New Rochelle considers fire department consolidation study

49 posts in this topic

Ok Barry then go after the county sewer tax !!! We don't need no stinking flush toilets !!!!!! Out house were good enough for my great grandparents.

I don't know about you, but I've yet to see an outhouse that can handle the volume of crap coming out of my city hall...

Bnechis, firedude, sueg and 2 others like this

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As the husband of a teacher, if people truly want to save on taxes, then go after neither the Board of Education nor the fire or police service: go after politicians.

Hi Tommy,

This isn't directed at you personally.

What's up with the "go after" mentality? I mean to a certain extent we've all bought into the rhetoric that has come from the political discourse. "Go after" has been ingrained in our collective thoughts as if there has to be some group that bears responsibility for the problems the country has been having.

Within every segment of our society there are people who obviously have taken advantage of others for their own greedy reasons. There is unfortunately corruption, greed, and cheating virtually everywhere. But it's never an entire group. Not even the bankers.

We as a society can begin to solve some of these problems when we can move past the "go after" entire segments of society; because they wear a uniform, or teach, or even work in the political world.

I've known some politicians who have incredible integrity. A fighter pilot during Vietnam (no not John McCain, never met him) who flew 200 sorties during the war. He entered politics to make a difference, to help people. In the same way cops and firemen help people. In the same way teachers help people.

The answer to solving the problems that our society is having is to utilize and respect the solutions that smart people have come up with. For instance the consolidation study of the south Westchester FDs.

No one group out there is the "enemy." I think we should all try to keep that in mind. We all want the problems our country is having to be solved. Let's just be smart about it. It can be done.

Have a great day.

Bnechis, JFLYNN, ny10570 and 3 others like this

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Politicians as a collective. Our country is broken and its leadership needs to be refreshed.

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My humble opinion is that Pelham Manor and Pelham should combine, it should have been done a long time ago. They are too small to operate as two departments. It will be interesting where this will go if anywhere. I also think that the career depts of southern westchester should combine with one or two volunteer companies that are well trained and equiped. In my opinion it just makes sence. For example its stupid that if an Eastchester engine is sitting a few hundred yards from houses in Mt. Vernon that it not role in an emergency just because those residences are in "the Vern" and there are many more examples like this. You could also argue that this could be done in N. Westchester as well as mostly volunteer. This would create more man power and better training. Combination is the tax saving answer of the future...this could also be considered for the town and villages PD's as well as the town and villages DPW's/. I also think that the school disctircts could be consolidated as well. One school district per town and get rid of the village school districts.

TL2L31, helicopper and sfrd18 like this

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Maybe the same disasterous way their trying to do it in Stamford. For the sake of NR and whoever, I sure as hell hope not!!

That makes it sound like you are against combining paid a volunteer departments?! Interesting

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That makes it sound like you are against combining paid a volunteer departments?! Interesting

I'm not at all against combining career and volunteer departments, as post after post on this site has clearly illustrated if you bother to actually read them, I'm just against the way politicians in Stamford want to go about it.

Now back to your regularly scheduled thread....

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I hereby make a motion to make EMTBravoStamford its own separate website so we don't have to suffer through this in every other thread that pops up.

Any second on the motion?

sueg, BIGRED1, 210 and 4 others like this

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<br />

I hereby make a motion to make EMTBravoStamford its own separate website so we don't have to suffer through this in every other thread that pops up.<br />

<br />

Any second on the motion?<br />

<br />

<br />

</p>What, are you kidding, two more replys and I get a toaster!

efdcapt115, SageVigiles and sfrd18 like this

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If this were to happen, will the residence of XYZ department be bumped to The City of New Rochelles residecy list if they took the New Rochelle Firefighter exam a few months ago? Or will XYZ still hire from the Westchester County Towns and Villages lists?

Edited by roofsopen19

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If this were to happen, will the residence of XYZ department be bumped to The City of New Rochelles residecy list if they took the New Rochelle Firefighter exam a few months ago? Or will Pelham still hire from the Westchester County Towns and Villages lists?<br />

Come on, They are just talking about the possibility of authorizing a study. They have not even started talking to the other municipality yet. Let not start talking about what drapes to buy or the lettering on the trucks yet!

210, efdcapt115, ny10570 and 1 other like this

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If I'm not mistaken doesn't Eng 22 and l2 respond to nrfd mutual aid calls.

I guess we can answer the above questions as Pelham caught a job this morning:

From the EMT Bravo IA

(Note, I did not listen to this incident live. Info below is from

01:13 hrs: M/A New Rochelle E-23/L-13, Mount Vernon E-5/L-3 to the scene.

01:15 hrs: M/A Eastchester Engine and Greenville L-4 to cover Pelham.

01:19 hrs: Car 2361 requests re-tone for additional manpower.

01:22 hrs: Car 2361 reports fire appears to be K/D.

01:28 hrs: Car 2361 reports fire is K/D, checking for extension. Holding New Rochelle's M/A.


I guess you had better think about sprinklers for your house. Station 1 is a long way away.

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If this were to happen, will the residence of XYZ department be bumped to The City of New Rochelles residecy list if they took the New Rochelle Firefighter exam a few months ago? Or will Pelham still hire from the Westchester County Towns and Villages lists?<br />

Come on, They are just talking about the possibility of authorizing a study. They have not even started talking to the other municipality yet. Let not start talking about what drapes to buy or the lettering on the trucks yet!

Ok easy there handcuffs, Im just curious. Thanks for your constructive input.

LFD171 likes this

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Ok easy there handcuffs, Im just curious. Thanks for your constructive input.<br />

<br />

No problem, besides I have been retired so long I don’t remember if I still have a pair of handcuffs lying around.

Seriously, it depends on whether they set up a new district or they contract for services. If they contract, you may be out of luck. These and many other issues would have to be worked out in considering consolidation. But that is way, way, way down the road. Let’s just sit back and see how this plays out! I think if they move forward this could be another Stamford in the making. That means we may all get toasters!

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If this were to happen, will the residence of XYZ department be bumped to The City of New Rochelles residecy list if they took the New Rochelle Firefighter exam a few months ago? Or will XYZ still hire from the Westchester County Towns and Villages lists?

The NR hiring is under the control of the Federal Courts. Your questions is interesting but, the answer would have to be determined by the courts.

If this were to occur the town or village would not be hiring only the city, and the city can not use the T&V list.

Come on, They are just talking about the possibility of authorizing a study. They have not even started talking to the other municipality yet. Let not start talking about what drapes to buy or the lettering on the trucks yet!

Well said. I particularly like reflective drapes if they go on the rig :P

Since most studies cost between $30k and $75K how detailed will this study be at only $6k by an unknown local firm.

Seriously, it depends on whether they set up a new district or they contract for services. If they contract, you may be out of luck. These and many other issues would have to be worked out in considering consolidation. But that is way, way, way down the road.

Current state law does not allow consolidation between city's and a town or village. It also does not allow a city to have a fire district or be in a fire district. It does allow contracting of services.

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Since most studies cost between $30k and $75K how detailed will this study be at only $6k by an unknown local firm.

Someone who is a friend to city hall must need a quick 6K. Let's see what local firm has what connection to city hall ?????

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I guess we can answer the above questions as Pelham caught a job this morning:

From the EMT Bravo IA

(Note, I did not listen to this incident live. Info below is from

01:13 hrs: M/A New Rochelle E-23/L-13, Mount Vernon E-5/L-3 to the scene.

01:15 hrs: M/A Eastchester Engine and Greenville L-4 to cover Pelham.

01:19 hrs: Car 2361 requests re-tone for additional manpower.

01:22 hrs: Car 2361 reports fire appears to be K/D.

01:28 hrs: Car 2361 reports fire is K/D, checking for extension. Holding New Rochelle's M/A.


I guess you had better think about sprinklers for your house. Station 1 is a long way away.

The reason 23 and 13 went was that we (E 22, L12) spent most of the afternoon in Mt Vernon.Otherwise it most likely would have been 22 and 12.

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The reason 23 and 13 went was that we (E 22, L12) spent most of the afternoon in Mt Vernon.Otherwise it most likely would have been 22 and 12.

My tax dollars hard at work in the Vern and Pelham. Maybe I can get a bail out from Obama !!!!

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