City Of Providence, Rhode Island recruitement

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Read the announcement, it encompasses all aspects of the process

http://www.providenc...sYmCv4.facebook (local News announces The test )

DWC295 all I can say is I grew UP in Close enough to think nothing of Going buffing on a spur of the moment... in a time when THey Ran 3 "rescues" You'll see on the YOUtube and also IF YOU go to PROVIDENCE's Page That they hold no racist judgements against anyone, Lets Face It, anyone In NY, Massachusetts have some regional issues and protect announcements and Hirings as if for they're own war hero son, who will be beack next week, and will have his reconstruction surgery and rehab, 28 minutes before his swearing in...q:^) Here In Connecticut, its become more flexible Hartford is the kookiest as far as Residency issues ... everyone else who had it 30 years ago Pretty much uses anywhere within 1 1/2 hours Travel time (NORMALLY) meaning about as Far as you would wish to go home and return tommorrow at 8 am. I have issue with CT. because they scream racism this and that BUT UNlike Providence who has the announcement available in like 30 languages, Our cities allow Minorities to only be the big 3 .. Afro American, Latin/Hispanic, and Women... which are activly recruited but No one Bothers to stop in a Laotion or Cambodian residence and advise them they are elligible, (it would take away from the major minorities to recognize the true minorities.. its sad...

I'm Happy to see PFD and the City are at least starting with a level playing field... Beyond that lets not forget Providence (metro) is also regularly dealing with Folks from all over SE mass Attleboro to New Bedford and up in the blackstone too these folks live work & play side by side, I dunno Its been a while for me...

Edited by BFD389RET
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Interesting to see that they don't require you to be a resident of Providence! Busy city. It depends on your certification at appointment but I wonder how quickly you get put on a "rescue." I don't know if anything has changed but Providence used to only have 5 rescues in service and they were very, very busy. Great blog on Providence FD EMS is RI is an NREMT state so getting EMS cert can be relatively easy. Good luck if you apply!

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Interesting to see that they don't require you to be a resident of Providence! Busy city. It depends on your certification at appointment but I wonder how quickly you get put on a "rescue." I don't know if anything has changed but Providence used to only have 5 rescues in service and they were very, very busy. Great blog on Providence FD EMS is RI is an NREMT state so getting EMS cert can be relatively easy. Good luck if you apply!

I've been away from Providence over the last 20 years (when they ran with 3 "busses" so things may have Changed though I doubt it... Then You got On and you were on the rescue Until someone below you replaced you.. You seriously believe I am going to prefer the ambulance to Being assigned either of the tower ladders Hahaha sorry... and the next issue is you spend 10 years slugging out every shift and you "test your way out become a Lt. and get stuck on the ambulance until the next Junior guy gets stuck, hahaha

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Yep, it is terrific news that we here in Rhode Island, are actually hiring, unlike, "SADLY" some of the municipalities down where I grew up near, are looking to reduce manpower/apparatus or just leaving it at very dangerous staffing/apparatus levels.

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I looked into PFD a long time ago and determined that I couldn't take the minimum wage for the first 6 months part, then the thought of being stuck on a bus for a year or more with only 5 for the population they cover put the nail in that coffin. A friend from nearby by us works Special Hazards and we got to know a bunch of guys from there. The Lt. on my shift ended up going to work for PFD about 6-7 years ago. As I recall, he had to go through recruit school then go to EMS school to become an advanced EMT or something of that nature by RI standards? He got placed on the bus about 18-24 months in for a 12 month stint I think, then out to a Ladder Co. where he was at last report.

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Providence is an Excellent dept. The firefighters are very aggressive even to this day with all the safety commandos. To get on the job you compete with thousands. But if you are one of the very lucky ones, you start the probie school and train at min wage for about six months. You learn every aspect of the job from firefighter to pump operator to EMT. You are tested all the time. When the probie training is over based on your overall score is how you are picked to go to a company. Highest scoring guy through probie school gets first choice.

There are currently six Rescue ambulances covering the city. They all run constantly.

Providence has everything and the dept is very busy. They have large wood frames and queene anns. High rises, projects, old factories, Everything. A Great dept. I've spent a lot of time buffing them. I posted my story on in the forums. The story is called "My Introduction to Providence".

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To follow up on Mr. Dennis' story(a great story by the way), the Providence Fire Department is currently one of the largest and oldest FD's in New England, and the largest in Rhode Island. It is, like nfd2004 said, a great and might I add a very busy fire department.

The Providence Fire Department currently operates out of 14 Fire Stations in 2 Battalions. They also operate 14 Engines, 8 Ladders, 1 Special Hazards(Heavy Rescue), 1 Collapse/Trench Rescue Unit, 1 Fireboat, 2 Mini-Pumpers, an Air Supply Unit, several Canteen/Rehab. Units, and many support units, as well as 6 ALS Rescue Units(Ambulances), all manned by over 500 career FF's. The PFD responds to approximately 40-45,000 emergency calls annually, including a lot of EMS.

Wikipedia Article on the PFD Page w/Pics

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To follow up on Mr. Dennis' story(a great story by the way), the Providence Fire Department is currently one of the largest and oldest FD's in New England, and the largest in Rhode Island. It is, like nfd2004 said, a great and might I add a very busy fire department.

The Providence Fire Department currently operates out of 14 Fire Stations in 2 Battalions. They also operate 14 Engines, 8 Ladders, 1 Special Hazards(Heavy Rescue), 1 Collapse/Trench Rescue Unit, 1 Fireboat, 2 Mini-Pumpers, an Air Supply Unit, several Canteen/Rehab. Units, and many support units, as well as 6 ALS Rescue Units(Ambulances), all manned by over 500 career FF's. The PFD responds to approximately 40-45,000 emergency calls annually, including a lot of EMS.

Wikipedia Article on the PFD Page w/Pics

"sfrd18", I consider you a friend. You don't have to be so formal and call me Mr Dennis. Although, I must say, if about another 94-95 % of your generation had the respect like you do, we'd all be a lot better off. And of course I respect you and I read all your post. Man, I just don't know how you keep up with all that stuff.,

And you're right. I do hope the guys read the stories on the Providence Fire Dept that I wrote. ( "My Introduction to Providence....on ). It's an Excellent, very Aggressive, Fire Dept that catches a lot of work and does a lot of running.

I retired several years ago from a small city dept in Connecticut. But after seeing that Providence FD in action, I certainly had wished that I had known about that job earlier.

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"sfrd18", I consider you a friend. You don't have to be so formal and call me Mr Dennis. Although, I must say, if about another 94-95 % of your generation had the respect like you do, we'd all be a lot better off. And of course I respect you and I read all your post. Man, I just don't know how you keep up with all that stuff.,

And you're right. I do hope the guys read the stories on the Providence Fire Dept that I wrote. ( "My Introduction to Providence....on ). It's an Excellent, very Aggressive, Fire Dept that catches a lot of work and does a lot of running.

I retired several years ago from a small city dept in Connecticut. But after seeing that Providence FD in action, I certainly had wished that I had known about that job earlier.

Thank you for the complement then Willy D. Providence certainly does catch a lot of work, and they especially did back in the "War Years".

I still say you should write a book.

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