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How Do "Electronic Cigarettes" Factor Into Your Department?

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Apparently, these "electronic cigarettes" are becoming wildly popular.

So, I have a couple of questions.

What exactly are these devices and how do they work?

Can the pose a fire hazard like a regular cigarette?

And, for smoker, does it skate oveer our departments "No Smoking" policies or any other tobacco free initative?

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I do not smoke, except for the occasional cigar. One of the captains I used to drive had an E-Cigarrette. It was a battery powered cigarette that used a liquid nicotine cartridge. It emitted a vapor that had no odor (looked like steam). As far as I know, they tip does not get as hot as a regular cigarette, and some have a button that must be depressed to heat the liquid nicotine. Studies are inconclusive as to the health effects of the nicotine. No tobacco is present. This captain was a stickler for the rules, but he routinely "smoked it in the car". Never once smelled anything.

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The device works by heating an allotment of nicotine via a battery in the unit. The heating element is in the tobacco end of the unit while the nicotine cartridge is in the filter. This cartridge can be changed out when empty and replaced with different flavors or variety of tobacco. When the smoker inhales, a light on the tip lights up and nicotine and water vapor are inhaled.

From what I understand they are not a real fire risk as they do not really get hot and certainly do not stay hot, they are self contained and flameless.

A good friend of mine swore by them for like two weeks a few years ago.

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I read an article somewhere (cant find it now) about them blowing up in people's mouths

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I read an article somewhere (cant find it now) about them blowing up in people's mouths

Had one explode on a guy down here about six months ago. Messed his mouth and surrounding facial area up pretty good. Lost several teeth. I'm sure that law suit is already in motion.

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I have used one. I swear by them myself, especially if you're trying to quit the real ones. They emit water vapor as stated earlier. I haven't seen any issues with the explosion danger. As far as my office goes, one of my chiefs has already stated she doesn't want me using it in the building. Which really bothered me. It's not smoke, it's not all the extra carcinogens and crap found in real cigarettes. But, I will follow orders. So, instead of me puffing on it once or twice during the course of a few hours,where I don't leave the building and can still be a "productive" member of the workforce, I am forced to leave the building and puff outside.

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I have used one. I swear by them myself, especially if you're trying to quit the real ones. They emit water vapor as stated earlier. I haven't seen any issues with the explosion danger. As far as my office goes, one of my chiefs has already stated she doesn't want me using it in the building. Which really bothered me. It's not smoke, it's not all the extra carcinogens and crap found in real cigarettes. But, I will follow orders. So, instead of me puffing on it once or twice during the course of a few hours,where I don't leave the building and can still be a "productive" member of the workforce, I am forced to leave the building and puff outside.

I understand your chief's concern. There's a few people at the airport where I work that use them, and we tell those individuals to obey the rules as if it were a real cigarette, only to prevent 'actual' smokers from lighting up on the airfield. The theory behind this is that as long as people don't think they'll have the option, they won't break the rules.

I have used an E-cigarette in the past as well. Mine never exploded, but the atomizer (the heat conductor) did break apart on me.

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Niceville, FL. Sorry if there was a better way to attach this.


Edited by 210

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I understand your chief's concern. There's a few people at the airport where I work that use them, and we tell those individuals to obey the rules as if it were a real cigarette, only to prevent 'actual' smokers from lighting up on the airfield. The theory behind this is that as long as people don't think they'll have the option, they won't break the rules.

I have used an E-cigarette in the past as well. Mine never exploded, but the atomizer (the heat conductor) did break apart on me.

Understood, although I think there's a little apples and oranges going on between my workplace and yours.

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Remember when they used to sell "gum cigarettes"? Sold them in a box that looked just like Lucky Strikes. Kids like me, we used to puff out the powdered sugar inside the paper wrapper. A puff of "smoke", just like a cigarette, before you unwrapped the paper and chewed the gum. B@stards.

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