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Chappaqua - 3rd Alarm Fire - 4-21-12

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Date: 4-21-12

Time: 20:26

Location: 15 Ivy Hill Dr. (Google Maps)

Frequency: 46.26 (Dispatch), Fire 16, EMS 16, Fire 17, FG6, 155.850 (NCPD)

FD Units Operating: (Chappaqua FD: 2062, 2063, E144, E145, E146, R23, TL27 ) (Mount Kisco: FAST, 2284, 2281, 2283, E105, U13) (WCDES: BAT16, BAT13, BAT17, C&O Zone5, CC24,1405,) (NCPD) (NYSP) (Pleasantville: 2372, E260) (Bedford Hills: FAST, 2031, 2035, 2036, TL57) (Millwood: 2253, E247) (Yorktown: E273, 2531, 2536) (Ossining: 2331,2334 TL42, U51(FAST)) (Thornwood: E89, 2471, 2472) (CONED E&G)

EMS Units Operating: (NW Medic: 45M1) (Pleasantville VAC: 76B1, 76B2, 7605_REHAB) (Chappaqua VAC:54B1, 54B2) (Mt. Kisco VAC, 70B1, 70-REHAB) (American Red Cross)

Relocate to Chappaqua HQ: (Pleanantsville: 1 Engine) (Millwood: 2253,E247) (Thornwood: E89,2471, 2472) (Briarcliff Manor: E94, 2051)

Weather Conditions: Clear 55

Description Of Incident: Structure Fire in attached garage, extending onto structure

Reporters: fireboyny, firedude, ac316scu

20:26: Chappaqua dispatched for a structure fire at 15 Ivy Hill Dr

20:30: 60 control alerting units house has a shared driveway, use the driveway to the right

20:31: 60 Control notifying units, multiple calls, through the roof

20:31: 2062 confirms, 10-75 issued, 1st alarm assignment being toned out.

20:31: Dispatch for: Pleasantville - 1 engine, Mt. Kisco 1 Engine and Fast, BAT 16

20:32: 2062 Visible flames through the roof, poss extension on to structure

20:35: BAT16 unable to respond, page next BAT chief

20:38: BAT17 toned out for response

20:41: 60 control notifying units to operate of Fireground 6

20:52: 2062 Asking for appartus run down:

20:52: 60 control: ON SCENE is E105, E144, E145, R23, TL27, U13, 45M1, BAT17 (enroute), 45M1 (Enroute)

20:53: 2062: Send in Pleanantville E260

20:55: 2062 1.5 story, 2 Car garage, Fully Involved, mostly K/d, 3 l/s/o. Checking for extension, House is 100 X 40

20:55: Millwood to relocate 1 engine to Chappaqua HQ

20:59: 2062 requesting additional Fast team, Mt. Kisco put to work

21:00: Bedford Hills Fast requested

21:02: 2035, 2031 En-route

21:06: C&O Zone 5 toned out for responce

21:06: E260 on Location

21:08: BAT17 On Location

21:09: Chappaqua Command: Request E247 - Millwood to the scene, send in additional engine to cover

21:10: Thornwood, 1 engine to standby @ Chappaqua HQ

21:13: Bat17 to E247, per chappaqua command lay in from Annandale Rd to E260

21:13: E247 Has the hydrant

21:14: Bat 17 as per Command transmitting 2nd Alarm assignment

21:17: Car 2063 on Location

21:18: Chappaqua transmitting 3rd alarm

21:19: Bat 17: As per command Fire in the house, 2nd floor B Side 100' X 40'

21:19: Ossinining 1 Ladder, Yorktown 1 engine to the scene for the 3rd alarm

21:19: Armonk 1 engine relocate to Chappaqua HQ

21:20: As per BAT17 Mobile command (FC1) is NOT needed

21:24: Retone for Yorktown - 1 engine

21:26: 60 control 1 hour notification

21:27: Yorktown E273 assembling a crew and will be responding

21:28: As per Bat17: Ossining will be the new fast team

21:29: 2331 requesting tone out for FAST qualified members

21:30: Ossining FAST dispatched

21:33: as per 2063: Send E146 manpower directly to the scene

21:34: Bat 17: As per command have additional BLS respond in to Annandale Rd

21:37: CONED Elect. on location

21:43: 2331 and TL42 on location

21:51: BAT17 to E273 stage on avendale, send manpower to the scene

21:53: BAT17 reporting that C&O is on location

21:56: 60 control: 1.5 hour mark

21:56: As per 2334: U51(Ossining FAST) on location

22:00: Bat-17 reports Visible fire has been knocked down, units overhauling at this time

22:26: Incident has been going on for 2 hours as per 60 control

22:36: Bat-17: Release Mt. Kisco EMS

22:48: Bat 17: As per Chappaqua Command, Situation Is under control, companies still overhauling

22:54: Bat 17: As per command, U13 released (Mt. Kisco FAST)

23:11: Bat 17: As per command E89, and TL42 can return to service

23:22: 2474 reports that he is back in service

23:26: Incident now at the three hour time point

23:28: All Ossining units are back in service

23:30: E89 Back in service, reporting to quarters

23:30: Remaining Thornwood units back in service

23:36: Bat-17: Per command, Releasing Bedford Hills

23:42: as per 2031- All BHFD units are back in service

23:50: Yorktown units have been released as per command via. BAT-17

23:52: As per Chappaqua command, 76B1, 76B2, 7605_REHAB can return to service

23:56: as per 2536, Yorktown is back in service

00:02: BAT17: E247 has been released from the scene

00:09: 2253 is Back in service

02:59: Chappaqua Command terminated


Patch article lohud article Independent Fire Co. -Mt. Kisco

Edited by fireboyny
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