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Tribute or waste of money ?

15 posts in this topic

Although this was made as a tribute would you say this is a waste of money because do they really use it as it is lettered Rapid Response. So wouldnt that mean if they do use it they would have to man it, maintain it, and how much would it really be able to carry besides a med pack because it definatly isnt equipped with a pump of any other fire fighting rescue tools.

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It's a colossal waste of money but it isn't tax dollars that were wasted. The company built it as a tribute to the local FD and it would appear that it is nothing more than an advertising ploy.

grumpyff, JM15 and LTFIREPRG like this

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It's a colossal waste of money but it isn't tax dollars that were wasted. The company built it as a tribute to the local FD and it would appear that it is nothing more than an advertising ploy.

You know they are writing off the entire program. So there is a couple $100,000 that is not going to reduce the national debt.

Unlikely that anyone will buy it and it makes the local FD look foolish.

Is that the official uniform for the department? :D

Edited by Bnechis
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Unlikely that anyone will buy it and it makes the local FD look foolish.

Making a Long Island FD look foolish for having stuff that costs WAY too much?

Not the first, and definitely won't be the last!

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Total waste of money! They should have given all the money they spent on it an gave it to a POOR FD that could have done wonders with it!

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Total waste of money! They should have given all the money they spent on it an gave it to a POOR FD that could have done wonders with it!

Yup, or bought a new truck that could actually be used and use taxpayer money in a good and useful way!

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As stated, a total waste of money. Definitely an advertising ploy, and it was in poor taste that the fire department allowed them to use the fire house and model in turnout gear for the photo spread. If they wanted to pay tribute to the local fire department, buy them a useful piece of equipment, they could have still put their name on the side of it. This vehicle has disaster written all over it, lets see how long before we are reading a post on how they lost control of the vehicle while responding, I just pray that no one gets hurt.

PCFD ENG58, JetPhoto and BFD1054 like this

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Aren't these the same guys who were in that stupid Hunts tomato sauce commercial last year? The topless model in the firehouse is pretty classless!

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Seriously? My post on this thread was deleted? Is it not unreasonable to ask for a work warning heads up reference a link that shows a topless girl in bunker pants? What if I opened that link with a Boss in the room? Bravo is allowed....Breasts are not.

Guess looking out for a Brother is a thing of the past?

JM15, firedude, NurseMedic and 4 others like this

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Ok just to clear some stuff up here it is not used at all as a response vehicle nor will any member of the FD be driving it...also it is not owned by the FD.

The project was ok'd by the Mayor of Glen Cove and the City attorney to wear the Glen Cove FD name. It is a publicity stunt on part of the owner who is very supportive of the FD. It was created in part to be show cased in the FD's 175th anniversary parade this June. No money from the FD budget or the City of Glen Cove was used to create it. The owner is also a sponsor of the FD's car show and cruise nights it has been hosting. As for the use of the apparatus floor and model I guess this was ok'd by the city. It could be any firehouse. I guess the FD's that allow the female models to model in those fire girl calenders in gear and on the rigs are doing something very naughty as well. Shame on them also. Good God get over it. You see much worse then this just going to the beach nowadays or the front page of the Daily News!! Boy the new generation of....never mind.

Edited by spin_the_wheel
ny10570, SRS131EMTFF, JM15 and 1 other like this

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Ok just to clear some stuff up here it is not used at all as a response vehicle nor will any member of the FD be driving it...also it is not owned by the FD.

The project was ok'd by the Mayor of Glen Cove and the City attorney to wear the Glen Cove FD name. It is a publicity stunt on part of the owner who is very supportive of the FD. It was created in part to be show cased in the FD's 175th anniversary parade this June. No money from the FD budget or the City of Glen Cove was used to create it. The owner is also a sponsor of the FD's car show and cruise nights it has been hosting. As for the use of the apparatus floor and model I guess this was ok'd by the city. It could be any firehouse. I guess the FD's that allow the female models to model in those fire girl calenders in gear and on the rigs are doing something very naughty as well. Shame on them also. Good God get over it. You see much worse then this just going to the beach nowadays or the front page of the Daily News!! Boy the new generation of....never mind.

I think this post ends it.

Approved by both town mayor and legal, not using any city or FD funds nor will the car be responding to any calls.

Que the continued banter about how irresponsible it was...

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and x129k I totally agree links that might be questionable should include a mandatory NSFW tag or line. I too opened that at work, thankfully it was on my personal computer but had a manager or field boss seen it they would have hit the ceiling.

JM15, x129K and SageVigiles like this

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Seriously? My post on this thread was deleted? Is it not unreasonable to ask for a work warning heads up reference a link that shows a topless girl in bunker pants? What if I opened that link with a Boss in the room? Bravo is allowed....Breasts are not.

Guess looking out for a Brother is a thing of the past?

Ditto I totally agree.. NSFW is standard for online forums.. I don't know why your original post was deleted but some common courtesy should be shown to keep people from getting jammed up.

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