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Care1 vs HVP/ Regional

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Just had an interview with a Mr Nodar (very nice , upfront and down to earth guy ) up in fishkill for Care1. I used to work for them under HVP/Reg with Mr Rizzo as chief. Besides different color ambulances, according to Mr Nodar the differences are addition of a new base in yonkers (why?) All medics must be westchester remac as well as HV remac, and the majority of the management is long gone. Besides that can anyone comment on any other changes? Is the owner(s) still the same? Pay rates still the same? Operations? Equipment? etc etc.... basically besides new ambulances and faces what can I expect to be better or worse? I've seen some people mention the company on here saying they worked for care1 previously so any info at all will be greatly appreciated in advance.

Oh and hvp/reg website is still up does care1 have a website yet?

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Just had an interview with a Mr Nodar (very nice , upfront and down to earth guy ) up in fishkill for Care1. I used to work for them under HVP/Reg with Mr Rizzo as chief. Besides different color ambulances, according to Mr Nodar the differences are addition of a new base in yonkers (why?) All medics must be westchester remac as well as HV remac, and the majority of the management is long gone. Besides that can anyone comment on any other changes? Is the owner(s) still the same? Pay rates still the same? Operations? Equipment? etc etc.... basically besides new ambulances and faces what can I expect to be better or worse? I've seen some people mention the company on here saying they worked for care1 previously so any info at all will be greatly appreciated in advance.

masterofmetal85 15 minutes ago

Oh and hvp/reg website is still up does care1 have a website yet?

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I can tell you one thing that has stayed the same. The sending of BLS crews to extended care facilities who in turn request ALS "intercepts" which in their lingo must mean at the scene. I really don't understand this and find its a waste. If you don't have an ALS crew just say you can't do it.

Last one was an "intercept" which was met at the facility...which the BLS crew when asked what's up stated that the patient had a "trach." When asked if they were having a problem with it they said no they can't transport a patient with a trach. When told they can if there is no complication by BLS protocol, they then said it was against company policy. Only to have another crew start arguing with them that they were wrong. Needless to went BLS. And the crew was reminded that their policies are theirs not another agencies.

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Care1ems = Ambulance (new owners)

HVP = Ambulette (same owner with added partners)

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I think what you should look at with any agency but ecspecially at Care1 is employee retention. They may hire a lot of people, but a lot of them don't stay. even a lot of the employees who have been there since empire have recently went elsewhere. I think you'll find a lot of the same problems exist, just hidden differently. I haven't dealt much with Nodar, and those dealings iv'e had havent been bad...however Mr. Welsh is an arrogant joke.

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Well if there is a high turnover which I feel was the case with the old HVP what is the cause?: are the ppl they higher a bunch of skells and get cut loose (not really the companies fault except for not scrutinizing hirees more ) or do most of them quit for dislike of management or other unsettling issues , maybe thinking they might get better elsewhere (again maybe not totally the companies fault) its hard to please all the employees. I'm willing to bet though turnover rate at MLSS is prob much less then HVP/Care1EMS so MLSS might be doing something to keep a greater percentage happier that care1 should follow

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Well if there is a high turnover which I feel was the case with the old HVP what is the cause?: are the ppl they higher a bunch of skells and get cut loose (not really the companies fault except for not scrutinizing hirees more ) or do most of them quit for dislike of management or other unsettling issues , maybe thinking they might get better elsewhere (again maybe not totally the companies fault) its hard to please all the employees. I'm willing to bet though turnover rate at MLSS is prob much less then HVP/Care1EMS so MLSS might be doing something to keep a greater percentage happier that care1 should follow

So then apply to MLSS? No one, except you, can figure out where you should apply and what jobs you should accept. I really feel like you're asking us to pick for you - you went on the interviews, you have to go with you're gut tells you is right and where you think you will be most happy.

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Hey Master of stupid. I am not as well as many others of my fellow employees are Not A Bunch of Skells. This is the point I think you should get off the the computer. I have been doing this job as a volly & paid longer than you probably been alive. You are no longer insulting a company. You are insulting me. What my fellow employees that care & I bring to the table is good pt care. No matter what uniform we wear. I am sure you could even learn a lesson from us. Oh wait you couldn't. You have blinders on. We are not perfect, but we try & do. If you actually knew who & what you where talking about. Go away cause I'm done with you. You don't call people that do their jobs Skells.

texastom791, x129K, sueg and 1 other like this

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Yikes I think my post was taken way out of context I sincerely apologize for that. Ill try to explain I was not directing the word skell at you, anyone you know or anyone at care1 in particular ( I happen to like the company I used to be there remember?) What I was trying to say though was that when I was there I recall a high turnover rate. My comment about skells was in question format, basically asking what's the reason of the turnover? Are "skells" being hired,then exposed, then fired? (Again not any companies particular fault except maybe to be extra thorough in the hiring process its inevitable that a few slip through the cracks not matter how intense the process) or are employees leaving willingly due to unhappiness and possibly a "greedy" feeling that they can get a better deal elsewhere? After that I pointed out that a fellow EMS company seems to retain a higher percentage of employees or so it seems and I just made the comparison.

I have no doubt in my mind that you are not only an execellent medic but an outstanding employee your reputation travels far believe it or not. I also have no doubt in my mind that there are many more at care1 right now like you (I wish I was one of them) however if many ppl conclude the same impressions ie high turnover then that suggests there might be an underlying issue.... I was being very sincere and humble with my explanation hope it made sense.

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Also to point out you obviously don't fall into the turnover statistic you're stilled employed there. That means several things: you're damn good at what you do and they find a high value and purpose to retain you and you yourself found happiness and able to be comfortable there. If care1 or any company for that matter is plagued by a wave of bad employees that don't show up, call out, lateness, break policy rules and protocol... all on purpose, I call those skells.....and believe it or not I fell into that category.

I was there back in 2010 was treated very well,given a full time schedule (my first as a medic since finishing school in 09) and I traded that for an EMT spot at a local hospital in brooklyn because of distance and higher pay except it was per diem I was treated like dirt by a poor management team, miserable coworkers and patients not to mention a ridiculous call volume and the stupidist of calls (EMS in nyc especially the poor neighborhoods is really a taxi service) and ever since then being plagued with constant work problems, its been an ongoing struggle. So who feels like an idiot in the long run: me of course ... fortunately I believe in a mercyful God which grants 2nd 3rd 4th etc chances so I'm patiently waiting

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Hey Master of stupid. I am not as well as many others of my fellow employees are Not A Bunch of Skells. This is the point I think you should get off the the computer. I have been doing this job as a volly & paid longer than you probably been alive. You are no longer insulting a company. You are insulting me. What my fellow employees that care & I bring to the table is good pt care. No matter what uniform we wear. I am sure you could even learn a lesson from us. Oh wait you couldn't. You have blinders on. We are not perfect, but we try & do. If you actually knew who & what you where talking about. Go away cause I'm done with you. You don't call people that do their jobs Skells.

Opie..we've known each other for a long time and even spent some time together in the same bus. You misread his post. He didn't say anything about anyone still employed there..he was making a point about someone else discussing high turnover rate. Trust me I'm not defending him as I have no clue as to who he is, I'm just trying to keep it civil and point out something I think you over reacted to. I know you and for you to get that riled I know it touched a nerve. You are a hard dedicated worker who always has a hello and pat on the back for those you know and respect...but we both know...if trying to do your best was the answer to all woes..the world would be a better place. I've seen many a company with employees to the very end that tried...and even did...but it still doesn't stop the problems that kill reputations and the business that are waaay over the head of those with boots on the ground.

With that said..something I just want to point out as a provider who gets stuck dealing with that company in ways which I don't find acceptable nor that myself and my colleagues try with all professionalism not to get aggravated with the crew as it may not be all their fault...but as I'm sure anyone can understand when that's who is the only one you have contact with it gets difficult to keep it civil sometimes. Factor in the overzealous sometimes that use intercepts now like some would use medevacs and it gets old.

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The employees at Care1 are fantastic. I think the topic of discussion is the management, not the field staff. Ive had the opportunity to work with the EMTs and Paramedics for years and they are nothing less than dedicated,respectful,and hard working. The large majority of us have worn different patches, different color uniforms over our careers, the company does not make the employee who they are. I agree the reputation of this agency far proceeds the staff,and some people can not see past that. As I see it, the problems are largely internal and at a management level. No company is without it's own set of issues,I just think that not only are a large number of new hires are leaving, but an equally large number of field staff that has been there for years, through good and bad and all the changes over the years it needs to be evaluated.

I really believe the field staff has kept this company going as long as it has. It's the faces of the crews that the facilities,patients,and family see and it is the field staff they interact with and it's because of them they call back. It's unfortunate that management ignores this and chooses to step on them and treat them as they do. Remember ladies and gentlemen, we do the same job, we are on the same side of this. We can't lose sight of this.

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As a current employee, I can tell you that if you are coming onto our staff right now you must have patience. Our management is constantly making improvements and it takes some getting used to but it is all for the better. The field staff has it's ups and downs as does any company. We do have different owners, and they have are still getting a grip on the new company. Pay rates for newer employees as far as I have heard have gone up. I came through the HVP transition and new people are starting at more than I did. The only equipment changes I can think of off the top of my head is the new rigs as you mentioned and the entire company is on E-PCRs. I hope this has answered your original questions. Anything else you want to know, feel free to ask.

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I am trying to understand why Care 1 would open up a station in Yonkers. What contracts do they have in that area of southern Westchester? Empress has 911 for Yonkers, TransCare has Mount Vernon & they both have the majority of the non-911 contracts in Westchester County.

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The owners have multiple nursing homes, rehab centers & interests in the areas. This station services these areas.

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Thank you for the info. I thought the only nursing home they had was the Hebrew Home for The Aged.

As things stand right now, it seems highly unlikely that Care 1 would get the Yonkers, Mt. Vernon, New Rochelle, 87ALPHA1 or WMC contracts.

Edited by 87D124

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Thank you for the info. I thought the only nursing home they had was the Hebrew Home for The Aged.

I just hope that Care 1 doesnt think that they will ever get the Yonkers, Mt. Vernon, New Rochelle, WMC or 87Alpha1 contracts.

How can you say that? They are a competing commercial agency that has just as much at stake as the rest of them. If they ever wanted those contracts, put out a bid, or apply, or whatever is necessary to get it. They are just starting lower down in terms of how large their company is.

But to say "I hope they dont think that they will ever get "XYZ" is quite condecending and mean to the new management who are trying to make better for the company.

Edited by newsbuff

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Thank you for the info. I thought the only nursing home they had was the Hebrew Home for The Aged.

I just hope that Care 1 doesnt think that they will ever get the Yonkers, Mt. Vernon, New Rochelle, WMC or 87Alpha1 contracts.

I'd say they can think and pursue whatever they'd like when contract time comes around. I'd venture to say that it would be unlikely would be a better choice of words.

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I am not trying to be mean to the new management, I wish them all the best. The reason behind my statement is that they are having some major growing pains & they seem to be spreading themselves very very thin. I have friends who work for Care 1, so i have been told about some very embarassing & morale lowering things that have happened over the past month. Out of respect for the new team of managers, I will not state what happened in a public forum. The employees know & things are leaking out.

I hope that the company will get up to where they need to be & there wont be so many dramatic changes. You had Empire & Regional join together to make HVP. Now, another big change to Care 1.

IMHO, I think the biggest mistake that was made back when the company was HVP, was the termination of Witkowski. Mike was a great Chief & he ended up with the short end of the stick. It was a shame.

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You are correct, my choice of words was not the correct one. It is highly unlikely, at this current time, that Care 1 would be chosen over Empress or TransCare for any of the 911 or WMC contracts.

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It's very simple with all things aside. This is a company that NEEDS to make MONIES. The only place where that is going to happen is plain & simple is transports. When you own or control the facility & mode of Txp a big part of the issue is done. "It has a long way to go & a short time to get there." So any big ideas of going after 911 contracts are fools gold or people that don't understand. The company needs to make MONIES & Fix a rep as well as hold on to what it has. Which the rep could be the hardest. I have my own feelings or thought about the company & that is that.

I work here right/ wrong, what ever 9/11/06 Thanks to Bob Rizzo. For that & the Medics that I have worked with & trained me I will always do my best & provide the best possible care I can. That is a long list.

I just hope & pray that my fellow employees could find it in their heart & soles to do the same on their end. I know there are some & I thank-you. For the rest & other companies employees we all work in the field together & no one is perfect. Yes some seem pretty dam close & I strive in my own way. Lol. There is enough work for us all. It couldn't hurt & it could help everyone if we all helped out each other. Oh heck a crew from another company to help another. It all begins with teaching. So what I hope you get out of this is. If you see a medic or EMT not doing something right, help him or her instead of trashing them or a company. They maybe caring for someone you know some day.

We have the power as a community of EMS brother & sisters to better us all. The companies are the mode. We take care of us & we all are better for it.

Thank-you for allowing me to voice my feelings here. I am sorry to anyone that I have misunderstood their feelings. After all freedom of speech. I also admit that there are some real winners out here & not just in one company. I do see some very good people with great abilities if they are helped over what they do not understand. Myself included.

Tom Orpikowski

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Your reply made more sense, and now I understand what you were originally trying to say. Sorry if my response sounded snippy.

Edited by newsbuff

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It's very simple with all things aside. This is a company that NEEDS to make MONIES. The only place where that is going to happen is plain & simple is transports. When you own or control the facility & mode of Txp a big part of the issue is done. "It has a long way to go & a short time to get there." So any big ideas of going after 911 contracts are fools gold or people that don't understand. The company needs to make MONIES & Fix a rep as well as hold on to what it has. Which the rep could be the hardest. I have my own feelings or thought about the company & that is that.

I work here right/ wrong, what ever 9/11/06 Thanks to Bob Rizzo. For that & the Medics that I have worked with & trained me I will always do my best & provide the best possible care I can. That is a long list.

I just hope & pray that my fellow employees could find it in their heart & soles to do the same on their end. I know there are some & I thank-you. For the rest & other companies employees we all work in the field together & no one is perfect. Yes some seem pretty dam close & I strive in my own way. Lol. There is enough work for us all. It couldn't hurt & it could help everyone if we all helped out each other. Oh heck a crew from another company to help another. It all begins with teaching. So what I hope you get out of this is. If you see a medic or EMT not doing something right, help him or her instead of trashing them or a company. They maybe caring for someone you know some day.

We have the power as a community of EMS brother & sisters to better us all. The companies are the mode. We take care of us & we all are better for it.

Thank-you for allowing me to voice my feelings here. I am sorry to anyone that I have misunderstood their feelings. After all freedom of speech. I also admit that there are some real winners out here & not just in one company. I do see some very good people with great abilities if they are helped over what they do not understand. Myself included.

Tom Orpikowski

So what I have to ask...what is the definition of a "transport?" What justifies the use of lights and sirens through several other agency jurisdictions to get to a extended care facility? What is the policy in regards to prioritization of requests for "transports" in regards to what crew gets sent? I'm not bashing anything...I'm stating facts...I should not as an agency have to fulfill another companies which is now being stated needs to make money to fulfill the advanced portion of a call...sorry...that's not "helping" out..that's abuse of another agencies resources for the benefit of yours. And before anyone tries to imply mutual aid within 911 systems is the same...I think not. Its one thing to have a certain level of resources and run out being you are operating within a 911 system and ask for help. Its another thing to know you don't have that available and send a crew not fit for what you are being told is the issue and sending them anyway and in turn have them ask for an intercept.

Outside of that I have to say that I don't think anyone who knows you Tom would be able to think anything other then what you describe about yourself as a person and professional.

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Care 1 doing the runs for the nursing home's on pelham road in New Rochelle.

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Tom, what justifies lights & sirens? Well I think we ( you & I ) would agree. Transports do not justify L & S. This is where I will probably get into trouble. When has that stopped me.

For the life of me I can not understand on the side of real emergencies why they don't turn the real emergencies over to 911. For the sake of the Patient, Safety of All, & plain old common scents. Now on the devils advocate side of the employer & the facilities as explained to me a while ago. The facilities do not want the big scene of fire trucks, police, & ems. They would rather the transport company come in. This I disagree with. If its a true emergency than call 911 or the closest & correct unit. I am at war with dispatch at this time cause of some of the same issues & they love to try and throw me under the the bus for doing the right thing. Such as refusing to drive light & sirens cause of a pick uo times. I will say this as for the crews on the road a small insight. At this time company policy was put in place that the use of lights & sirens have to be authorized by a sup. At the same time Silent Passenger does provide Admin notification of the same & the speed of the bus. With this the crews are being watched. This is a positive & if you are doing the right thing it only supports the crews.

What is the policy in regards to prioritization of requests for "transports" in regards to what crew gets sent? This is all on Dispatch & the coding system. That is all I can say about that. I understand you are not bashing as well as I agree with what you are saying. This includes another agency fulfilling anothers. I will say if a BLS crew gets called to what is dispatched as a simple txp for what ever & it turns into worst than what was dispatched. I would expect them to call for ALS & would hope that dispatch would have a ALS crew available. If not than & your closest than Sir your up. At that time its all for the Patient. I would hope that the crew had made good clinical judgement & would start transporting. I still agree with you that if the company does not have the crew to do the job than pass the call to a company that can. I also will agree with the trache job. I will say this when I was dispatched I was in another county. All I know was that the job was not originally dispatched as a trache job till BLS got there. With that the company has a policy that traches are to be txp ALS. Right wrong indifferent. When dispatch was told they should of rescheduled the job. I am sorry you had to deal with that. I also thank you for taking the time to help & educate the crew.

I can only wish that the crews are getting better.

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Tom, what justifies lights & sirens? Well I think we ( you & I ) would agree. Transports do not justify L & S. This is where I will probably get into trouble. When has that stopped me.

For the life of me I can not understand on the side of real emergencies why they don't turn the real emergencies over to 911. For the sake of the Patient, Safety of All, & plain old common scents. Now on the devils advocate side of the employer & the facilities as explained to me a while ago. The facilities do not want the big scene of fire trucks, police, & ems. They would rather the transport company come in. This I disagree with. If its a true emergency than call 911 or the closest & correct unit. I am at war with dispatch at this time cause of some of the same issues & they love to try and throw me under the the bus for doing the right thing. Such as refusing to drive light & sirens cause of a pick uo times. I will say this as for the crews on the road a small insight. At this time company policy was put in place that the use of lights & sirens have to be authorized by a sup. At the same time Silent Passenger does provide Admin notification of the same & the speed of the bus. With this the crews are being watched. This is a positive & if you are doing the right thing it only supports the crews.

What is the policy in regards to prioritization of requests for "transports" in regards to what crew gets sent? This is all on Dispatch & the coding system. That is all I can say about that. I understand you are not bashing as well as I agree with what you are saying. This includes another agency fulfilling anothers. I will say if a BLS crew gets called to what is dispatched as a simple txp for what ever & it turns into worst than what was dispatched. I would expect them to call for ALS & would hope that dispatch would have a ALS crew available. If not than & your closest than Sir your up. At that time its all for the Patient. I would hope that the crew had made good clinical judgement & would start transporting. I still agree with you that if the company does not have the crew to do the job than pass the call to a company that can. I also will agree with the trache job. I will say this when I was dispatched I was in another county. All I know was that the job was not originally dispatched as a trache job till BLS got there. With that the company has a policy that traches are to be txp ALS. Right wrong indifferent. When dispatch was told they should of rescheduled the job. I am sorry you had to deal with that. I also thank you for taking the time to help & educate the crew.

I can only wish that the crews are getting better.

First I don't know why you would get in trouble for stating what is fact and right. I think most of the professionals on here that comment with great content would agree with what you saying..and no not once when I worked PT for some agencies that did transports did I ever go L & S...again unless it was the equivalent of a 911 call for a contracted facility that the agency covered emergencies for..which for the most part was prisons.

In regard to the silent might be watching...but I have more buses going by my station L & S..not just from the agency mentioned in this post but several....numerous times a day.

And as far as that call..I wasn't on of my co workers who is as close and trusted friend as can be achieved called me right afterward. Funny thing was that crew was actually aggravated when he said he wasn't riding it in as there was no problem and that he doesn't work for the company so their policy means nothing. Bottom line is its not perfect...and make no mistake...the phrase its about the patient not wholeheartedly true. There is still the issue of draining another system for ones benefit. We do our jobs and treat the patient because if they need it we stay...if we don't we leave. But sooner or later that is going to be dealt with one way or another.

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When I worked for the company back in the Empire days, nearly every dispatch was code 3. It seemed silly to me at the time. Although I have been an EMT for quite some time, this was my first "job" with an ambulance company. I quickly learned that much of what we were told to do was wrong and in many cases illegal as well as being a liablity to the company and ourselves.

On the other hand, I also learned that, in many cases, by the time the nursing home calls, it usually is an emergency. A patient, just by being in an extended "care" facility, isn't necessarily being taken care of, treated, or cared for.

I fault the nursing home for calling the transport company and saying that 45 minutes for pick up is ok for the patient with the CVA instead of calling 911 just because they don't want a "scene" out front. I fault the transport company for 1. not asking appropriate questions when taking the call or 2. taking a call that should be turned over to 911 just to make a buck. And bottom line is the $$$$. The field staff may care for the patient, but corporate is all about the money. "Our Passion Is Billing" wasn't said by many field staff for no reason.

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A patient, just by being in an extended "care" facility, isn't necessarily being taken care of, treated, or cared for.

The town I work for is a lot like Somers. Small, bedroom community with several senior residential communities and extended care facilities. I have seen first hand how even the best and most expensive companies and facilities fail to monitor and provide adequate safety and care for those in their care. I have seen conditions that would have a healthy adult crippled not being called in until shift change the next day. I would never place anyone I cared for in any of these facilities no matter how long they/I shall live.

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Just had an interview with a Mr Nodar (very nice , upfront and down to earth guy ) up in fishkill for Care1. I used to work for them under HVP/Reg with Mr Rizzo as chief. Besides different color ambulances, according to Mr Nodar the differences are addition of a new base in yonkers (why?) All medics must be westchester remac as well as HV remac, and the majority of the management is long gone. Besides that can anyone comment on any other changes? Is the owner(s) still the same? Pay rates still the same? Operations? Equipment? etc etc.... basically besides new ambulances and faces what can I expect to be better or worse? I've seen some people mention the company on here saying they worked for care1 previously so any info at all will be greatly appreciated in advance.

Oh and hvp/reg website is still up does care1 have a website yet?

Their website is

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When I worked for a private 911 provider in Massachusetts about 1994 or so, there was a pretty strictly followed state policy that if a company got an "emergency" call for any place they were not the 911 provider for, they had two options: get a crew there in 10 minutes, or give that call to the EMS provider that covered that area. Seems like a pretty good, patient friendly policy. It takes the decision away from the caller/calling facility, and it encourages companies to keep coverage levels up to make the 10 minute limit, versus losing the call. Perhaps we here could adopt such a rule.

Funny thing, just thinking about it, we have agencies here in Westchester that cannot get to their OWN calls in 10 minutes, calls that are close to the jurisdictional borderline, that another nearby agency could get to in under 10 minutes! That is a thread for another day.

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