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Glenham - Trailer Fire 7/16/12

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Date: 7/16/12

Time: 15:52

Location: 12 Bob Ln

Frequency: 453.900, 453.925, 453.800, 453.050, 155.415, Fishkill PD trunk

Units Operating: Glenham 43-1, 43-31, 43-11, 43-12, Castle Point 91-11, Rombout 62-11, CC-17, MLSS 253, Fishkill town PD, Village of Fishkill FD

Weather Conditions: 90 partly cloudy

Description Of Incident: Mobile Home Fire

Reporters: JETPHOTO

15:52 Glenham with Castle Point FAST for an active trailer fire, multiple calls

15:54 Mobile Life dispatched due to multiple EMS calls in the area

- Glenham 43-11 ,43-31, Castle Point 91-11, CC-17 responding

15:55 Glenham 43-1 request a fireground, Ch. 5 & 6 assigned

15:58 MLSS 253 responding

15:59 Glenham 43-11 on the scene working fire

- Glenham command req Rombout with 1 engine & manpower to the scene

16:00 Castle Point 91-11 on scene

- Rombout dispatched

- Glenham 43-12 responding

16:03 Glenham 43-61 & Rombout 62-11 responding

16:05 Command reports fire knocked down

- Request Central Hudson to the scene

16:09 Command request ems for 1 firefighter with smoke inhalation & 1 for rehab

16:18 Command request station coverage, Rombout with an engine dispatched

16:19 MLSS 253 on the scene

16:25 Rombout 62-12 relocating to Glenham

16:27 Command reports fire out overhaul in progress

16:28 Rombout request Village of Fishkill go on stand-by in quarters

16:47 62-11 in service

17:15 Per Rombout release Fishkill

17:37 Command reports Glenham 43-12, Castle Point 91-11 in service, Rombout 62-12 released

18:17 All units clear

Edit - Added additional information

Edited by JetPhoto
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