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What a shame...

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Take a look at this story. A horrible commentary on today's youth in my opinion. And it happened right here in New York.|topnews|text|Home

On the bright side, there seems to be an outpouring of support for this poor woman, including a fund set up through Indiegogo, which had set a goal of $5,000 to send this woman on a vacation. So far, it is at nearly $70,000 and rising, hopefully assuring this woman an early retirement.


Edited by INIT915
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It's extremely sad to see that this is the way that youth culture is going. I take personal shame as this strikes close to my home. The sad reality is now kids can get away with anything, and you CANNOT retaliate. And I will never say that it's because kids are getting smarter. THEY'RE NOT! It's because they're getting more manipulative, thus you can't discipline them the way they need to be. Heck, if I ever acted out like these kids did my father would have beat my @$$ to a bloody pulp!

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As of 0045 hrs on June 21, 2012 the total raised is $99,630

Impressive! :D

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Doesn't surprise me at all. Many kids today are disrespectful thanks to lack of discipline at home. I can't imagine what my parents would of done to me if I ever did that to someone, especially an elderly woman. I can tell you my son would of been lit up like a Xmas tree if he ever engaged in that kind of behavior.

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Doesn't surprise me at all. Many kids today are disrespectful thanks to lack of discipline at home. I can't imagine what my parents would of done to me if I ever did that to someone, especially an elderly woman. I can tell you my son would of been lit up like a Xmas tree if he ever engaged in that kind of behavior.

That echos one of the quote made by someone commenting on the story. It said something along the lines of "I'd be out of jail before my son was out of the hospital."

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Sorry but these kids have no respect and should not be allowed to return to the school (yes expelled) It's the only way to really get their attention.

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I heard a great discussion about this on the radio this morning.

I think its GREAT that the fund for her vacation is over $300,000.00, she definitely deserves it.

But is that the point? Throw money at it and all the sudden she's fine? Or are we as a society going to stand up and say "this is WRONG" and do something about it. These kids do need to be held accountable, as do their parents.

helicopper, FFFORD and sueg like this

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But is that the point? Throw money at it and all the sudden she's fine? Or are we as a society going to stand up and say "this is WRONG" and do something about it. These kids do need to be held accountable, as do their parents.

great point Alex. Exactly my thoughts

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So, as despicable as the 'youths' are and as deserving of as much condemnation as possible, how about a shoutout to their parents? Nice job raising some future participants in our legal system. If this is how they interact with a 68 y.o. woman while in Middle School, wait a few years, I'm sure we'll hear from them again.

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