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Space Shuttle Enterprise Enroute to the Intrepid

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Believe it or not, one of the wing tips was damaged recently since being placed onto a barge and the Intrepid supposedly just threw a coat of paint on it to hide it. I saw photos of the damage on twitter.

Edited by peterose313

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does anyone know why the thrusters are covered by the cone shaped thing on the end?

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to prevent anyone from sticking their head in or climbing in. From what I've seen in photos in the past apparently their must be some toxic stuff in the engines. It's also put on during transports on planes to make it more aerodynamic.

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Believe it or not, one of the wing tips was damaged recently since being placed onto a barge and the Intrepid supposedly just threw a coat of paint on it to hide it. I saw photos of the damage on twitter.

Some foam was knocked off the wing tip when a sudden 35 knot gust of wind pushed the Enterprise into a wooden pier as it was towed under a bridge. It was painted to protect the exposed metal and will be repaired at a later date.

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Believe it or not, one of the wing tips was damaged recently since being placed onto a barge and the Intrepid supposedly just threw a coat of paint on it to hide it. I saw photos of the damage on twitter.


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OK...we pulled a fast one on my 9 year old today..he got to play hookie, but we surprised him by going down to the Intrepid to watch this whole show...and him being a plane nut - it was awesome. He aspires to do time as a Navy jet pilot before becoming a Captain of a Tower Ladder...I only hope it all comes true for him.

Here are our pics - taken by either my wife or me with a small point and shoot with a decent zoom....

The procession and the FDNY 343




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Some foam was knocked off the wing tip when a sudden 35 knot gust of wind pushed the Enterprise into a wooden pier as it was towed under a bridge. It was painted to protect the exposed metal and will be repaired at a later date.

Here's the shuttle hitting the actual bridge.

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