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Incident Alert (National)Tough Week For Virginia Firefighters

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Date:4/8/12 to 4/13/12


Location:Virginia Beach, Norfolk, Chesapeake


Units Operating:

Weather Conditions:Fair

Description Of Incident:Multiple Major Fires in one week


Since Sunday:

Va Beach:F-18 crash into garden apartment complex

Norfolk: 9-story medical building membrane roof fire

Chesapeake: 5 Single family homes burn in small conflagration

Va Beach: 4-story frame condo double-fatal fire with collapse

Hampton Roads departments mobilized for wild

See "Fires keep Hampton Roads firefighters busy

<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" id="video" width="400" height="340" data="">Fires keep Hampton Roads crews busy:</a></p>

Edited by wraftery
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