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FDNY*EMS Dispatching?

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I've kind of lost track. I've heard different things, so maybe someone here can clear it up.

Where are FDNY*EMS call received and proccesed, and where are they dispatched nowadays??? I've heard they are still in Maspeth, I've heard they are at Metrotech, I've heard rumors that NYPD dispatchers will be trained to take EMS calls and then route them via computers to one of the 5 FDNY Borough dispatch centers?

So how is it done currently?

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Im sure JBE has all your answers on those two questions.

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The dispatchers are a metrotech. All the dispathers are FDNY*EMS members. Dont know about any of the rumors.

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EMS in NYC is dispatched as follows.

911 call goes to NYPD Communications at 11 Metrotech. There a NYPD operator will screen the call and enter it into the computer. If it's a Medical call the 911 operator will place the call into a NYPD job type such as 53 or 54. The call then will be sent over to 1 Metrotech and FDNY EMS ARD will then screen the call using the cards and place the job into an EMS call type such as JUMPDN.

Note as soon as the NYPD operator keys in a call type that CFR-D units respond a message is sent to Starfire. The FDNY EMS ARD then my downgrade this call and cancel the Engine. Such as Caller states Pt has chest Pn. Then EMS ARD finds out pt is 23 with no hx now it's downgraded to a Sick call.

Future will be very interesting as far as Public safety goes.

1. Ambulances getting AVL already started working on this units have been installed.

2. FIRE CO's being renovated

3. FDNY Fire moves to UHF radio system

4. Police, Fire and EMS all move to a central CAD system

5. Possible FIRE, EMS and PD move to two 911 Centers.

As far as staffing the goal is for one stop shopping. 911 operator will be able to handle any call without having to send it to Fire or EMS.

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Thanks Tommy!! Very nicely explained for what seems to be a tricky thing to explain!

I wonder if that process works well, or if it could be streamlined more? Seems kinda complicated and intensive.

Also it will be interesting to see the changes the future holds, and how they go about renovating the CO's. Wonder what they will look like and how they will be set up.

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Tommy pretty much nailed it. However, the CO renovations/consolodations are not the brightest idea out there. The plan is to have FDNY Fire and NYPD dispatching out of one building. They are prepping 11 Metrotech to take in 3 of the 5 boroughs. BAD MOVE!!!! Just paint a big F'ing bullseye on the side of the building, not to mention the parking problems.

The Queens CO is being renovated right now, and apparently is running just about on schedule. The Bronx CO renovations started about a month ago. I would much rather see all the FDNY CO's renovated, and EMS moving in with us and we dispatch alongside each other. As long as they play by the house rules.

The idea of a PSAP(Public Service Answering Point) is Bloombergs big idea and it is detrimental to current FDNY operations. When we get a call from the public reporting a fire/emergency, if there is a question about it, such as a vague description of the problem, I can yell over to the call taker and find out what is going on. Can't do that with this PSAP plan. As for the idea of one stop shopping, looks good on paper, but I personally don't think it will work. Example: I worked in Manhattan from 1998-2002. I got a call from a 911 dispatcher reporting a fire on the subway at 61 Street and Roosevelt Drive in Manhattan. The calltaker at 911 didn't realize it was actually the 7 train at 61 Street and Roosevelt AVENUE in Queens, and she was actually got snippy with me when I told her there was no Subway at 61st Street and the FDR Drive.(I think I threw in a snide remark about getting out a little more)

The call center is in one spot, and the actual area where the units are dispatched is somewhere else. The running mentality of the bean counters is that other cities do it with no problems, but how many other cities handle the call volume that we do and are as big of a target as NYC??? I don't see much else happening until FDNY gets a CADS for fire that is an improvement on a system that was developed when I was in diapers.

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Just to add to this, another wrench my union can throw at the city council when they push this whole idea is, "How often does EMS and PD get sent out to the wrong location??" "How often does FD get sent to the wrong location??" You'd be surprised how often innacurate info is given to/by EMS and PD. Rarely happens with FD. Renovate what we have, give us a decent CAD system, and use the buildings that haven't been built yet as back ups.

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