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Monday Morning Quarterback

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So what's up people? Just an opinion, since the site has undergone the software change, feels to me like the "environment" has changed as well.

To the career firefighting Brothers: I realize there is immense pressure on the home-front these days, meaning the jobs are under pressure. Nobody can get a contract, morale is suffering, making it harder to do what you do, Yonkers wants to mess with the job again. Regarding a website like this, there is a new awareness that social media can have real world ramifications.

Witness the Miami-Dade fire captain who recently posted a rant on facebook about the George Zimmerman case. That got him demoted to buck private. I guess he's lucky he's still on the job. The rules in Florida for civil servants can be severe, but I guess that's true everywhere. Just more severe in some places.

And I guess that's why a lot of Brothers and Sisters who used to post more frequently have pulled back as of late. Not that they rant, rather they're being hesitant. It's smart to CYA. You gotta.

Once again just an opinion but the direction can change for the positive. The discussions about firefighting, experiences, the posting of photos of apparatus, these types of posts should be expanded upon, so more people will come back in to the discussion boards. I think many are hesitant to post anything, and it's in direct connect to the job now.

We all knew that was coming. Word was out on this site long ago. Remember the "Cameras are everywhere" thread? Take a look at the NY Post this morning. they are attempting to vilify an NYPD Sgt. who was speaking on the street to the local thugeries that only understand street. One little rat videoed him, and bango, front page of the Post. I watched that video. There is nothing surprising or vile in it. The vile is a morality dictate from the "so morally pure" organization that prints it. You know the one with the phone tap scandal going on. Those morally pure folk.

Trying to destroy an Sgt doing the job the way it gets done in some places. Dealing with a subject with a reported 20 arrests. Nice guy. And the paper exploits this dirtbag to denigrate the NYPD. Why?

The point of this post is directed at the career Brothers and the cops, and ems, and volunteer firefighters who make up this online forum/community. There is so much you can still talk/write about. It will lift morale for guys to get back to discussing the stuff we all learn from.

Happy Monday morning. You know what that media saturation of bad news, it hits everybody. We ll need to stay vigilant enough to realize, just take a look around you, and you'll see the American economy is still vibrantly active, sure there are big problems with the GOVT, but Americans mostly yawn and go back to work. the gazzilion stories of the 10 percent who are unemployed struggling is indeed worthy of attention. But take a look around you at the thriving, the commerce, the technology, the defeat of terrorists.

This country is tired and worked out, but it never gives up. And that's why things are going to be okay. That's why eventually the GOVT will figure out what the hell they are doing. Someday things will come back. The dread, the doom, you know what it's just not worth worrying about it. It'll make you sick unless you step up and put it all down, and continue to do what you do.

So how about some more postings? I yearn to read more from just about everybody here. Like the Summerville Brother said, have a great day.

wraftery, x635, FF398 and 16 others like this

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I might have an answer for you on lack of posts. I just replied to your post and found that when I send a reply, there is a new green dot thing that appears on the screen. If i click on to something else before the "save" is finished, I can't find my reply.

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I know I will get crucified for saying this - but here goes.

As a long-time member of the forums, and as someone who generally doesn't hold back my opinions, I have frequently found myself on the receiving end of what I call "over-moderation."

My recent banishment from here came on the heels of a thread I started, begging people not to hijack the thread or turn it into the all-too-common paid vs. volunteer debate. Almost immediately after starting the topic, some chose to go the route I didn't want it to go, I became irritated (some call it pissed off) and fired off. When I went back and forth with someone openly about this, I got banned (I don't know if he did or not, but that's not the point). I then sent a message to the Moderators both here and on my Facebook page with some choice phrases. I spent a few months banned from here, but as you can see, I am back (for now).

Putting aside my personal opinions of certain people running these forums, I still enjoy them for the most part and honestly feel they are an invaluable tool to all of us - provided we use them the right way. I know I've given Seth my word that I will try harder to brush certain things off and not engage in some of my previous behaviors, but I know I'll probably slip up again. I am a very, VERY opinionated person, passionate about what we do with a fairly decent amount of experience and training to support what I say. I've seen friends and family hurt or worse doing this stuff and can only hope that some of the things we talk about on public forums like these will make all of us smarter and more cognizant of the dangers we face.

Another thing to consider...

As others have said in the past, sometimes we just need to put our "big boy pants" on and develop a thicker skin for the criticisms and advice of others. Nobody is perfect, especially me, and we all make mistakes. As members of the emergency service community we're one big family - like it or not - and even though we may constantly fight about things, we still (usually) can pull together when the chips are down. We go through a lot of bad things together and a lot of good too - but we need to put certain stuff off to the side and keep the forums on track to do what they're meant to do, help us all do our jobs better and safer, and to stick with one another when we need it most.

The fire service is a great part of our country's culture and I am so very glad to be a part of it. I've made countless friends doing it, and even more so from just this forum. I know that we all think our own way of doing things is always better than the other guys, but it isn't always the case and coming to online resources like this with an open mind can (and does) help all of us.

Last thought...

In this month's Fire Engineering there's an article on fire department social media policies. I think every Chief, Commissioner and Officer should take the time to read it and understand it. I know I learned a few things reading it which will change certain feces I occasionally spew from my mouth and on to my keyboard!

Thanks for posting this George!

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I just think they want to make this site something that it will never be. It is what it is....a buff site. Not a training site...not a cutting edge tech's a buff site that "used" to have good posters with lots of knowledge and experience that we COULD learn from..if we wanted to. I know personally I have.

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I just think they want to make this site something that it will never be. It is what it is....a buff site. Not a training site...not a cutting edge tech's a buff site that "used" to have good posters with lots of knowledge and experience that we COULD learn from..if we wanted to. I know personally I have.

Amen to that. I have always believed that this was a buff site first and tactical site second. Obvious the mods want it the other way but I harken back to the days when it was buff site and apparatus and fire scene photos flowed like water instead of the barren desert of scene bashing and light harping that it has currently become. Maybe it was not what the mods wanted, but at least it was a community. Now we are just a bunch of people who post and hope they havent kicked the hornets nest.

Like the line under your handle reads...I too "miss the OLD bravo..."

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I just think they want to make this site something that it will never be. It is what it is....a buff site. Not a training site...not a cutting edge tech's a buff site that "used" to have good posters with lots of knowledge and experience that we COULD learn from..if we wanted to. I know personally I have.

Amen to that. I have always believed that this was a buff site first and tactical site second. Obvious the mods want it the other way but I harken back to the days when it was buff site and apparatus and fire scene photos flowed like water instead of the barren desert of scene bashing and light harping that it has currently become. Maybe it was not what the mods wanted, but at least it was a community. Now we are just a bunch of people who post and hope they havent kicked the hornets nest.

Like the line under your handle reads...I too "miss the OLD bravo..."

If someone wants to expand on their idea they are allowed to, thats why we are in america, you are free to do what you want (within the law). If you guys dont like it, and you are perfectly entitled to your opinions, than you can always leave. Yet here you are, posting on every topic that is made on the forums, complaining about the posts and the members...

Guys...If you like the pictures and the IA's than stick with them, go and have your wet dreams while looking at pictures of fires and trucks, and dont post in the forums. (And I sincerely hope you are reading this post in 'Firehouse Kitchen Table Mode' and not taking it seriously because I respect the both of you and look forward to your posts.) Honestly, this is what upsets me the most...going on to Bravo quick during my lunch break only to see countless bashes about the site, from the SAME people, who are obviously unhappy about the changes to the site and the way things are moderated here. I want to read quality posts that enlighten, expand your mind and leave you thinking about things, or make you want to join the discussion in a positive way.

But with all of these posts about the site, the owner, the moderators, and how its feels like a dam junior high cafeteria instead of the firehouse kitchen table.

Stick with what you like about the site the most and let the rest of us do the same and quit complaining... :P:D

(see the smiley faces gang? This was meant to be in fun and make you all hopefully see what you are doing so we can get back to what the site is here for...thank you...have a good day...anyone watch the Ranger/Devils game the other night? :rolleyes: )

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If someone wants to expand on their idea they are allowed to, thats why we are in america, you are free to do what you want (within the law). If you guys dont like it, and you are perfectly entitled to your opinions, than you can always leave. Yet here you are, posting on every topic that is made on the forums, complaining about the posts and the members...

Guys...If you like the pictures and the IA's than stick with them, go and have your wet dreams while looking at pictures of fires and trucks, and dont post in the forums. (And I sincerely hope you are reading this post in 'Firehouse Kitchen Table Mode' and not taking it seriously because I respect the both of you and look forward to your posts.) Honestly, this is what upsets me the most...going on to Bravo quick during my lunch break only to see countless bashes about the site, from the SAME people, who are obviously unhappy about the changes to the site and the way things are moderated here. I want to read quality posts that enlighten, expand your mind and leave you thinking about things, or make you want to join the discussion in a positive way.

But with all of these posts about the site, the owner, the moderators, and how its feels like a dam junior high cafeteria instead of the firehouse kitchen table.

Stick with what you like about the site the most and let the rest of us do the same and quit complaining... :P:D

(see the smiley faces gang? This was meant to be in fun and make you all hopefully see what you are doing so we can get back to what the site is here for...thank you...have a good day...anyone watch the Ranger/Devils game the other night? :rolleyes: )

Respectfully, I share my opinion with all that care to listen including the staff of this forums. I welcome the opportunity to work with the staff and the members of this forum to improve it for all members, past, present and future as well as career and volunteer as well as FD/EMS/LEO. Much like in festivus, it requires the airing of the grievances in order to get all of the issues out on the table so that we can begin a professional and worthwhile discussion on how to improve this site. Hopefully by discussing what we want improve and how to improve it, we as a community can move forward to a point beyond the us verse them attitude that exists currently and end the apparent confusion in my mind of A job verse THE job that many of us have allowed to become engrained.

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I, personally, don't post much very often because I'm not a mos. Occasionally I'll post a thread with a link to a story if I find that it might be interesting to the people on this website or contribute to a thread that's talking about a general event that isn't necessarily from a tactical standpoint. I typically just stick to IA's and photos.

I enjoy reading a vast majority of the posts and from my perspective, am ALWAYS learning things about the different fields in emergency services. There's so much I didn't know prior to joining this group and still so much I don't know but I am always fascinated by the things people are talking about and am constantly learning things.

For me, I'm on here because of pure interest in what's going on in my community and surrounding communities from an emergency services standpoint. It also provides an outlet for me to display my photo work as I dive further into shooting such things as fire apparatus and such. I like everything about this site. However, with that said, I also stick to what I know or at least try to anyways.

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"As others have said in the past, sometimes we just need to put our "big boy pants" on and develop a thicker skin for the criticisms and advice of others. Nobody is perfect, especially me, and we all make mistakes. As members of the emergency service community we're one big family - like it or not - and even though we may constantly fight about things, we still (usually) can pull together when the chips are down."

Well said.

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In the wake of the Carmel tragedy, I asked some questions about the apparent fire vulnerabilities of lightweight home construction. There were some really informative replies, too. But the thread was removed, I guess someone took offense to it.

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In the wake of the Carmel tragedy, I asked some questions about the apparent fire vulnerabilities of lightweight home construction. There were some really informative replies, too. But the thread was removed, I guess someone took offense to it.

At the request of some who were involved in the response to that incident, the thread was temporarily removed. The thread has been restored so the discussion can continue.

On behalf of the EMTBravo team.

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At the request of some who were involved in the response to that incident, the thread was temporarily removed. The thread has been restored so the discussion can continue.

On behalf of the EMTBravo team.

When you disappear a thread and a month later suddenly restore it amongst other threads that are no longer active you have effectively killed it. This forum is large and many like myself only go to the new content link. Especially on a mobile device, navigating each individual section and subsection is time consuming and onerous. When restoring a thread, quick bump post would help hopefully help to restart the discussion.

SageVigiles, JM15, EMTbravo and 5 others like this

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I'll say this. To everyone.

This community is what YOU make of it. You have a choice. Sit back and whine about the site.. Or start fresh, new, interesting topics. Invite people to participate in the forums. Post your photos. Reinvigorate the community. This site is based on member driven content, and you're in the drivers seat.

I don't want to hear the "Nothing good anymore" complaint. Propose a solution or idea. Certain members use every oppurtunity they get to complain about the site is counterproductive.

I also think members realize or appreciate what goes on "behind the scenes". Right now, we're looking at ways to improve the content of the site. We re-doing our moderator system, as well as a whole bunch of other things.

To the people who are still complaining about the upgrade, even after numerous explanations, get over it. We're not going back to the old software, it's obsolete. Move on. There is a thread that you can post the issues you are having, and I will try and figure it out or explain it better to you. I'll also be launching a "Sandbox" section where you can play around with the different features of posting in a live enviroment so that members can get a better feel of the features. I'm also working on some tutorials.

Remember585, I took a lot of heat lifting your ban for the second time. I lifted the latest ban because you have been a long time, positive contributor to this site and have posted many excellent posts and topics. If you remember, you were even a staff member at the begining. Saying "I'll probaly slip up again" is a slap in the face. Flaunting that incident unapologetically and saying you'll probaly do it again is making me re-consider my move. Bans should never be treated as a game. You can be as opinionated as you want, all I ask it that you treat fellow members and staff and the members with respect.

Again, to all members, if you have a question about anything, including moderation issues, contact a staff member

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When you disappear a thread and a month later suddenly restore it amongst other threads that are no longer active you have effectively killed it. This forum is large and many like myself only go to the new content link. Especially on a mobile device, navigating each individual section and subsection is time consuming and onerous. When restoring a thread, quick bump post would help hopefully help to restart the discussion.

Your point is well taken. If something like this happens again, we'll definitely put a post in it so everyone knows it has been restored.

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Speaking as just a member, and not a moderator here, just wanted to offer my 2 little cents, for what it's worth....

This site can be a buff site, for those of us who want it to be. If looking at pictures of houses burning down and car accidents is what floats your boat, by all means knock yourself out, no one is stopping you.

For others, this site can be a source of information and education. Personally that's more along the lines of my level of interest, but either way, as Seth said the site is what we make of it.

I've found in my short time as a Moderator, it's a confusing position to be in at times. Sometimes there may be a level of "over-moderation". I don't think it comes from a malicious or bad place, but conversations can spiral out of control VERY quickly, and if a period of hours goes by where no Moderator visits the site, it could turn into the "wild west". To prevent this the staff may take a stronger stance on moderating certain issues, simply because before things spiral out of control, it's easier to "nip it in the bud". It's done to prevent EMTBravo from becoming another rant site full of useless bantering and garbage, but where does the staff draw the line? When is the line crossed between "over-moderating" and protecting the integrity of the site? It's a fine line... and is open to interpretation by each and every one of us.

I don't see any problem with being an opinionated individual. To a certain degree we're all very opinionated and set in our ways. Being opinionated is not the problem. But we should be able to address our opinions like a professional/adult and maintain some level of professional decorum. The childish name-calling and other stuff that goes on at times is extremely counter-productive, and in my eyes does nothing to earn any level of respect from the individuals here who conduct themselves as professionals. Everyone likes to compare EMTBravo to the "firehouse kitchen table"... but it's not. It's a public forum made up of emergency service providers and members of the GENERAL PUBLIC who we serve. Case in point... peterose313.

Peterose, I hope you don't mind me using you as an example, but after reading your post, it reaffirms in my mind that there are people on here who are the everyday "civilian" from the communities that we serve. Peterose happens to be very active in the forums, but I'm sure there are plenty of community members who "run silent, run deep" and just read the content contained in the site. What is said here, from every single one of us, is a reflection of the emergency service community as a whole. How do we continue, as staff and membership, to ensure that the reflection this site leaves on our "guests" from outside the emergency services community is a positive one?

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My views on all regional "rants" or "forums" is that you cant take them to serious. They are what they are. Sometimes you can pick up some good info, other times not. This is not a training site like say...

But you can pick up some good stuff from time to time. Personally I belong to many sites like this. In the past I have posted questions to various situations on various sites from all over the country about how "others' may do something and have gotten some good feedback and ideas that I brought back to my Dept.. I have also had some good back and forth heated debut on this site. I think I got banned for a short time as well but its all good. This site is actually one of my favorites.

The best thing about sites like this is the networking possibilities. It's never been easier for the average firefighter to gather information about any subject without leaving their home, 24/7! I use Google to research many things as well as using sites like these. You can meet firefighters from all over the world and share info.

Dont expect this site to be a training site. If you want that go to the many training themed sites like the one I posted above, or create your own library of fire service reference books. Most important of all participate in drills and take classes when offered, as many as you can. View it only as news and happenings from your region and another tool to use. Dont like what you see, something offends you... log out and come back in a week. No harm done.

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Remember585, I took a lot of heat lifting your ban for the second time. I lifted the latest ban because you have been a long time, positive contributor to this site and have posted many excellent posts and topics. If you remember, you were even a staff member at the begining. Saying "I'll probaly slip up again" is a slap in the face. Flaunting that incident unapologetically and saying you'll probaly do it again is making me re-consider my move. Bans should never be treated as a game. You can be as opinionated as you want, all I ask it that you treat fellow members and staff and the members with respect.

I don't plan on doing it, and greatly appreciate you hooking a brother up again, so please don't take it as a slap in the face. My intention with saying that is that I know someone will probably find something I say offensive at some point in time and get their undergarments wedged between the cheeks of the buttocks. I don't think it's a game, never have, but seeing how I've been ousted more than once for my opinions, a betting man would say I'll probably get spanked again.

And, just to be clear, IT IS NOT MY INTENTION TO COME IN HERE WITH A WOODEN PADDLE TO STIR THE POT. I respect you and the site(s) you have created and will do my best to behave, be a contributing member and even share some nifty buff-esque stuff from time to time.

Shine on brother, shine on. :)

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I learn a substantial amount from this site that I take to the kitchen table every week with both my Career and Volunteer Depts. Whether it be ideas for our next apparatus, or storage of equipment, even ideas on training. I learn something new everyday. Which can be difficult in a career where forgetting more then what is learned in the first place is fairly common.

Stay safe brothers and sisters.

This site wouldn't have existed without Seth, so lets give him a shout.

Have a good week.

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Good morning Brothers,

Interesting replies. Like it or not, the moderation team HAS kept this site, for NINE years from becoming a P.O.S. I can give you plenty of examples of sites that are "THEE" worst. You want to go there because of who the people on these sites purportedly are. They come from big city jobs, and those guys opinions let's face it, are probably some of the most sought after pieces to read.

I want to know what these guys think. They work within systems that are the biggest, with the most complicated action plans, and cultures that we, as brother emergency services people from smaller career jobs, many volunteer departments, would emulate given the chance. Perfect example is how a "10-75" NYC code for working fire has become nearly a standard for many parts of the northern counties.

Job innovations have traditionally come out of the cities. My ego is of such, that I freely admit to the curiosity of what my brothers from the cities New York, New Rochelle, Yonkers, Mt. Vernon and all cities beyond, KNOW. Yes I'd like to hear what their experiences have led them to learn.

But I go to a couple of sites, and I see high-school styled bullying and bashing. What a disappointment. I hope Seth is okay with my giving a shout out to THE best NYC site on the web in my opinion. There's a civility and professionalism there that is quite organized.

A great thing about EMTBravo is that our city brothers have joined and participate on a Westchester and northern counties website. Valuable. Cool. Nice of them.

And then we have a colorful amalgam of career emergency services and volunteer. We all know from time to time younger members will come in here and it's almost sad to watch. You can read their anger right into their posts. Without the moderation that has taken place, these kids would have never stopped, and the quality of the site would have declined long ago.

Over moderation? I had no idea this was a festering issue behind the scenes. Maybe some of the brothers who have felt so strongly about this issue would consider what I have stated above.

The photo thing? In my opinion that goes to "EMTCity" website problem that occurred a few years ago. Now when I looked early on with the new software package and saw the 9/11 Remembrance Wall had been removed, I had to admit, certainly I had used images gleaned from searches as backgrounds for collages that I created to respect the 343. With that gone, I could stamp my feet about how long it took to create some of those posts, rather I'm just going to have to admit it had to come down because of these copyright issues; regardless if the thread was about a Remembrance, and certainly wasn't about making money or anything. At the time, I had NO IDEA about these infringement issues.

These guys had to deal with a serious issue just like that when somebody gleaned something off another site recently. Thankfully the other site is made of up good decent people. but the photographer apparently got upset. So that's that.

In the future, I think this site needs to seriously consider changing the NAME of the site to something that connects better with a national base of readers. EMTbravo has spread, initially by word of mouth (thinking about the night a brother came into my office and told me about EMTBravo back in the dark ages of the internet) and reputation. So keep the URL and change the name to Westchester Emergency Services or whatever. Just my opinion, but I think you could expand the base and certainly would get more search hits.

Yeah so it's an old familiar place this site. Today I live on a corral reef in between Florida Bay and the Atlantic. But this site, ah hell it's as familiar and comfortable as my old cardigan sweater that I can't wear anymore where I live. lol

Good luck everybody. Just go for it. Like Joe said, make the site what you want, just stay within the rules of civility. I've posted at times loaded with curses, and been removed. Later you admit to yourself it wasn't appropriate, and you go on. We're all emergency services or used to be's. We all make mistakes every day in spite of our quest for perfection in every thing we do. After all we're just human beings.

Here's my Edit: When I say guys and brothers, I want the sisters who are members here to know, it always includes them.

Edited by efdcapt115
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Sorry one more thing. The smaller career jobs in lower Westchester. From Eastchester to Fairview to Port Chester and Pelham. In so many ways, some of these jobs are so advanced and sophisticated operations. Cops and fire.

Witness the Pelham job recently. According to the IA it read beautifully regarding the dispatch from 60-control, with units moving in from all sides mostly. This is a de facto Westchester Fire Department, that the jobs (well the three Greenburgh FDs are WAY ahead in this category) have been utilizing more and more effectively.

Eastchester (last I knew) has a AFG equipped,fully staffed, trained and experienced FAST mutual aid company in TL-17. They are right in the middle of lower Westchester. In my opinion they are under-utilized in mutual aid. Yes if I have it right, it's a combination of a 2 man engine and a 2 man truck /Lt.

But a "way to go" to everyone involved in getting cross border fire companies into the act. The politicians haven't acted, but the jobs have, and I enjoy reading what all these professionals have to say.

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Here's my Edit: When I say guys and brothers, I want the sisters who are members here to know, it always includes them.

Me, too. I still think the rules of the English language say something like "If you are talking about both men and women you may use the masculine." The nuns beat me on the knuckles to get me to observe the rules of grammar, so to this day, they are stuck in my head. Watch the movie The Manchurian Candidate, an oldie, and you will understand my plight. Also, I would rather be correct in my grammar than politically correct. Telling things like they are is better than whitewashing them so no one's feelings get hurt.

FYI, I was hired as a Fireman back in 1971. After about 2 years on the job my Department officially changed the job title to Firefighter. We turned in our old badges and were issued new ones that said Firefighter. We all know that we do a lot more than fight fires, but I fear the day will come when your badge will say "Fire Rescue Person." I'll stick with calling myself a Fireman. It was OK with Chief Croker, so it's OK with me. So, ladies, if I call you Brother, take no offense. It's just an old guy's term of respect.

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In the future, I think this site needs to seriously consider changing the NAME of the site to something that connects better with a national base of readers. EMTbravo has spread, initially by word of mouth (thinking about the night a brother came into my office and told me about EMTBravo back in the dark ages of the internet) and reputation. So keep the URL and change the name to Westchester Emergency Services or whatever. Just my opinion, but I think you could expand the base and certainly would get more search hits.

EMTBravo gets a TON of search hits. EMTBravo is EMTBravo, and people know what it is. I've presented changing the name in the past, and members overwhelmingly opposed it. And the name is part of the heritage of this site. Changing names would have little effect, I believe.

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EMTBravo gets a TON of search hits. EMTBravo is EMTBravo, and people know what it is. I've presented changing the name in the past, and members overwhelmingly opposed it. And the name is part of the heritage of this site. Changing names would have little effect, I believe.

That's cool.

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EMTBravo gets a TON of search hits. EMTBravo is EMTBravo, and people know what it is. I've presented changing the name in the past, and members overwhelmingly opposed it. And the name is part of the heritage of this site. Changing names would have little effect, I believe.

The other point here that I feel should be made is that a lot of the membership comes from outside of Westchester County, so naming it "Westchester Emergency Services" would fail to include the members as a group and just make reference to those that are from there. I feel this site has gone farther than alot of us think, and we are growing daily.

I also agree, EMTBravo is the name that brought Seth and the originals this far, might as well keep it that way.

I agree with most of what you posted here efdcapt115 and feel it was very well put and professional. Your posts definitely reflect your expereince and knowledge in the fire service and its posts like yours from respected MOS like you that I look forward to reading every day, thank you and I hope you keep it up for those of us that want to learn.

Stay Safe.

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