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Today, I was invited out on an ex NYPD Launch on the Hudson, for a ride down to the TZ Bridge and back.The reason why it was going out was to "remember the fallen and remember the injured, and remember all who make the flag still stand."

Memorial day is not about having friends over for Barbeques or a day off from work...It's about taking the time to remember and honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice.

When I arrived on the boat, the captian was putting up the flags, and then when I looked closer, I noticed that he had already put the flags up. But then, he turned around and walked a few feet, then turned around again and saluted the flags. I thought that was very thoughtful and respectful of him.

I hope each and every one of you who read this remember Memorial Day as honoring those who made the ultimate sacrifice.

Below is 2 photos of the 3 flags the captian of the boat had flying today. The one in the middle flies 24/7 on the boat. After getting off the boat, it made me realize much more about what Memorial day is really about.


2231*, BigBuff, Bnechis and 4 others like this

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Thanks for posting this. I have learned over the years just how much it means to me. I saw a lot of people with the flag flying today, I respect all who do. I also saw firetrucks hanging it on the back, getting dyed black from the diesel exhaust, but it's still flying!

Stay safe & have a happy Memorial Day weekend folks.

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There have been may lives lost on far flung beaches, in steaming jungles and in the hot desert sun over the years to keep our flag flying high, it is the duty of the living to honor the memory of those lives lost for our freedom. May all those departed souls rest in peace and solace be granted the families of those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our great nation. God bless America!!

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To add to this, be sure to retire the colors properly. DO NOT just dispose of them when they become torn and or tattered. I know at least Boy Scout Troop 49 in Ossining and your local VFW's, etc. are always willing to accept flags in need of retirement. I know the BSA Troop 49 will for sure host a retirement ceremony at some point or another. I can't tell you how many times I've approached random people flying flags that are torn half to shreds. I find it to be disrespectful.

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There is, or was, an old post box at Millwood Headquarters where aging flags could be dropped so that those who respect The Flag could dispose of them with honor.


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To add to this, be sure to retire the colors properly. DO NOT just dispose of them when they become torn and or tattered. I know at least Boy Scout Troop 49 in Ossining and your local VFW's, etc. are always willing to accept flags in need of retirement. I know the BSA Troop 49 will for sure host a retirement ceremony at some point or another. I can't tell you how many times I've approached random people flying flags that are torn half to shreds. I find it to be disrespectful.

The Post Office in Pleasantville has a flag drop box out front.

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Just wanted to say thank you to all those on here who have served our country as a member of the armed services, intelligence community, contracting service, and of course law enforcement, fire service and EMS.

May those who have fallen rest easy now.

Perform, then, this one act of remembrance before this Day passes - Remember there is an army of defense and advance that never dies and never surrenders, but is increasingly recruited from the eternal sources of the American spirit and from the generations of American youth.

~W.J. Cameron

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Thank you to all the Veterans - past & present - that allow us to have all the freedoms we take for granted.

And... does anyone know if there's still a flag disposal box at Montrose FD?

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Montrose it was there last year.

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I hope all of you folks had a nice Memorial Day. The weather was outstanding( a little too warm, but can't complain)

And many more!

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I hope all of you folks had a nice Memorial Day. The weather was outstanding( a little too warm, but can't complain)

And many more!

Same to you! It was a great day overall.

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