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LaGrange Home Invasion - One Suspect Shot Dead - 5/14/12

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At approx 2220hrs on 5/14/12, NYSP and DCSO responded to a reported Burglary In Progress/Home Invasion. One of the initial arriving NYSP entered the residence, encountered one suspect with a sawed off rifle who assaulted the Trooper WITH the rifle.

Suspect became human Swiss Cheese and pronounced dead on the scene. Four other suspects caught after a manhunt, arrested, and arraigned.

Good riddance, God bless the responding officers, glad they are all ok. I am proud to work and know many of the members of those agencies that responded.

JetPhoto, sfrd18, EMTDelta and 4 others like this

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As Johnny Cash once sang:

"You can run on for a long time, run on for a long time, run on for a long time, sooner or later God will cut you down."

Glad the officers are okay. Good riddance to that piece of scum.

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Family of the scum bag will sue the state and the cop saying he(the cop) used excessive force and wasnt properly trained......

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Family of the scum bag will sue the state and the cop saying he(the cop) used excessive force...

I am sure we will be hearing from "The Reverend" Al and his buddy JJ.....

... and wasnt properly trained......

Rule #2

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It says the additional suspects were arraigned on felony robbery and burglary charges. Will these charged be upgraded? I thought participants in a crime resulting in a death were charged with murder regardless that it was a Trooper that caused the death in the performance of his duties.

Also interesting that the news article states there was frequent traffic at the location late at night and early in the morning. Might be a few more twists to this story.

Glad the Trooper got the drop on the bad guy before he figured out the rifle could be used as other than a club.

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It says the additional suspects were arraigned on felony robbery and burglary charges. Will these charged be upgraded? I thought participants in a crime resulting in a death were charged with murder regardless that it was a Trooper that caused the death in the performance of his duties.

You are referring to the "Felony Murder" provision. The law states that the death must be of a "non-participant in the crime" A fellow perp does not rate.

Edited by 10512

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Good shoot! Well done by Da Troop and DCSO, glad to see this didn't go the other way, especially on Police Memorial Day.

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Just goes to remind us that there is no such thing as a "routine" call. Complacency kills, stay on top of the game.

Kudos to all involved. All responders went home at the end of the day/night.

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FYI the village of Wappingers Falls PD had a K-9 capture of one of the perps (never mentioned in any story)

I'm sure a lot more charges will come out further into the investigation as units are still on the scene.

I certanly hope FAT Albert dosn't show up!

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FYI the village of Wappingers Falls PD had a K-9 capture of one of the perps (never mentioned in any story)

I'm sure a lot more charges will come out further into the investigation as units are still on the scene.

I certanly hope FAT Albert dosn't show up!

I happened to not be listening to my scanner for once, and missed out on the whole shebang til I heard about it this AM. Was not sure if any other agencies were involved, as the interviews and news only mentioned NYSP and DSCO. Certainly not holding out on my end, always glad to hear when agencies work together. We are pretty lucky up here that most, if not all PD agencies work very well together.

If only the Fire Departments could get their act together and do the same thing..... :ph34r:

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Very glad to see the officers are ok!!!

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This sounds like a drug rip gone bad.

The story was good up to the part where I started reading the comments and then I remembered how friggen stupid a large portion of the population is.

It's amazing that people on there are trying to make excuses for this criminal and his behavior and some of them are actually blaming the police.

It's incredibly frustrating to see how backward people's thoughts and ideas about us are.

Edited by crime cop
x129K, helicopper, dadbo46 and 3 others like this

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Well done. He got what he deserved, and the rest of the posse will be guests of New York State for a few years.

That said, there is very likely more to stories like this than we will see in the papers. Scum like that usually just doesn't randomly pick any house, they probably knew what they were looking for.

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I forgot to add that my thoughts and prayers are with the Trooper. He used deadly force, and even if it's justifiable it is something he will have to live with.

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Some of the comments are just plain stupidity. Saying the guy was "a great guy, would do anything for anyone" well, theres two parts to that. One would be hes not a great person because of what he did, and lets hope this wasnt somebody sending him to get something.

Anyways, a job well done by PD, thoughts and prayers are with the trooper for something that will never go away, but, the suspect got what he paid for.

Edited by x4093k

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Newspaper reader comments crack me up sometimes, "they could've shot him in the arm or leg...." "he was the nicest kid" ....They "could have arrested the dude that died he didn't have to kill him!" ...and on and on....

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Thank you, Trooper, for protecting my life and those of my family everyday.

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Thank you, Trooper, for protecting my life and those of my family everyday.

As well as our pocketbooks. Once less criminal to house, feed, educate, and clothe.

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Most of the commenters on that site are a bunch of skells....

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4 Surviving Suspects Indicted

Grand Jury finds no merit for charges against Trooper that shot and killed the scumbag!!

Excerpts from Article:

Four Dutchess County men await arraignment in County Court for their alleged involvement in a home invasion on a quiet road in the Town of LaGrange.

One of the alleged attackers was shot dead by a state trooper in the May 14 incident.

A grand jury handed up an indictment Tuesday, accusing Alphonso L. Brown, Evan M. Davis, Dwayne L. White and Kevin C. Madison each of three counts of first-degree burglary, two counts of first-degree robbery, two counts of second-degree robbery and fourth-degree conspiracy, all felonies.


After hearing testimony in connection with St. Ange’s death, the grand jury found insufficient evidence to charge Trooper Daniel Hoffman with a crime for killing St. Ange.

Although grand jury testimony can’t be disclosed, Grady said the police investigation revealed that St. Ange struck the trooper with the rifle, causing him to fall to the floor.

While on his back, Grady said, the officer immediately shot his .45-caliber Glock service pistol as St. Ange stood over him with the weapon. Hoffman fired five rounds, hitting St. Ange twice, in the head and torso, according to Journal archives.

Poughkeepsie Urinal Article

JetPhoto, JM15 and SageVigiles like this

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