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Southern Chester County EMS Medic 94

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SCCEMS is located at Jennersville Regional Hospital in West Grove, Chester County, PA. Their response area is the largest and most rural in the county, so their chase cars are usually stationed at various fire companies in their district, so it was pretty rare to get a shot of one of them at the hospital AND outside.

The newest unit, a 2013 Explorer, is behind 94 "A," but I couldn't get a good, unobstructed, shot.



firedude, JetPhoto, Sailr322 and 1 other like this

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What, are we going british or something? :P looks nice.. Thanks for sharing.

Sam P and EdAngiolillo like this

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That can't be a 2013, the body style changed in the 2011 MY to the more rounded version. Best it can be is 2010.

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Oooops , just realized you were talking about the roof line behind the 2010! It is such a good spy shot the subject is barely there.

peterose313 and EdAngiolillo like this

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@x4093k - I know some of SCCEMS's management and they take safety very seriously. While just about everyone else threw a couple chevrons on their equipment (new and older stock), 94 is the only service in the area to adopt the Battenberg pattern.

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