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Troopers Honored for Fighting Fire

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Photo Courtesy of Columbia Page

LIVINGSTON — Ancram Fire Chief David Boice stopped in to the New York State Police barracks in Livingston Wednesday to present a plaque to several troopers who assisted the Ancram Fire Department during a large residential fire that occurred on Christmas Eve last year.

Full Register-Star Article

Columbia Page: Structure Fire Route 82 Ancram 12/23/11

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And they wonder why firefighters act like cops

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I have had a Trooper grab a handline and knock down fire over my head as I entered a building for a search won't hear me talk trash about Troopers with hoselines....

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Disclaimer: Any "Anti Cop" comments will be deleted.

On Wednesday, he said, “It just turned out that they (troopers) were all there ... we needed the help ...

there was a manpower shortage,” said Fire Chief Boice.

The Troopers had the Firefighter's back. They could of sat there and waited for more manpower. They didn't go inside the structure, they were manning an outside line at what looks like a safe distance. Not a very hard thing to do. If command had a problem with it, they could have easily shut down the line.

Just a guy, INIT915 and sfrd18 like this

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I won't mention what department or individual, but I've had a member of law enforcement on duty assist with operations during incidents before. The guy knew his stuff because he was a volunteer in a nearby department. We always appreciated the extra set of hands.

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4 AM alone on Engine 58 pulled up to a body shop 100 x 50 fully involed P.D hit hydrant and pulled preconnects while I went for the deck gun untill the men got there!

nhfd241, 210 and firemoose827 like this

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I do not agree with this at all. I certainly have the Highest Respect for Any State Troopers or City/Town Police officers for that matter.

The fact that if they get hurt, this is Not their job. And who is guarding the hen house while these Troopers fight this fire. If I saw this nd wanted to commit a crime somewhere on their beat, I know there could be a delayed response giving me a better chance to get away with it.

If they were firefighters dressed in civilian clothes doing this, we would be the first to critize them for not wearing the proper gear.

I think Somebody mentioned that they were glad that a State Trooper took the hose line and started to fight the fire. Did I read that right ? A firefighter was glad that a State Trooper took the hose line to fight the fire. Should a firefighter take a gun from the Troopershands and shoot a suspect ? It doesn't make sense to me reading that.

I don't think any State Trooper should be honored for doing this. And personnelly if I was the Chief, I'd be speaking to their supervisor explaining why Firefighters fight fires and not State Troopers.

If I was going for surgury, would I want my electrician who just put in a new fuse panel to open my heart.

I really can not believe some people would agree with this. Maybe they ment well, but should I be pulling cars over for speeding, or should I leave that for the people who are trained (and paid) to do it.

firefighter36, x4093k and bigrig77 like this

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I do not agree with this at all. I certainly have the Highest Respect for Any State Troopers or City/Town Police officers for that matter.

The fact that if they get hurt, this is Not their job. And who is guarding the hen house while these Troopers fight this fire. If I saw this nd wanted to commit a crime somewhere on their beat, I know there could be a delayed response giving me a better chance to get away with it.

If they were firefighters dressed in civilian clothes doing this, we would be the first to critize them for not wearing the proper gear.

I think Somebody mentioned that they were glad that a State Trooper took the hose line and started to fight the fire. Did I read that right ? A firefighter was glad that a State Trooper took the hose line to fight the fire. Should a firefighter take a gun from the Troopershands and shoot a suspect ? It doesn't make sense to me reading that.

I don't think any State Trooper should be honored for doing this. And personnelly if I was the Chief, I'd be speaking to their supervisor explaining why Firefighters fight fires and not State Troopers.

If I was going for surgury, would I want my electrician who just put in a new fuse panel to open my heart.

I really can not believe some people would agree with this. Maybe they ment well, but should I be pulling cars over for speeding, or should I leave that for the people who are trained (and paid) to do it.

Just the responce I was looking for ! thank you.

INIT915 and Just a guy like this

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And yet everyone (including myself) applauded members of the FDNY for backing up and assisting NYPD officers in Staten Island who were faced with a large unruly crowd.

Who's guarding the hen house? The other Troopers working. Those Troopers most likely would have been assigned to the fire scene anyways.

If a Firefighter taking one of my guns to help me in a firefight saves my ass or someone else's, I'm good with it. These Troopers didn't take the hose from anyone's hands, they were asked by the Fire Chief to help. Any cop would have stepped up and did the right thing.

The simple fact is web the crap hits the fan, emergency service providers step up and do the right thing for the communities we serve and for our fellow emergency service providers. These Troopers were not tasked with an interior attack, they were tasked with spraying some water on a fire from well outside the structure because the FD didn't have the manpower. If I was a homeowner, I'd be pretty damn grateful.

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And yet individuals (including myself) applauded members of the FDNY for backing up and assisting NYPD officers in Staten Island who were faced with a large unruly crowd.

The simple fact is web the crap hits the fan, emergency service providers step up and do the right thing for the communities we serve and for our fellow emergency service providers. These Troopers were not tasked with an interior attack, they were tasked with spraying some water on a fire from well outside the structure because the FD didn't have the manpower. If I was a homeowner, I'd be pretty damn grateful.

Those FDNY members were not honored for doing that job. Those police officers were far out numbered and no doubt I would have done the same thing as those FDNY members did. But the conditions were quite different. Those officers were in immediate danger. I look at this photo and see absolutely NO ONE IN DANGER.

If someones life was in danger and one or two of those troopers took action to save someone, I might see this a little different. However, I am not at all advocating police officers charge into burning buildings. Firefighters are equipped and trained to do that. The same as I am not advocating that Firefighters pull a car over being driven by what appears to be a drunk driver. Think about that. Would the right thing for any firefighter to do is to pull what appears to be a drunk driver over or should that be the police officers job.

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We know now that no one was in danger. Was that outright apparent when the units first arrived on scene and the Troopers were asked to help? Was it known if the house was occupied or unoccupied? You're looking at a photograph that was taken how long into the operation?

If a firefighter chooses to make an adult decision to pull over a suspected drunk driver, and potentially prevents an accident or innocent person from being injured/killed, I'll say my thanks, and take over. I won't ridicule them for helping.... But I guess that's the difference between the two professions.

INIT915 likes this

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I I think Somebody mentioned that they were glad that a State Trooper took the hose line and started to fight the fire. Did I read that right ? A firefighter was glad that a State Trooper took the hose line to fight the fire. Should a firefighter take a gun from the Troopershands and shoot a suspect ? It doesn't make sense to me reading that.

Yes Sir, that was me.

A few years back my department went mutual aid for a house fire with our Truck. I lived between the fire and the firehouse, so I drove directly to the scene where I was paired up with a good friend from another department to do a search as there were reports of a trapped civillian. The house was "going good" with heavy fire on floor 1, side 4.

As we walked up to the front step, the TROOPERS and another firefighter pulled the victim from the house, he was right behind the front door. Since we thought there was another victim inside, we pushed into the front door. My partner was already inside and I was a few feet inside when the fire rolled out the front door. Fire was to the right, we went left...the fire blocked our exit if need be...the TROOPER took the line that was on the front steps (unattended) and knocked back the fire in the doorway, holding it in check until we completed the primary of the room thought to hold another victim. We then took the kine and attacked the fire.

We know it wasnt an ideal situation, but thats the reality of rural firefighting....I was thankful for them.

87D124, 210, firemoose827 and 1 other like this

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Bottom line here is that this was something that they were asked to do. It is obviously a rual volunteer department. As we all know, there are manpower issues that we all have to deal with. They did not take the hose out of anyones hands and I am sure they were directed as to where and how the IC wanted that hose stream directed. We are all here for the same reasons, to serve the public we were sworn to protect. Take help were you can when you need it. I am sure that as soon as there was adequate manpower the police officer's were relieved. I think it was even changed to a monitor unless I am looking at the wrong picture. Would we all rather have firefighters manning the line? Sure, but if you don't have anyone, I will take the help from the PD.

INIT915, sueg, BFD1054 and 1 other like this

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I do not agree with this at all. I certainly have the Highest Respect for Any State Troopers or City/Town Police officers for that matter.

The fact that if they get hurt, this is Not their job. And who is guarding the hen house while these Troopers fight this fire. If I saw this nd wanted to commit a crime somewhere on their beat, I know there could be a delayed response giving me a better chance to get away with it.

If they were firefighters dressed in civilian clothes doing this, we would be the first to critize them for not wearing the proper gear.

I think Somebody mentioned that they were glad that a State Trooper took the hose line and started to fight the fire. Did I read that right ? A firefighter was glad that a State Trooper took the hose line to fight the fire. Should a firefighter take a gun from the Troopershands and shoot a suspect ? It doesn't make sense to me reading that.

I don't think any State Trooper should be honored for doing this. And personnelly if I was the Chief, I'd be speaking to their supervisor explaining why Firefighters fight fires and not State Troopers.

If I was going for surgury, would I want my electrician who just put in a new fuse panel to open my heart.

I really can not believe some people would agree with this. Maybe they ment well, but should I be pulling cars over for speeding, or should I leave that for the people who are trained (and paid) to do it.

Didn't FD ask the troopers for help? You make it sound like the cops were freelancing, tapped the hydrant and stretched the line on their own. I bet if it was your house on fire, you wouldn't be complaining that the cops were putting water on it.

JJB531, 210, 87D124 and 5 others like this

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Several years ago in Bridgeport, Ct a well respected police officer by the name of Terrance Flood was killed when he went into a burning building. The fire itself was knocked down very quickly by the department and no one was in the building. but a dedicated police officer died for Nothing.

In the case of these State Troopers fighting this fire from the outside, should any firefighters be inside the house anyway ? Water is being poured in from what looks like a 2 1/2 inch line. I don't think so.

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Several years ago in Bridgeport, Ct a well respected police officer by the name of Terrance Flood was killed when he went into a burning building. The fire itself was knocked down very quickly by the department and no one was in the building. but a dedicated police officer died for Nothing.

In the case of these State Troopers fighting this fire from the outside, should any firefighters be inside the house anyway ? Water is being poured in from what looks like a 2 1/2 inch line. I don't think so.

Bottomline dude, THEIR chief who was most likely at the job felt it neccesary to personally congratuate them for a job well done. They were there, you were not therefore you can't really comment as to who was inside or who wasn't. The job got done. Stop hating.

FYI: The brothers from E-158 were taken care of for their actions in assisting PD with their deck gun. I can assure you that they didn't do it for the "honor". They did it because it was the right thing to do.

Edited by Bull McCaffrey

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I think the bottom line most of us realize is, when push comes to shove, most of us in the emergency services will go above and beyond. Some will take a backseat.

We all know who are the lines likely to step up and who are likely to walk away.

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That's why it is an Engine job. LOL

You know why the Trucks open the roof right?????

To see the real fireman at work!!!!!!!!

Guess I need to change my name now.

chris 31, ems-buff, 791075 and 3 others like this

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Bottomline dude, THEIR chief who was most likely at the job felt it neccesary to personally congratuate them for a job well done. They were there, you were not therefore you can't really comment as to who was inside or who wasn't. The job got done. Stop hating.

I don't hate any State Troopers. Hey Bull, I actually have a lot of respect for them. I think I might have mentioned that earlier on here. No my friend, I just want them to do the job they are trained to do. When I call "911' and need the State police, I expect them to do their job. When I call "911" for the Fire Dept, I expect them also to do their job. I don't think I'd call the fire dept if somebody's breaking into my house.

Maybe we should close down some fire depts and hire more State Troopers. That way, we could have more Troopers on the road and let them fight fires too. I wonder how the NY State Police Union would feel about that.

I'd also like to know if the NY State Police union and management fully endorses their Troopers acting as Firefighters.

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Maybe we should close down some fire depts and hire more State Troopers. That way, we could have more Troopers on the road and let them fight fires too. I wonder how the NY State Police Union would feel about that.

I'd also like to know if the NY State Police union and management fully endorses their Troopers acting as Firefighters.

NY State Police PBA phone number: (518) 462-7448

Feel free to call and ask them yourself. Let us know what they say.

x129K, JJB531, SageVigiles and 2 others like this

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Did the troopers do the right thing? Sure.

Does the fire department need to make changes to ensure adequate staffing to avoid having to use civilians, state troopers, DPW workers, chefs, landscapers, soccer moms, etc. to man handlines? You betcha.

Nice job guys.

nycemt728, Bnechis and SageVigiles like this

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1. These troopers may be volunteer FF. We don't know.

2. There's a big difference between assisting an FD that doesn't have enough personnel on scene by supporting exterior operations and entering the building that's on fire. SInce the former is the subject of this discussion, we shouldn't be comparing the latter as the two scenarios are apples and oranges.

3. The troopers were not freelancing. They were operating under the direction and supervision of the Fire Chief so all your complaints can/should be directed to him.

We debate a lot of incidents where there is a perceived conflict between duties and actions but I think in this case the debate is misguided. If a fire chief asked me to help at the scene of a major incident and the assistance he requested wasn't going to put me in harm's way, why should I say no???

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Put turnout gear on these guys and what do you have - a disciplined company operating as a team with a supervisor.......

Edited by x129K
efdcapt115, 87D124, JJB531 and 16 others like this

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Keeping real simple, we all do what we do for two reasons, to help others and to go home at the end of our tours. Bottom line thats exactly what the troopers did. They helped out their brother and sisters in emergency service and the public they all serve and helped everyone including themselves get home safely. Let those who would not want the same done for them cast the first stone....

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did they have there fire proof vests on ?

Oh boy I hope they did cause they were oh so close to the fire. Please.... Does that mean we should make every buff who lurks around a fire scene to take pictures throw on turnout gear?

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Oh boy I hope they did cause they were oh so close to the fire. Please.... Does that mean we should make every buff who lurks around a fire scene to take pictures throw on turnout gear?

No we should request that law enforcment should maintain a security zone so the buffs and general public can be kept safe.

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Good luck with that one BNechis. Firefighters would be in an uproar in certain parts of the County if law enforcement tried to keep a "brother firefighter" away from a great buffy photo op. Some liberal crybaby would be wailing that the police were infringing on their rights to photo some poor persons house burning to the ground.

Bull McCaffrey and Just a guy like this

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Congrats and kudos to the Troopers and the FD chief that took advantage of the available resources.

Glad nobody was hurt.

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