
Trooper takes out wrong way driver on interstate

5 posts in this topic

I thought some of you would appreciate this story and video. It happened a few weeks ago and now their releasing the cruiser cam footage:

I was the third of fourth vehicle back in the intersection Tr.Cropper last passed through to re-enter I-295 just before hitting the vehicle "head-on". At first my GF and I thought the officer was going to a call and taking a lot of risk given his speed and route of travel through surface streets in Portland, only to see just 30-45 seconds later he had crashed on the opposite side of the highway. As we passed he was out checking the passenger of the car he'd hit. We thought he had attempted to reverse directions and hit an innocent motorist. The next morning the news reported the motorists was an elderly male travelling northbound in the southbound lane in by far the busiest area of interstate in Maine. Had the man made it just another 500 yards he'd enter a winding bridge area where three lanes of traffic come southbound at 50 mph. No exit and no room during a very busy traffic time. It proved to me, yet again that when you don't have the whole story even firsthand observations can be misleading. Turned out no one suffered any injury of note and the elderly man agreed to surrender his license.

x4093k, JetPhoto, BFD1054 and 2 others like this

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Headsup and very courageous plus GREAT timing! You can see there's heavy traffic too.

I was involved in one of these (as a bystander, though the first to call 911) on the Bruckner Expy near 149th St early one AM years ago. That one didn't have a happy ending. Not at all. :(

I believe a Westchester County PO did something similar on the BRP not too long ago.

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WOW Quick thinking and great timing add in a little luck, and that Trooper just earned his years salary.

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Extremely courageous is to say the least. He understood the risks and put himself in harms way to protect not only other motorists but the wrong way driver as well. Purely a fine example of a state trooper, the state of Maine and all its residents should be extremely proud to have this gentlemen protect them.

Edited by FFFORD
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