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Tow Truck Job Goes Wrong...

10 posts in this topic

HAHAHA, Sorry but I cant do anything but laugh. This reminds me of ME working for my father. Only when I do something for my father would something stupid like this happen. Hopefully everyone was ok.

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As much as I love it, the photography is way too smooth. A car following that knew it would happen? That continues in watching it happen..... Then without so much as a door opening it fades to an over the rim shot?

Sorry, unless Martihn Scorsese was on vacation in Norway, that video had some serious 'help'.

And posted April 2nd which means it happened April 1st?

Edited by ckroll
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Tow Truck Mayhem! Hope that guy had Allstate to protect him from this guy:


HAHAHA Nice one!

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As much as I love it, the photography is way too smooth. A car following that knew it would happen? That continues in watching it happen..... Then without so much as a door opening it fades to an over the rim shot?

Sorry, unless Martihn Scorsese was on vacation in Norway, that video had some serious 'help'.

And posted April 2nd which means it happened April 1st?

I heard the film was shot by Abraham Zapruder..... B)

ckroll, 210, sfrd18 and 1 other like this

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