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Act of Valor

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I'm looking foward to this... ACT OF VALOR. This was the only Super Bowl commercial that I really liked. It's in theaters February 24, 2012


Edited by firedude

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What would really impress me is if the proceeds of this film go to charities that benefit our troops. The Wounder Warrior Project and Operation Homefront come to mind. If any of the ticket sales to this film go to anything like this, then I will pay to go see it.

FF398, firedude and JM15 like this

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It would be nice if the proceeds go to worthy groups as you have mentioned but the movie looks kick @ss and will go see it anyhow

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A pretty good pre-screened review:

From the bottom of that page,

While the guys in the film will not be compensated in any way from this film (which I think is bull$hit), there will be some portion of the proceeds donated to military charities certainly including the Navy SEAL Foundation. Obviously, I am strongly biased to like this film, but the action alone is well worth the ride. If you happen to identify with the guys and their mission along the way, all the better.

I also found a couple other websites saying the same thing, but obviously this isn't anything official, so take it for what it's worth.

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