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FD Chief Computers..Is this OK?

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NOT to start any rant or anything,,

But I went to a fire down in Lower Westchester and a bunch of chief cars were parked all the way out of the scene.

So i was walking by, and the computer was up, and it had facebook pulled up on it. Is that ok? I thought it was to send info in and maybe the toughbook.. Not socializing.

Please dont argue or say I dont make sense,etc etc, its a simple question.

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In reality it shouldn't matter, but it doesn't look good. Would you be bothered if he were on yelp looking up a place to grab something for dinner? Facebook has evolved into more than just social site for keeping up with friends. Does his dept use it for recruiting or some other official purpose?

Personally I wouldn't want the dept knowing what websites I'm looking at so I'm staying off their computer. Otherwise as long as he is doing his job to the standards required does it matter if he takes a few minutes to catch up with his wall posts?

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Facebook is well on it's way.....actually, make that, The INTERNET is on it's way to ruin the fire service.

And yes, I understand I use both...alot.

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I understand all sides in this. I personally am on the fence about it. I do not think it is something that should be left in public eye and advertised but with that said, the Chief using Facebook is probably harmless. The same can be said for departments that issue smartphones...a Chief can access Facebook on that. I don't think it is a huge issue, but it is best to close the computer or at minimum minimize the window. Like NY10570 said, I would not use the computers for personal things since I would not want the department following my every step.

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Honestly I don't see it as a problem, as long as he's doing his job. For appearance's sake, if it were me, I would have closed the laptop or minimized the window, but hey, he's the Chief.

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What would the discussion be like if he had EMTbravo up on it? :P

That's easy. The direction of that topic of discussion would depend entirely on whether he was paid, or not.


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I dont think facebook is a big deal. You see the facebook icon linked to almost every website nowadays. Many FD's have a facebook page as well as a regular website. I agree with Sage make it a practice to flip it down.

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Like it or not perception matters. In the current climate every expense is scrutinized. If the public sees the computer open to facebook thats what they think it's used for. Computers are invaluable in the command vehicle. Let's not let them think these things are toys or a perk of the job. For the record I am not on Facebook and don't plan to be I'm totally out on the look at me generation.

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I could think of a dozen sites that would be far worse to have been left open on that screen.

How many of us have seen police cars with the computer open to solitaire, etc. I've even seen police cars parked where the officer(s) inside are on ipads deeply involved in a game of Angry Birds.

To me it's not a very big deal. But since we're all public employees, we're automatically in the wrong.

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As people have said, it is perception rather than anything else. Is their a job related reason the chief was on facebook, on duty in his/her car? Very doubtful. When working in a vehicle provided by your municipality stay off of anything that is not a municipal or service related site. No reason to update your status that you are 3rd due to some fire in another municipality.

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Speaking of perception..... what looks worse the face book screen...or someone peeping in official vehicles car windows. Could get yourself stopped by a PO if they see you doing that.

x129K, Haggerty 1029 and PEMO3 like this

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Speaking of perception..... what looks worse the face book screen...or someone peeping in official vehicles car windows. Could get yourself stopped by a PO if they see you doing that.

Howso? Its parked in public domain, and the laptop was open in plain view?

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Howso? Its parked in public domain, and the laptop was open in plain view?

Im speaking in general....this whole post is about what the public sees......the average person is not walking down the street looking in police or fire vehicle windows. Was the screen that glaring that it stood out? Maybe but most of the time the computer screens are not that big and are angled towards the driver..the Left side of the car...someone walking on the sidewalk..the right side..would have to be going out of his way to look for that, or care about whats on the screen. Most have screen savers as it will go black in time. But as stated above close the screen and thats that.

Haggerty 1029 and Danger like this

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Im speaking in general....this whole post is about what the public sees......the average person is not walking down the street looking in police or fire vehicle windows. Was the screen that glaring that it stood out? Maybe but most of the time the computer screens are not that big and are angled towards the driver..the Left side of the car...someone walking on the sidewalk..the right side..would have to be going out of his way to look for that, or care about whats on the screen. Most have screen savers as it will go black in time. But as stated above close the screen and thats that.

Bessides if you keep the screen closed, tou have a surface to keep your coffee on (old cops trick)

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Bessides if you keep the screen closed, tou have a surface to keep your coffee on (old cops trick)

Yes sir,and the old Panasonic tough books would hold a #1 value meal from McDonalds just fine.

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Bessides if you keep the screen closed, tou have a surface to keep your coffee on (old cops trick)

Also good for holding a large pizza... nice and flat no cheese sliding to one side!

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While I understand the general reasoning of this thread it really seems to be alot of time being spent on a non-issue. As public servants (paid or volunteer) we spend enough time dealing with the public preception of what we should or should not be doing. e.g. why is that unit sitting on the corner having a soda and a sandwich and not working or why was that engine company just in Stop and Shop picking up groceries. Now along with the general public we have our own questioning why was the screen on that page. The chief was not in the car on the computer neglecting his job to "facebook" so what is the issue. Maybe it was a facebook screen shot screen saver. Is the news that slow that we can't find some real topics.

okcomputer and spin_the_wheel like this

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Aren't most chief cars tinted? Maybe the windows were open?

I'm not arguing or disagreeing with you, but you're questioning that said chief had his or someone else's Facebook page up?

Though I will say that checking fellow ff's pages are a good way to curb pics and vids from fire scenes that are unauthorized, especially if the incident isn't over/completed/permission hasn't been granted to post.

If anything having computers in chiefs cars add another way for reference info, whether it's cameo, chemtrac, directions for mutual aid, incident reports etc.

Let's just hope they are Panasonic tough books or a similar type or those keys will be quite sticky if coffee or soda is spilled.

Now what would be very cool is if The computer is connected to a retractable arm type component which can extend outside the driver window for on scene access while standing up.

NOT to start any rant or anything,,

But I went to a fire down in Lower Westchester and a bunch of chief cars were parked all the way out of the scene.

So i was walking by, and the computer was up, and it had facebook pulled up on it. Is that ok? I thought it was to send info in and maybe the toughbook.. Not socializing.

Please dont argue or say I dont make sense,etc etc, its a simple question.

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Are you hypothesizing this or did you actually peer into the vehicle and see what his Facebook status was? If so, that's kind of creepy. Did you set your location on your smart phone on Facebook next to a chiefs car at a fire scene?

In all honesty who cares? It was Facebook, it's not like he created a program while en route with all the pictures of the fire fighters who might be responding and sent out the link to thousands of residents asking them to vote on the picure of the ff's they thought were hot, and then wrote the algorithm on the passenger window behind the drvers seat.

As people have said, it is perception rather than anything else. Is their a job related reason the chief was on facebook, on duty in his/her car? Very doubtful. When working in a vehicle provided by your municipality stay off of anything that is not a municipal or service related site. No reason to update your status that you are 3rd due to some fire in another municipality.

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Having a member of the public see a Face Book page open in a vehicles computer may be embarrassing. They may call into question the necessity of computers in the vehicles, but let’s broach a more serious issue. If someone can see a Face Book page, what else can they see? Does your vehicle computer have access to sensitive information? Can they get building plans, homeowner’s information, employee records, past call database with patient information? Do you see were I am going with this? With the improvements in information technology an emergency provider’s computer may have almost unlimited access to some very sensitive and confidential information. What steps have you taken to secure your lap top?

· Is the password protected (with a strong password)? Is it changed at regular intervals?

· Screen saver automatically engages and locks requiring a password after a few minutes?

· Device installed to limit the screen angle of viewing?

· Do you have software to encrypt the hard drive so that if someone steals the computer or hard drive it’s useless?

I m not looking to start a new thread asking for what security measures that you use, they should be part of the department’s security policy and not revealed to the public (or EMT Bravo). You should have a security policy in place before you turn on a single computer including those in a vehicle. But if your department does not have a security policy or taken measures to safeguard your data and computers, you are asking for more serious issues than someone reporting that a MOS was wasting resources by viewing Face Book or playing Solitaire on a municipal computer.

PEMO3, x4093k and x129K like this

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