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Aurora CO - MCI Shooting @ Movies 7/20/12

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14 dead, 50 wounded in shooting at Colorado theater, police chief says

(CNN) -- At least 14 people were killed and 50 wounded when a gunman opened fire during an early Friday morning screening of the new Batman movie at an Aurora, Colorado, theater, Police Chief Dan Oates told reporters.

The heavily armed suspect, who was wearing a bulletproof vest, was apprehended by police in a rear parking lot of the theater, Frank Fania, a police spokesman, told CNN. The suspect was not immediately identified, though Fania said he was believed to be in his early 20s.

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I'm utterly speechless as a police officer, hurt as an American and beyond disgusted as a father. May the man responsible for this burn in h3ll.

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Police initially said 14 people had died -- 10 in the theater and four at area hospitals, but revised the death toll to 12 later Friday morning, according to Lanigan.

Wow. I could never think of why someone would do this. Disgraceful that people like this exist. R.I.P all deceased victims, prayers are with all others for a speedy recovery.

Nathan- you may want to revise the title of this thread.

Edited by x4093k
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All I can say is WTF is going on !!!!

I hope this lunatic rots for all eternity after an agonizing and painful death. RIP to all those murdered and condolences to their families. May the injured heal quickly in both body and mind.

BFD1054, sfrd18 and 2231* like this

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I give the PD credit for not shooting this guy dead on the spot!!! They should not alow people to wear costums or dress up to these movie screening and stop the midnight showings, i know it could have happened at any time of day/night. Now we are going to have metal detectors

at the movies.

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I give the PD credit for not shooting this guy dead on the spot!!! They should not alow people to wear costums or dress up to these movie screening and stop the midnight showings, i know it could have happened at any time of day/night. Now we are going to have metal detectors

at the movies.

In all honesty, I've thought they needed something along the lines of metal detectors long before this. I see very little to no security in Westchester theaters.

R.I.P. to all those who lost their lives and thoughts go out to everyone effected by such a horrific tragedy.

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Sad to say that the most recent update states members of the military were either killed or wounded in the shooting. The death penalty is not even justice for this man, if we want to call him that. Thoughts go out to all those who lost someone and all those involved in this horrific tragedy that will have to live with it for the rest of their lives.

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I give the PD credit for not shooting this guy dead on the spot!!! They should not alow people to wear costums or dress up to these movie screening and stop the midnight showings, i know it could have happened at any time of day/night. Now we are going to have metal detectors

at the movies.

To your comment I have 2 things to say:

1. Its too bad the PD didn't get the chance to put this animal down. While we all hope that no law enforcement officer ever has to fire his weapon in the course of duty, but in this case, it would have been justice done simply.

2. In CT there is no law against carrying a legally possessed weapon into a movie theater. Without getting into the huge gun control debate that will inevitably come out in the next few days (though it apparently already has) or "what if'ing" the specifics of this incident, theres nothing that prevents a permit holder from carrying in a theater in CT, not sure how you are in NY. Sure, the theater owner could say "no weapons on premises" and as a permit holder you would have to oblige, and they could get metal detectors, but LEGALLY there's nothing wrong with bringing your gun to a theater. Also, from the reports out right now (which of course may prove to be inaccurate) this guy had a shotgun and a rifle slung over his back. If you need a metal detector to find that, I'd recommend a good optician.

To the issue at hand here:

My heart goes out to the victims of this tragedy as well as their friends and families, and of course the first responders who I'm sure went through Hell trying to get this under control. It looks like the EOD and Tactical teams are still trying to render safe some IEDs at the suspect's house, wishing those guys a safe trip downrange. One of my classmates from Anniston is a Lieutenant with Denver Paramedics, I'm waiting to hear back if he was there and doing okay. This area not being any stranger to incidents of mass murder, I'm sure they have all the necessary CISD resources in the area to help these guys get through this emotionally. I'm sure this community will come back even stronger than ever, but we definitely need to stand with them now.

But what, to me, is one of the most disturbing parts of this entire tragedy is that within TWELVE HOURS, individuals with their political agenda have already opened their stupid, uninformed mouths and given their opinion on who is to blame and how we should prevent this type of thing from happening, etc. The FBI and police haven't even finished interrogating the guy yet and already these talking heads and political sycophants are going to give us "expert analysis" on what went through the mind of the shooter. There's something fundamentally wrong the modern media when their editors are willing to spew that kind of nonsense before the incident is even OVER. That is wrong, and we as a society need to let these people know that we aren't going to accept this kind of "reporting" (and I use that term very lightly.) There's just no such thing as responsible journalism anymore.

JM15, helicopper, 2231* and 3 others like this

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OK off topic for a sec.

I'm not a gun owner or a member of the NRA, but I am a supporter of the United States Constitution which states in it's 2nd Amendment that we Americans have the right to bear arms. Remember one of the first thing the Nazis did when they took power in the interest of "public safety" was to ban private gun ownership and confiscate all the privately owned firearms they could get their hands on (except their own of course). And while I'm also not much of a conspiracy theorist, Obama and company, hell all of Washington's "elite" as far as I'm concerned, do seem to be aiming at a police state. I'll gladly bear the horrors of our violent nation and the freedoms we have left in spite of them over the "safety" of a gun free police state any day.

Just my 2cents...sorry to go off topic.

Edited by FFPCogs
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Dispatch tapes from the incident. I hereby nominate this woman for the Dispatcher's Hall of Fame. Incredible.

Strange how long it took for them to get EMS units though, 10+ minutes in and the PD Commander is saying he's only got one ambulance on scene. As I recall greater Denver has one of the better "tactical paramedic" progams in the country.

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It would depend how many tac medics were on call/working or if they had to be recalled, and depends on their SOP's whether they can operate as a stand-alone tac medic provider or if they have to be attached to the tactical team, which is more then likely an on-call team which takes time to assemble.

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It would depend how many tac medics were on call/working or if they had to be recalled, and depends on their SOP's whether they can operate as a stand-alone tac medic provider if they have to be attached to the tactical team, which is more then likely an on-call team which takes time to assemble.

Good point, didn't really think of that.

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And people wonder why I carry a firearm to go food shopping....

JJB, well said sir! Ya NEVER know when you may be faced with a bad situation and personally, I'll like having the odds stacked in my corner. A firearm may not be the end-all, say-all, but I'd much rather have one than not!

RIP to the victims

Thoughts and prayers with the wounded, the affected families and the first responders.

Rotting in hell would be to easy for this skell. Cruel and unusual punishment would be fitting, too bad we're too liberal.

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You're absolutely right BFD, the firearm itself is not the end-all, say-all; more significant is the hands that possess that firearm. A firearm in the hands of an individual who is proficient in its use can change the course of events with just one well placed round. When engaging an armed individual, the most effective way to end the fight is by placing accurate and effective gunfire on the perpetrator... the firearm itself might as well be a water gun if you can't utilze it to its maximum effectiveness through consistent and continual training.

I sometimes shake my head at Police Officers who go to the range twice a year for on-the-job qualifications and don't bother training on their own the rest of the year. When the bell rings and you're engaging an armed perp in a gunfight, you just entered the big leagues. You think Major League baseball players go to the batting cage twice a year? PGA golfers go to the driving range twice a year? I never understood the rationale of going to the range just twice a year.

If you're legally allowed to possess a firearm it's "better to have and not need, then to need and not have".

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I give the PD credit for not shooting this guy dead on the spot!!! They should not alow people to wear costums or dress up to these movie screening and stop the midnight showings, i know it could have happened at any time of day/night. Now we are going to have metal detectors

at the movies.

Calm down, This could have happened any time of the day It wasn't like someone had issues with mid night showings. The shooter was a nut case.

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When this first hit the news, an anti-gun friend of mine said "what type of person takes a gun to a movie theater?"

My reply: "I do from now on"...

JJB531 makes a great point with regards to CCW on.

2231*, Westfield12, BFD1054 and 1 other like this

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I give the PD credit for not shooting this guy dead on the spot!!! They should not alow people to wear costums or dress up to these movie screening and stop the midnight showings, i know it could have happened at any time of day/night. Now we are going to have metal detectors

at the movies.

Its funny, I have the almost exact opposite opinion. I am not, nor should any one else be afraid of incidents like this. You never see mass murders at comic-con, and at comic-con there are probably 100 times as many people dressed up in costume or in character. This incident was the work of one crazed individual in one specific location, I bet this was one of only a few acts of violence at all of the thousands of movie premiers last night. This could have happened anywhere in the US and anywhere in the world. I do not nor will not let mad men like this nutcase ruin my fun. I will walk with my head high in the movies tonight unafraid, I will not be intimidated by the crazies in life and neither should you.

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And while I'm also not much of a conspiracy theorist, Obama and company, hell all of Washington's "elite" as far as I'm concerned, do seem to be aiming at a police state.

Care to elaborate?

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Care to elaborate?

Obviously a different topic than the shooting in CO but the acceleration of aerial drone surveillance programs of American citizens on American soil, similar to what is done in Pakistan, Yemen, Iran, North Korea, Somalia, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan does come to mind when police state is mentioned....

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You're absolutely right BFD, the firearm itself is not the end-all, say-all; more significant is the hands that possess that firearm. A firearm in the hands of an individual who is proficient in its use can change the course of events with just one well placed round. When engaging an armed individual, the most effective way to end the fight is by placing accurate and effective gunfire on the perpetrator... the firearm itself might as well be a water gun if you can't utilze it to its maximum effectiveness through consistent and continual training.

I sometimes shake my head at Police Officers who go to the range twice a year for on-the-job qualifications and don't bother training on their own the rest of the year. When the bell rings and you're engaging an armed perp in a gunfight, you just entered the big leagues. You think Major League baseball players go to the batting cage twice a year? PGA golfers go to the driving range twice a year? I never understood the rationale of going to the range just twice a year.

If you're legally allowed to possess a firearm it's "better to have and not need, then to need and not have".



I didnt want to get into a gun debate as its a sensitive subject to some.

But TRUST me, I am with you 100% with you and your feelings as an LEO, as well as a fellow pro-gunner.

I will send you a PM when I get a chance.

Stay safe

Edited by BFD1054

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Obviously a different topic than the shooting in CO but the acceleration of aerial drone surveillance programs of American citizens on American soil, similar to what is done in Pakistan, Yemen, Iran, North Korea, Somalia, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan does come to mind when police state is mentioned....

Your right, "obviously a different topic," without any real tangents to the discussion at hand, so I guess I still don't see the connection, but I'm hoping FFCogs can make it for me when he returns.

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First 16 min of dispatch tapes. God bless the officers and other first responders walking into this ghastly scene! My hats off to the dispatcher in the tape. Cannot beleive how she was able to handle all the radio chaos!

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Also FD/EMS radio traffic:

Edited by OoO
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R.I.P. to all the victims and my condolences to all involved and the families.

Not to start a different topic, I am curious does anyone know if these are Career, Volly, and or Combi departments?

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Also FD/EMS radio traffic:

Amazing audio! More shocking than the PD audio I posted. Excellent example of the ICS system in operation as well.

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R.I.P. to all the victims and my condolences to all involved and the families.

Not to start a different topic, I am curious does anyone know if these are Career, Volly, and or Combi departments?

All career, at least Aurora, Littleton, and Denver. Aurora is the 3rd largest City in Colorado, roughly 300,000 people. The Aurora Fire Department has 15 fire stations that cover approximately 152 square miles and serve approximately 325,000 citizens. Along with providing ISO class 2 Fire Protection, the Aurora Fire Department also provides advanced life support with paramedic engine companies, a full response Hazardous Materials Team, and a well equipped Technical Rescue Team. The Star of Life in front of the stations below show which stations provide paramedic service. Located in the Aurora Fire Department's 15 stations are 14 Engine companies, 4 Ladder/Truck companies, 3 Battalion Chiefs, 1 Hazardous Materials Response vehicle, 1 Heavy Rescue, 3 Brush Trucks, and many more miscellanous support vehicles to provide the highest level of service to our citizens.

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