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Mt Kisco: Working Fire- 4/29/12

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Date: 4-29-12

Time: 11:00 approx.

Location: 32 St Marks Place

Frequency: 46.26. Fire 16, Fireground 8

Units Operating: {Mt Kisco FD: 2282, 2281, 2284, E-106, E-105,-TL-14, R-31, R15, U-13]{ WCDES: Batt 13, C&O Z5, 1405] {Yorktown: Ladder 51, 2531, 2533. 2535,(stand by) } {Chappaqua: 2061, 2062, 2063, E146, R-23(Cascade)}{ Ossining: 2331, E-98, U-51(FAST){MKPD] {WEMS: 45M1]{ Bedford Hills: 2031, 2033, TL-57(FAST)} {MKEMS: 70B1]{Millwood: E-247(Stand By)]

Weather Conditions: Clear

Description Of Incident: Working fire in a 2 story structure, fire showing upon arrival.

Reporters: firedude, Larchmont_Boy

11:23: Batt. 13 update: 2 story wood frame 20x20 Con Ed Electric on scene. Also have ladder ops in affect, 3 L/S/O A.T.T.

11:26- Batt 13 requesting another FAST team to the scene.

11:27 Yorktown FAST dispatched.

11:28- 2281 requesting Red Cross to the scene, 8 adults 2 children.

11:35 Yorktown unable to fill the FAST assignment, Ossining FAST now requested

11:37: Ossining 2331 assembling FASTeam

11:39- Chappaqua Rescue 23 responding

11:45- All units still operating- Batt. 13 requesting if Ossining has assembled their crew yet.

11:46: Rescue 23 on scene.

11:47- Red Cross on scene.

11:50: As for 2281- fire under control, still using all units on scene.

Any Information regarding times and updates past 11:50 would be much appreciated. I was unable to listen any further.

Articles & Photos on the fire...


Edited by x4093k
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