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Newark - Aircraft Emergency 2/27/12

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Date: 2/27/2012

Time: ~1830hrs

Location: Newark Liberty International Airport (Runway 22L)

Frequency: Air Traffic Control, Port Authority Trunked, Newark UHF

Units Operating: Newark ARFF, Port Authority Police, Airport Operations, Newark FD, Newark PD, UMDNJ EMS, FAA, NTSB

Weather Conditions: Partly Cloudy, 52 Degrees

Description Of Incident: A United Express aircraft, operated by Shuttle America, from Atlanta to Newark reported landing gear problems upon approach. The aircraft, an Embraer E-170, was caring 68 passengers and 4 crew members. The pilot declared an emergency. Newark ARFF laid foam on the runway prior to landing. Upon aircraft touchdown, the front nose gear collapsed. The plane skid down the runway to a hard stop. Passengers exited the aircraft via the emergency slides and were transported to the terminal by bus. The airport was closed for a short time. However, runway 22 left will remain closed until the morning. All flights are running with delays. Newark FD and EMS responded as mutual aid.


Writer: firedude

Flight Details:

Shuttle America Flight 5125

Atlanta to Newark

Embraer E-170

72 people on board

WNBC Article

WABC Article

NYCAviation Article

Edited by firedude
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