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NYPD Shooting - Brooklyn

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A Brooklyn detective shot and killed an unarmed woman in a stolen car after she blew through three red lights, hit a minivan and tried to escape by driving in reverse, police said.

The incident unfolded about 5:40 p.m. in East Flatbush when two plainclothes narcotics cops spotted Shantel Davis, 23, at the wheel of a gray Toyota Camry she allegedly carjacked at gunpoint on June 5.

Great job detectives. Glad they were able to go home at the end of their shift.

Haggerty 1029, 210 and sfrd18 like this

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I feel bad for this cop, he is going to be persecuted by the animals he protects day in and day out from this animal he was forced to protect himself from. Just like that other Brother in the Bronx, he was in a life or death situation too. When someone runs from the police they are just plain old bad! This isnt 1995 anymore where you can run as a kid from the police, you must respect the order and follow it, when you don't you send a big red flag up to the cops. Look at that dope from New Rochelle that ran because he stole some tires. Guy kills his own brother and now is going to prison instead of Valhalla for a week or two.

If you bring this up to anyone who is anti-cop they will immediately blame the police, but why do they not bring up the fact that this criminal was putting the lives of everyone in danger with her actions? I just hope the Brooklyn DA's office is not as anti-cop as the Bronx, which if I was on that side of the fence I would not do a damn thing for them.

Rant over!

Danger, SageVigiles and gklein4 like this

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I can't believe people are crying for this woman....

...this is pretty simple, if u drive the car you stole at gunpoint through red lights, collide with a minivan, hit a cop with the car door and then try to drive away in reverse, you might get shot. Oh, and you're going to deserve it too.

It's that simple, without bringing in that this animal was headed to court Friday to face multiple violent felony charges. All of this and people still cry and are quoted as saying, "she had her whole life ahead of her". I'm going to speak for society and say that I'm glad her life was snuffed out!

JM15, Capejake72, firedude and 9 others like this

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This is so tragic, she was a sweetie pie, who was also due in court Friday on a kidnapping and attempted murder case stemming from a May 2011 attack. Sweetie pie my a**! If your a s*** bag, you car jack someone at gun point, run from police, get into an accident, then try running again, you may just wind up getting shot. God speed to the officer and making it through all this bullshit hes going to have to deal with.

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A Brooklyn detective shot and killed an unarmed woman in a stolen car after she blew through three red lights, hit a minivan and tried to escape by driving in reverse, police said.

The incident unfolded about 5:40 p.m. in East Flatbush when two plainclothes narcotics cops spotted Shantel Davis, 23, at the wheel of a gray Toyota Camry she allegedly carjacked at gunpoint on June 5.


Great job detectives. Glad they were able to go home at the end of their shift.

Wouldn't exactly call her unarmed. I've seen lots of damage and people killed with a stolen car

islander and BFD1054 like this

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Wouldn't exactly call her unarmed. I've seen lots of damage and people killed with a stolen car

She was armed...with the vehicle, dangerous instrument as per the NYS penal law. Some in the press have left out that she was in a stolen car that was reported as carjacked, and also she apparently had priors for kidnapping and attempted murder. Not a babe in the woods here it seems.

Have any media outlets posted the deceased's communion photo yet?

peterose313 and Danger like this

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NYC does not recognize a vehicle as a weapon, just ask the cops in the Bell case.

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NYC does not recognize a vehicle as a weapon, just ask the cops in the Bell case.

The NYPD doesn't recognize the vehicle alone being used against an MOS as DPF as per department policy in the Patrol Guide, I'm well aware of that, I kinda remember that test in the academy. My issue was with the media stating that she was unarmed. This case (so far), the Bell case, and even the Pleasantville case all appear to be "clean" uses of DPF, within the PL, case law, and even job policy.

NYS PL 10.13

13. "Dangerous instrument" means any instrument, article or substance,

including a "vehicle" as that term is defined in this section, which,

under the circumstances in which it is used, attempted to be used or

threatened to be used, is readily capable of causing death or other

serious physical injury.

This Penal Law goes for the whole state....even NYC, contrary to the T/S operator from the 19th a few years ago (on unrelated nonsense) that told us Westchester bumpkins me (ex-transit) and my two colleagues (ex 19 and 26 pct's) that the "New York City Penal Code is totally different than what you guys have upstate". :rolleyes:

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I can't believe people are crying for this woman....

...this is pretty simple, if u drive the car you stole at gunpoint through red lights, collide with a minivan, hit a cop with the car door and then try to drive away in reverse, you might get shot. Oh, and you're going to deserve it too.

It's that simple, without bringing in that this animal was headed to court Friday to face multiple violent felony charges. All of this and people still cry and are quoted as saying, "she had her whole life ahead of her". I'm going to speak for society and say that I'm glad her life was snuffed out!

happy her life was snuffed out??

you must be a psychopathic sadist. i suggest you call a therapist first think tomorrow morning

the cop did what he thought was going to protect his life. a car is a lethal weapon. he shot in defense. it's unfortunate for the woman and the cop. how about the trash on this forum get some class...

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happy her life was snuffed out??

you must be a psychopathic sadist. i suggest you call a therapist first think tomorrow morning

the cop did what he thought was going to protect his life. a car is a lethal weapon. he shot in defense. it's unfortunate for the woman and the cop. how about the trash on this forum get some class...

You must have never worked in less than desirable neighborhood where the good guys (police/fire/ems) are looked upon as doing something wrong, and the jackass running around with multiple baby mamas, robbing people at gun point is looked upon as the local hero. She was driving a stolen car, had a rap sheet as long as my arm for things like kidnapping, and tried to kill a cop with a car, but I should feel pity for her. I think you know where I will tell you to go with that.

M' Ave, islander and JJB531 like this

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You must have never worked in less than desirable neighborhood where the good guys (police/fire/ems) are looked upon as doing something wrong, and the jackass running around with multiple baby mamas, robbing people at gun point is looked upon as the local hero. She was driving a stolen car, had a rap sheet as long as my arm for things like kidnapping, and tried to kill a cop with a car, but I should feel pity for her. I think you know where I will tell you to go with that.

do tell

the fact that one may be desensitized to this does not mean that one is not a sadist.

for the record, i have done the fd and ems and i have met some pretty nasty people. i have not done the pd simply because i don't want to. my point - cops complain about their jobs like little whiney girls. when you become a cop you make a decision to do so. if you don't like it then leave. clearly, some of the cops on this forum get a hard on from bonding over how much society hates you. society hates you because of the blue wall your unions have created to protect yours butts. case and point, if you stand behind the blue wall, you just became apart of the scum you swore to protect.

back to this person. i am neither anti-cop nor am i pro-cop. i never have a bias about cops, my opinion is strictly what i personally know about the many many many cops i know. but still, when society knows that you smile and/or laugh at dead perps, society will further judge you sadism.


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happy her life was snuffed out??

you must be a psychopathic sadist. i suggest you call a therapist first think tomorrow morning

the cop did what he thought was going to protect his life. a car is a lethal weapon. he shot in defense. it's unfortunate for the woman and the cop. how about the trash on this forum get some class...

Okay, thanks. Now I won't suffer sleepless nights wondering who I am. Sadist, check.

Now that we've covered that...yeah, I'm glad to see people, who do damage to society at large, get there's. If that lady car jacked your Camry at gunpoint, perhaps you'd be singing a different tune. Hey, maybe that minivan she crashed into could have been filled with your family. What if she slammed into a crowd of children headed home from school? Some people are just no good and when their transgressions get them killed, I don't shed a tear.

Okay, I'm finished. If this was a bit too much reality, you can head back to NeverNever Land now.

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There are parts of society that do hate us, plain and simple.. Ever seen a mother tell her young son "Don't talk to the cops, they the enemy." Seen it numerous times. How many times have you seen the local residents cheering as a cop is getting his a** kicked in a fight be the local neighborhood scumbag. Seen it. How many times have stuff (rocks, bottles,etc) been thrown at cops off of roof... I had a tricycle thrown off a 5 story building at me, just because I was wearing the uniform. Now remove the cop, substitute EMS. It happens, but not as much. Don't call us whiny, as you stage away in your nice little ambulance while we make it safe for you. I can't recall how many times I have had to back EMS and/or fire because someone couldn't control their mouth, and pissed off a patient, and now wanted to hide behind PD.

I don't think the "blue wall" really exists anymore, at least not in NYC. Its pretty much gone. As for the unions, that is their job, to protect their members both good and bad. The union can not look at a case and say "We are not touching this one" while they have been taking their dues. IAB goes to court to watch our testimony, and we have to justify we lost a case, especially with summonses now. Honest mistakes, and we loss vacation days. How many days have you lost or been threatened with for making a simple error on a ACR/PCR. Yeah that's what I thought, NONE

Edited by grumpyff
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You must have never worked in less than desirable neighborhood where the good guys (police/fire/ems) are looked upon as doing something wrong

Woah, do not lump EMS in there with you guys (you've seen our uniforms. FDNY EMT/Paramedic couldn't be any more clearly displayed without being in lights). They like us waaaay more than they like you.

In all seriousness; scum bags of all degrees and varieties frequently help us, hold doors, offer to carry equipment etc because we are there to help. We don't judge, arrest, or break things. We just solve problems. People not in their right mind (psychotic break or intoxicated) are a whole different animal and can't be included here as they're irrational and will even attack friends and family. No cop is getting a helping hand from the dealers outside the projects. Hell, they can't even get help solving the crimes they're accused of ignoring.

Every cop in every neighborhood wears body armor because people want to do them harm. Every year there are stories of officers being attacked out of nowhere simply because they're wearing a badge. FDNY EMS is issued ballistic/stab rated vests because one member several years ago was stabbed by a patient and his personally purchased vest was credited with saving his life. We are not required to wear them and in more then 40 years not a single EMT or Medic working for the city has been shot. Firefighters get some flack for "trashing" homes during overhaul, but are generally seen as heros and welcomed when they're responding to a call. Police officers are tasked with enforcing the written laws. By simply performing their job they are going to piss off everyone. The people who call them will never get help fast enough and the people they pursue will too often value their own freedom over the lives of those around them.

Now we all have locations and individuals that no matter who we are will be under attack. Airmail sounds cute and the onion that exploded next to us was kind of funny. The mini fridge that landed as we were fleeing was neither cute nor funny. Guess what, as we were fleeing an army of cops were charging in.

Anyone willing to take a car at gunpoint and then recklessly flee the police putting dozens of innocent civilian lives at risk is a piece of garbage and doesn't deserve to share this earth with the rest of us. There are plenty of cases where normal people wind up in bad situations that get them shot. Diallo and Henry are two cases that come to mind. She was not the victim of tragic circumstances, but a predator willing to put her selfish needs above the safety of those around her. We are better off without her. I only hope the involved officers can be as at peace with this as I am.

Edited by ny10570
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do tell

the fact that one may be desensitized to this does not mean that one is not a sadist.

for the record, i have done the fd and ems and i have met some pretty nasty people. i have not done the pd simply because i don't want to. my point - cops complain about their jobs like little whiney girls. when you become a cop you make a decision to do so. if you don't like it then leave. clearly, some of the cops on this forum get a hard on from bonding over how much society hates you. society hates you because of the blue wall your unions have created to protect yours butts. case and point, if you stand behind the blue wall, you just became apart of the scum you swore to protect.

back to this person. i am neither anti-cop nor am i pro-cop. i never have a bias about cops, my opinion is strictly what i personally know about the many many many cops i know. but still, when society knows that you smile and/or laugh at dead perps, society will further judge you sadism.


I'm going to go out on a limb and say that your service if any has been in a volunteer capacity in a fairly safe community ( NO I AM NOT KNOCKING THE VOLUNTEER SERVICE OR THOSE PEOPLE WHO WORK IN LOW CRIME AREAS) With that being said, you made some pretty bold statements about cops, and you base all of it on the " many,many,many " cops you know so I guess you know a lot of the 800,000 law enforcement officers in this country to make such statements.

You have the balls to call people trash and then come on here with your backward, ignorant rambling diatribe about cops when in reality, I bet you wouldn't have the stones to be a cop, or your couldn't pass the psych.

I am a proud cop and a proud union member and I am proud to stand in the blue line with my brothers and sisters all over the country.

The only person I see on this forum acting like a little whiney girl is you, whining about your hatred for the cops.

You know what seperates cops from other people ? It's the fact that even though you come on here and slag us, if you needed help, every cop on these forums would lay down his life in defense of yours because that is the risk that we acknowledged when we took that job.

As far as the brothers in Brooklyn that were forced to shoot this woman, I say they did a great job, they protected themselves and the community from a criminal that was showing hostility and aggression and was posing a huge risk not only to the cops but to the community.

As far as cops laughing as dead perps, etc... cops utilize gallows humor as a way to deal with a stressful situation, it may not look or sound nice but it is a tried and true method of calming your nerves after an intense situation and has nothing to do with being desensitised or cruel.

islander, grumpyff, FFFORD and 5 others like this

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I can't believe people are crying for this woman....

...this is pretty simple, if u drive the car you stole at gunpoint through red lights, collide with a minivan, hit a cop with the car door and then try to drive away in reverse, you might get shot. Oh, and you're going to deserve it too.

It's that simple, without bringing in that this animal was headed to court Friday to face multiple violent felony charges. All of this and people still cry and are quoted as saying, "she had her whole life ahead of her". I'm going to speak for society and say that I'm glad her life was snuffed out!

I agree she had a criminal record AND more importantly was actively disobeying lawful orders and resisting arrest. Was she an upstanding citizen? Abseutely not. Did she deserve to go to jail? Most likely. Did she deserve to die? Abselutely not. I in no way condone the protests in their current form (simply anti NYPD, anti government, anti law, anti white.) but I do know that attitudes as callous, short sighted, and downright stupid as yours are exactly the reason why the NYPD can not overcome the extreme mistrust from the minority community. You mention what if it was your family that she carjacked, an excellent try on the other boot. What if if it was your family member dead? I would hazard the guess both you, and her family would rather have an incacerated loved one rather than a dead one. My point is, regardless of the circumstances (which in this case do not seem clear cut as to the reason behind the weapon discharge) the death is tragic; everyone is someone's daughter, mother sister etc. You don't have to agree with her life, or even be sad about her death, but if you're in public service at least be aware of how imflamotory comments such as that are rarely useful, or safe for the brothers and sisters dealing with the aftermath.

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Without repeating the sentiments of GrumpyFF, M'Ave, and Crime Cop.... I will say that unless you put on that shield and gun belt every day and deal with the outlandish nature of working as a police officer in an urban environment, then we don't care about what anyone has to say about what a police officer says about an individual who attempts to kill one of our brother or sister police officers.

Did she deserve to die? She made that decision for herself... it wasn't the "trigger happy Po-Po". When she chose to flee the police in a stolen vehicle, refused to surrender to the police when ordered, and then placed two police officers in harms way with a moving vehicle, she asked for it and the police delivered, plain and simple. If she didn't deserve to die, then she should have just stopped the vehicle, shut it off, and exited the vehicle when ordered to by the Police, period.

Did she deserve to go to jail... you answered most likely? Most likely? How about definitely. She was driving a stolen vehicle that the owner positively identified her as the one who stole the vehicle at gunpoint. Doesn't get much more clear cut then that.

Bunch of Monday Morning Quarterbacks who have never walked a beat... someone threatens the life of a police officer, they DESERVE what they have coming to them because THEY asked for it.

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Without repeating the sentiments of GrumpyFF, M'Ave, and Crime Cop.... I will say that unless you put on that shield and gun belt every day and deal with the outlandish nature of working as a police officer in an urban environment, then we don't care about what anyone has to say about what a police officer says about an individual who attempts to kill one of our brother or sister police officers.

Did she deserve to die? She made that decision for herself... it wasn't the "trigger happy Po-Po". When she chose to flee the police in a stolen vehicle, refused to surrender to the police when ordered, and then placed two police officers in harms way with a moving vehicle, she asked for it and the police delivered, plain and simple. If she didn't deserve to die, then she should have just stopped the vehicle, shut it off, and exited the vehicle when ordered to by the Police, period

Did she deserve to go to jail... you answered most likely? Most likely? How about definitely. She was driving a stolen vehicle that the owner positively identified her as the one who stole the vehicle at gunpoint. Doesn't get much more clear cut then that.

Bunch of Monday Morning Quarterbacks who have never walked a beat... someone threatens the life of a police officer, they DESERVE what they have coming to them because THEY asked for it.

Try reading again. I never suggested that her actions were not wrong or unlawful, and I fully agree she should have complied with any lawful order that was given. I said most likely because she had not yet been convicted, an arrest being the first step to a nice long stay in a state sponsored facility. You'll find that I did not question the officer's actions, what I quesitoned was the "monday mornning quaterbacking" by fellow officers. Can you, or anyone please enlighten me as to how officers coming off as judge, jury and executioner with comments like yours is helpful to preventing a situation like this from happening again, or as I asked earlier, keep the officers safe?

Edited by nycemt728

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Nothing I say, or what any other police officer says for that matter, whether good or bad, is going to prevent a situation like this from happening again. People are going to do what THEY choose to do, and when someone make a conscious decision to flee the police, endanger the lives of everyone around them, and then endanger the lives of two Police Officers, they are going to reap what they sow.

It's pretty simple, when a Police Officer is pointing a firearm at you and is ordering you to get out of your vehicle, YOU DO IT! Call it common sense, call it respect for law enforcement, call it whatever you want. When YOU choose to ignore a police officer's lawful orders and then try to continue to flee placing the officer in fear for his/her life, YOU just bought the ticket for the show.

I'm going to stand by my comments as Judge, Jury, and Executioner in this case because the FACTS appear to me to be evidently clear as to what transpired. In this case, the ONLY REASON this individual is deceased is because of the decisions SHE MADE, no one else.

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society hates you because of the blue wall your unions have created to protect yours butts. case and point, if you stand behind the blue wall, you just became apart of the scum you swore to protect.

A classic example of the suicide of our society, for those, mostly over 50, who can still recognize the collective insanity. Let's take a step back and look at the "big picture":

Participant #1: Ms. Sweetie Pie (as described by relatives): Out on bail for "kidnapping, attempted murder and weapons possession" after shooting the alleged robbery victim 5 times in the back. Was currently driving a car stolen in an armed carjacking, evading police in the car chase, exhibiting total disregard for all the innocents she might kill during this chase. Knocks one officer down with a door, and struggles with the other as she places the car into gear to drive away again with the officer partially in the car: OUTRAGE against Ms. Sweetie Pie: Practically non-existant, except for a few old right wing crazies.

Participant #2:

NYPD Officer: As per his sworn duty is pursuing a vehicle stolen in an armed carjacking. Car crashes, partner is knocked to the ground (likely for reasons unknown to him at that instant in time, struggling with the driver as the car is placed back into gear in an attempt to move again. Gun discharges.

OUTRAGE against NYPD Officer:

Near Universal in the Press, Academia and streets, including such superior rocket scientists as EMSer.

Hope for our society: Nil.

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Nothing I say, or what any other police officer says for that matter, whether good or bad, is going to prevent a situation like this from happening again. People are going to do what THEY choose to do, and when someone make a conscious decision to flee the police, endanger the lives of everyone around them, and then endanger the lives of two Police Officers, they are going to reap what they sow.

It's pretty simple, when a Police Officer is pointing a firearm at you and is ordering you to get out of your vehicle, YOU DO IT! Call it common sense, call it respect for law enforcement, call it whatever you want. When YOU choose to ignore a police officer's lawful orders and then try to continue to flee placing the officer in fear for his/her life, YOU just bought the ticket for the show.

I'm going to stand by my comments as Judge, Jury, and Executioner in this case because the FACTS appear to me to be evidently clear as to what transpired.

That's where you're wrong. In public service, a good percentage of what we do is apperarance i.e. even if we can not help a person, if we appear to do so either because we've made an effort or at least empathized with the defuses the situation. Now, before you get on me about being all touchy feeling with a criminal who threatened the life of a cop and doesn't deserve that, that is not what I am suggesting. What I am suggesting is sound judgement in attitudes and comments in view of the public. I'll say it again, everyone should obey all lawful orders given by police officers, but as you can clearly see, (or perhaps not) that willingness to obey orders is the problem. Now, while I agree much of that can be attributed to a hardcore criminal element, there is a portion of that that can be attributed to mistrust of the police, The former you are abselubtely right, nothing anyone does or says will change that, the latter however, may be maleable with work and the elimitaiton of comments that encourage that mistrust. While you may stand by your comments, unfortunately none of those three truly fit the job of police officer.

Adlere21, can you back up your statements? All the media I've seen seems to be placing any outrage squarely away from the officer, academia likewise.

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Sometimes people need to hear the cold hard truth that they need to be held accountable for their own actions, PERIOD. Everyone today, especially individuals who are associated with criminal elements, always love to place the blame on everyone else.. it's never their fault... it's always the police officer or someone elses fault. I have no problem calling it like I see it, and I'll say it again, if you try to kill or injure a cop, you DESERVE what you have coming to you, as long as it is justified within the use of force continuum outlined in the Criminal Procedure Law.

When you deal with certain individuals in society, this "appearance" stuff sounds good, and is usually done as a political move by higher-ups to quell the political firestorm that follows these incidents... unfortuntely though instead of quelling things, certain groups see our silence and willingness to "apologize" or be "understandable" as a sign of weakness, and then they exploit that perceived weakness, and you know what ends up happening then? More cops get killed and hurt. Don't believe me, ask any seasoned police officer who works in a busy urban department.

I don't need you to tell me about the concept of Judge, Jury, and Executioner doesn't fit the job of a police officer. The concept of Judge, Jury, and Executioner is related to my opinion towards individuals who attempt to kill or injure another cop. I go out there every night, treat people with respect and fairness, and have never had a civilian complaint lodged against me. But playing Mr. Nice is often perceived as weakness by hardcore criminals... goes back to what I said about the whole exploitation of a police officers perceived weakness... and if I have to hurt someones feelings to get my point across that I am not going to be taken advantage of, then so be it.

You have no idea what it's like to be a police officer in some of these neighborhoods. I don't care if you have family who are cops. I don't care if you have friends who are cops. Until you put on that uniform and walk a patrol post and put up with the crap, the absolute outright crap police officers have to deal with from an ungrateful public who they protect and serve, in my opinion you will continue to be severely misguided.

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Adlere21, can you back up your statements? All the media I've seen seems to be placing any outrage squarely away from the officer, academia likewise.

Can I "backup my statements"? Will a dozen copied and pasted headlines and URL's in this forum convince you of the "tone" of the news reports I clearly see? Of course not. You see something entirely see a presumed innocent unarmed woman gunned down by cowboy cops. That is my point PRECISELY! We see the world in polar opposites! Some decades ago, people would see the actions of a "Ms. Sweetie Pie" and were outraged by HER BEHAVIOR! Yes! Can you imagine? Even BEFORE trial and conviction! All a person had to do is flee police after an armed carjacking, jeopardize hundreds of innocent Mothers and children on the street, then try to kill pursuing Cops, and society would be outraged! What a concept.....universal outrage at outrageous behavior....perhaps even discouraging further outrageous behavior in others via the collective outrage expressed. It's an ancient mechanism which used to encourage responsible, positive behavior in society.

No, I'm sorry, I can never "backup my statements" to your satisfaction since you see the world in a state "inverted" from my view. Go right ahead worshiping the bad guys (excuse me, the ALLEGED perpetrators with infinite rights and grievances) and demonizing the good guys, and enjoy whats coming as a result of that, because it is indeed coming.

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46 law enforcement officers have been killed in the line of duty so far this year. Four of these officers were killed by vehicular assault. Seventeen by gunfire, 3 were stabbed, and one died in a vehicle pursuit.

Here we have a police officer chasing a potentially armed suspect (as 17 other officers this year did) in a vehicle pursuit (as one other officer this year did) and when confronted he was almost run down by the suspect (as four other officers this year actually were).

In this case, the police officer persevered and will be home with his family this Father's Day. For 46 other families, they have lost their father, brother, sister, mother, son, daughter and will never celebrate another holiday with them. There is a difference between the police and everyone else that most will never understand because, as others have so clearly stated in this thread, you really have to experience it to understand.

Will I shed a tear or lose a wink of sleep because this violent felon lost her life in a battle with police? No, I will not. If you think that makes me a sadist or makes my union a criminal enterprise, you're deluded. This police officer will have to live with the fact that he took a human life in the course of his duties. That may or may not be easy for him. If you've never had to make that decision, you can't appreciate the gravity of it.

Did she "deserve" to die? I don't believe she did but again, as has been pointed out here already, she set the wheels in motion (forgive the pun) that resulted in her death. There were a dozen different ways that her death could have been avoided, all under her control so she could be in jail right now instead of the ME's Office. She chose the path that resulted in here death.

If anyone thinks that empathy will defuse a violent situation that has already escalated into the realm of physical violence and assault, you're sorely mistaken. That ship has sailed! You don't bring a knife to a gunfight and you don't try to reason with someone who is actively trying to take your life. It's a bitter reality but until society changes and abides by those pesky little things called LAWS, we're going to have police officers enforcing the laws, sometimes using physical force to do so.

It's an imperfect world.

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Something that often gets lost in fatal police shootings... Police Officers are not trained to kill. We shoot until the threat is stopped. We are trained to shoot at center mass of the subject using or about to use deadly physical force against another. We shoot for center mass, as it is most likely the largest target presented to us, and hopefully the easiest to hit, and hopefully prevent the round from penetrating through the perp and continuing down range. If center mass is just the head, so be it. If the person happens to suffer a fatal injury, so be it.

Remember shooting incidents are extremely stressful. Adrenaline is pumping. Despite your training a police officer during the shooting will most likely loose fine motor skills, develop tunnel vision, loose sense of time (time slows down/speeds up), loose of hearing, blurred vision, and possibly bladder control due to the fight or flight nature of human beings. Hopefully the involved officer will revert to their training. Draw the weapon, acquire the front sight, squeeze the trigger smoothly if possible. All from motor memory drilled into the officer during the academy and bi-annual refesher training.

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Can I "backup my statements"? Will a dozen copied and pasted headlines and URL's in this forum convince you of the "tone" of the news reports I clearly see? Of course not. You see something entirely see a presumed innocent unarmed woman gunned down by cowboy cops. That is my point PRECISELY! We see the world in polar opposites! Some decades ago, people would see the actions of a "Ms. Sweetie Pie" and were outraged by HER BEHAVIOR! Yes! Can you imagine? Even BEFORE trial and conviction! All a person had to do is flee police after an armed carjacking, jeopardize hundreds of innocent Mothers and children on the street, then try to kill pursuing Cops, and society would be outraged! What a concept.....universal outrage at outrageous behavior....perhaps even discouraging further outrageous behavior in others via the collective outrage expressed. It's an ancient mechanism which used to encourage responsible, positive behavior in society.

No, I'm sorry, I can never "backup my statements" to your satisfaction since you see the world in a state "inverted" from my view. Go right ahead worshiping the bad guys (excuse me, the ALLEGED perpetrators with infinite rights and grievances) and demonizing the good guys, and enjoy whats coming as a result of that, because it is indeed coming.

Yes, url's would have satisfied me. Since you assumed a great deal about me, I'll assume that the articles don't exist or you simply don't wish to provide them because they don't support your claim. I'm not sure what you are upset about, because if you took a second and re-read what I had written you'll see that I said that I thought that most of the newspaper articles spent of their time highlighting the deceased criminal activities as opposed to trashing the officers. As for the rest of your statement, it's offbase and rather insulting. I NEVER glorified any criminal, and I most definitely did not demonize any police officers. I never referred to the cops as cowboys, I never referred to the perp as innocent or defended her actions in any way. I agree with Helicopper and the others, she most definitely set in motion the events that ultimately led to her death. I barely referred to the incident at all because quite frankly I don't have any issue with it. Personally, her actions are dispicible and anyone who resists should be taken down....with as much force as needed to ensure the arrest and everyone's safety. My issue is soley with statements such as she got what she deserved, or i'm glad she died. Those sort of statements do not serve anyone, anytime. Let me make it clear b/c apparently it has not been thus far, I was always and continue to refer to comments made post incident...not on scene, I am not saying treat a perp to a happy meal in the hopes they'll stop committing crimes and obey orders. Far from it, if anyone remembers the Sgt that was unfortunately filmed a month ago in Harlem, I think that was great and some folks need to be told in such a manner. And since someone felt the need to bring it up, I do have friends and family serving as officers, I respect what they do and hope they are safe each and every time they put on the uniform.

Edited by nycemt728

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Why is it all Law Enforcement Officials seem to always be Guilty until provent Innocent but the Skells are always given the benefit of the doubt? She paved her own destiny and Im not goin to lose any sleep over this degenerate's loss. Screw her!

Just a guy, grumpyff and 210 like this

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nycemt, are you kidding me about the media coverage of this incident? Every media outlet has highlighted the story as "NYPD shoots unarmed woman". Instead, how about "NYPD Shoots Career Criminal Who Attempted to Run Over 2 Cops".

BFD1054 likes this

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Here you go. Are any of these stories pro cop?

All shootings are thoroughly investigated and when warranted go before a grand jury. In the February shooting of a teenager in the Bronx they came back with an indictment. We'll see what actually happened in court and justice will hopefully be served. Just as the family is forever scarred by the loss the officer even if completely exonerated still had be to dragged through the press, arrested, and put through a murder trial. If he's guilty the family still lost their child and now the officers family loses theirs and the NYPD catches another black eye. No matter what your perspective, best case scenario everyone loses all because the officer was doing his job. A job for which he makes less than 60k per year and takes home less than 40k.

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In NYC all shootings involving police officers actually shooting someone go before a grand jury

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