true in one way or another.

Guys like you are a shining example of what a good firefighter is made of. Guys like you never cease to amaze me.




All of these qualities you already possess, and we support you and your goals when you get through what you have to do.

Stay strong Christopher as you get through this difficult time. I really look forward to hearing how things are going for you. You're going to be just fine buddy.

Respectfully yours,

Captain George Glover (retired)

Eastchester New York Fire Department


Edited by efdcapt115
JM15, eric12401, Louie and 6 others like this

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Good Luck and Get Well Soon

Edited by RJB896
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Hey Chris, My thoughts and prayers are with you buddy!!! Based on what I've read, sounds like you're one tough cookie. Bet this surgery will just be a bump in the road that won't even slow you down. If you're ever going to be in the Norwalk,CT area, stop by any firehouse. We'd be happy to show you around. Good luck!

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Good Luck Christopher!! You will be fine and come out a stronger person.

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Christopher, I have followed your journey with awe and amazement at the strength and courage that you possess. Never give up on your dreams for it is through dreams that reality is built. Young man, my prayers are with you and your family and I am certain that with your dedication and fortitude you will accomplish those dreams. God bless you.

FFEMT150, Louie, efdcapt115 and 1 other like this

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Good Luck and Get Well soon Christopher!

God Bless You and Your family!

- Your brothers at Purchase FD

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Hello again friends.

Christopher went in at 3:45 tuesday for his surgery. Everything went as planned and he has been sent home to begin his recovery. I would like to thank you all on behalf of Christopher and his family for your kind words and prayers. I know many of you have been following Christophers progress from my first post about him and I cannot tell you how proud I am to be part of such a great family! Thank you all again and God bless. I will try and keep you posted of his progress.

Stay Safe


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