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Indian Point must use sprinklers, barriers, not just workers, to prevent, fight fires, feds say

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LoHud Indian Point

BUCHANAN — Indian Point must upgrade its automatic fire prevention systems to help workers respond more quickly to a blaze at the nuclear power plant, federal regulators ruled Wednesday.

More sprinkler systems, physical barriers and detection equipment are necessary to ensure that fighting fires doesn’t rely on just plant workers, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission said — but there was no immediate safety concern.

“Although the two (reactors) have some deficiencies in their defense-in-depth, they have extensive fire protection programs, including an on-site fire brigade trained to respond to and extinguish fires,” NRC official Michele G. Evans said. “In addition, each unit has established fire watches to monitor areas containing the deficiencies.”

FDNY 10-75 and MoFire390 like this

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One thing that the usually under-informed Journal News omits from the article is Indian Point's emphasis on fire prevention. This is accomplished through housekeeping, chemical controls, proper storage of combustibles, and standing fire watches during any hot work, such as cutting and grinding. Most of the critical areas are covered by either an automated deluge system (sprinklers? HAH!) or a CO2 system. The Fire Brigade is also very effective. I'm sure the Journal News is hoping that its readers will draw the conclusion that Indian Point is defenseless against fire.

SageVigiles, FF398 and islander like this

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One thing that the usually under-informed Journal News omits from the article is Indian Point's emphasis on fire prevention. This is accomplished through housekeeping, chemical controls, proper storage of combustibles, and standing fire watches during any hot work, such as cutting and grinding. Most of the critical areas are covered by either an automated deluge system (sprinklers? HAH!) or a CO2 system. The Fire Brigade is also very effective. I'm sure the Journal News is hoping that its readers will draw the conclusion that Indian Point is defenseless against fire.

Much like the NY Times' motto of "All the news that's fit to print", the JN really should adopt "Usually under-informed" as their tagline. :D

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I don't read it that way. They used quotes from NRC officials describing their "extensive fire protection programs, including an on-site fire brigade trained to respond to and extinguish fires,” NRC official Michele G. Evans said. “In addition, each unit has established fire watches to monitor areas containing the deficiencies.”

Also what often happens is a reporter may write more but through the editor processes an article may be shrunk down to fit the space required. This also happens in some of the trade magazines we read like FH and FE. To me they painted a picture that there are good things in place but there are some deficiencies that need to be addressed. This also paints the NRC not as a rubber stamp organization and actually find and cause changes and improvements. How the article is taken depends on many factors of you as an individual. I took it the way I explained and you yours as you explained. I still take it the way I do as I don't see it your way or haven't had anyone get in depth to change my view.

I can equate it to a seminar I took about dealing with news media. If a group of persons take out an military attack on another country which their base country doesn't get along with...think about how different news print medias can take the story:

"Rebels/Terrorists Attack in XYZ" vs. "Military Strikes Blow to Heart of XYZ"

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