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New Oklahoma Law Will Put Details Of All Abortions Online

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They should look at the HIPPA regulations first...

A new Oklahoma law will require the details of every abortion to be posted on a public website. Proponents say this will prevent abortion — apparently by shaming and burdening women and doctors.

New Oklahoma Law Will Put Details Of All Abortions Online

Edited by JetPhoto
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Ahh the 21st Century version of a scarlet letter "A." Hopefully, this won't go anywhere, since it's unconstitutional - Roe vs. Wade was actually a case involving privacy, which will be legally chilled by this law.

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Why is it these lawmakers can't stay out of woman's vagina's?

Because they don't actually view women as people, other wise they would apply "life, liberty and pursuit of happiness" to all people, not just white, Christian, males aged 30 years and over.

Edited by SRS131EMTFF
JetPhoto, SteveOFD and INIT915 like this

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Abortion isn't about privacy. It's murder. On a forum dedicated to people who save lives this topic is a disgrace.

EMSer and orangEMT246 like this

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Abortion isn't about privacy. It's murder. On a forum dedicated to people who save lives this topic is a disgrace.

Easy on the political rhetoric there. No matter how wrong you may feel it is, there are a lot of people who disagree. Seeing as how this board is predominantly NYC and the surrounding metropolitan area statistically most of this board is going to disagree with you. Even our Right leaning members are almost as likely to disagree with you. As long as abortion is legal (wether or not you agree with it) putting their information in a public database exposes these people to harassment and ridicule. Once its illegal, convict these people of a crime and you can post whatever information you want wherever you want.

peterose313 and INIT915 like this

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