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Brooklyn - Hostage Situation w/ Multiple ESU MOS Shot

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Brooklyn Gunfight Leaves Four Cops Injured and Suspect in Critical Condition

NY Post


Last Updated: 2:13 PM, April 8, 2012

Four members of the NYPD’s elite Emergency Service Unit were shot early today during a wild shootout with an ex-con barricaded inside his Brooklyn apartment, police said.

Detective Michael Keenan, 52, was struck in his left calf while Detective Kenneth Ayala, 49, was hit in the thigh and left ankle during a 12:30 a.m. firefight with Nakwon Foxworth, 33, inside the suspect’s apartment building at 3301 Nostrand Ave. in Sheepshead Bay, said NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly.

Also hit during the 12-shot fusillade Foxworth squeezed off were Police Officer Matthew Granahan, 35, who was hit in the left calf, and Capt. Al Pizzano, 45, who suffered a graze wound to the face, Kelly added.

Wow, glad to see the guys of ESU are okay after this. Could have turned out much worse.

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