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My Daughter left for Boot Camp Today

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My third Child left from Purdys NY today to head up to Albany to a 5 year stint in the US Army, she is going to Missouri for Boot Camp and AIT training to become a M P. Her Mother and I are extremely proud of her , she has been a member of Somers FD since she was 16, she has completed EMT and FF 1 and 2 and Safety and Survival. ( She is 20) I want to wish her all the best as well I want to keep her in our thoughts and prayers. I also wish to Thank all who have and are currently serving THANK YOU for all you are doing and have done for this great country we all live in.

Jim and Gina Arena

God Bless America

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Good Luck to Victoria!!! She will be missed!

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Truly amazing. Good luck to her and prayers are with your family for a safe return.

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Jim and Gina,

We wish her the best of luck and thank her for her service.

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Congratulations,............ and the next time you see her say THANK YOU from all of us.


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Thank you Victoria for your service to this country!

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Jim and Gina you have Alot to be proud of as Victoria is a great person. She will be missed at the SVFD!! God Bless her and prayers for a safe return go out to her and your family.

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I made a few attempts at reading this out loud to my wife before I had to hand the phone to her so she could actually hear (read) the whole thing.

Lump in throatitis. Usually diagnosed in males who are no longer as tough as they used to be.

Jim and family... I pray that God protects your daughter as she protects us.

Joshua 1:9 “ …Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”

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My third Child left from Purdys NY today to head up to Albany to a 5 year stint in the US Army, she is going to Missouri for Boot Camp and AIT training to become a M P. Her Mother and I are extremely proud of her , she has been a member of Somers FD since she was 16, she has completed EMT and FF 1 and 2 and Safety and Survival. ( She is 20) I want to wish her all the best as well I want to keep her in our thoughts and prayers. I also wish to Thank all who have and are currently serving THANK YOU for all you are doing and have done for this great country we all live in.

Jim and Gina Arena

God Bless America

Your daughter is a Credit to her generation. And certainly credit goes to her parents for raising such an Excellent Role Model to those younger than her. I Admire her for what she is doing. Congradulations to the Arena Family and I wish her a very Safe and enjoyable five years. THANK YOU.

Bill Dennis (aka Willy "D")

Norwich, Ct

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Good luck Victoria and Thank you!

Congratulations Jim and Gina!!

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Victoria left Albany around 5pm and transfered in detroit and Landed in Missouri around 10pm NY time,( 1 hour behind) waiting for pick up at airport to go to base.

We all wish her well, as well as the three people she went with ( they all are going for MP) I lost a huge help,around my house, but the Army and the USA gained a great women to represent us and make sure this great country we live in will be safe for years to come. THANK YOU and all that are serving and have served.

JIm and Gina Arena

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I hope that you ill keep usposted on your daughters progress and the progresson the others she traveled with.

There is a eb site out there that I think you might appreciate. It kind of tells the story of people like your daughter. i hope you'll check it out. It is www.PatriotFiles.Org

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Jim and Gina Arena: Your daughter and the others serving will always be in our thoughts and prayers, hoping they stay safe and grateful to them for using their talents in the service of our country and to help others. She will be missed at Somers FD, but I am sure they will be looking for her when her tour is over. Good luck to all of you - when your child serves, you are also there in spirit, and it must be hard for you, so know you are also in our thoughts. God Bless all those who have served, are serving and will serve - you are fine examples of freedom and humanity.

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Fair Winds and Following Seas, from this former Coastie!!!

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I just got a call from Victoria . She had 1 minute to talk to us so she has been in receiving since she has gotten there. She starts offically on Tuesday, she sounded really great, but upset and missing home all at the same time, she said to say thank you to everyone and she misses being at Somers and running on calls.

I told her how proud we are of her and she will be fine , of course this is thru both of us crying at the same time, Gina was not here to take the call so I now she will be upset about that .

God Bless Victoria and all that are in her Basic Class and Thank You. You will do us all proud.

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Victoria Offically is done with Boot Camp starts Monday on her way to being a MP

To say we are humbled and proud is an understatement

God Bless Her and all our troops


ny10570, JBE, Patch6713 and 2 others like this

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