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Former NYC EMS Deputy Chief named Westchester OEM Director

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Former New York City deputy chief for EMS named as Westchester OEM director


A former New York City Fire Department deputy chief for EMS who responded to terrorist attacks in Oklahoma City and at the World Trade Center has been hired as Westchester County’s new director of Emergency Management.

Carl Tramontana, 49, who recently retired from a 26-year career in New York City, began work Monday as head the county’s Office of Emergency Management within the Department of Emergency Services.  

As OEM director, Tramontana will be in charge of emergency planning for Westchester County including Indian Point and coordinating emergency management with fire, police and EMS agencies throughout the county. He will earn $74,395 a year.

“Carl is a great addition to the Department of Emergency Services, bringing over 26 years of "street" and administrative experience to his position as Director of Emergency Management,’’ said Emergency Services Commissioner Anthony Sutton. “With the relocation of the office to a new "state of the art" emergency operations facility in Hawthorne, he is leading OEM at a particularly exciting time. I look forward to working with Carl to advance the County's emergency planning and response capabilities and to provide as much support as possible to Westchester's cities, villages and towns."  

Tramontana said his first priority would be to reach out to other police, fire and EMS agencies in Westchester to coordinate emergency response.  

“Our new emergency operations center provides a great facility for everyone,’’ he said. “We want to make ourselves available to help coordinate and provide equipment and training for departments throughout the county. Large scale emergencies affect everyone and we must be able to work together.’’

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Great guy, with great credentials for a position that because of the system gets nothing accomplished.

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GREATLY respected by most in FDNY EMS. We are very lucky to have him up here.

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