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Ramapo " bounty hunter " arrested on gun charge

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I found this article on lohud today. This guy sounds like a real loon or just has a serious case of the "wannabes" whatever it is, people like this that impersonate cops not only pose a serious threat to people but they undermine police - community relations that are usually paper thin to begin with. The article details that he has a history of this but of course the courts have failed to take serious issue with his behavior.|topnews|text|Frontpage

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I found this article on lohud today. This guy sounds like a real loon or just has a serious case of the "wannabes" whatever it is, people like this that impersonate cops not only pose a serious threat to people but they undermine police - community relations that are usually paper thin to begin with. The article details that he has a history of this but of course the courts have failed to take serious issue with his behavior.|topnews|text|Frontpage

Don't you need a license to be a bounty hunter as well? Wouldn't a conviction bar you from getting a license?

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Isn't that funny, I had an incident occur at my uniform shop last week that sort of relates.

3 guys come into my office claiming they were just hired as "fugitive recovery agents" for a company in New Haven. They wanted to outfit all three with BDU uniforms, duty belts, boots, gloves, polo shirts, etc. Something just seemed off, particularly because they looked younger than me.

I asked them for their Bail Enforcement Agent IDs. The one "leader" of the group slowly searched his wallet looking for the card, as if I was going to get impatient and say "forget it, its fine" (which I did not do.) After searching his entire wallet he tells me "my boss didn't give me my ID yet"

Several things got my spidey senses tingling about this.

1. They looked way too young to have a pistol permit and bail license.

2. There is no such thing as a "Fugitive Recovery Agent" in the state of CT, they are Bail Enforcement Agents (BEA.)

3. IF you are a BEA, your boss does not issue your ID's, the State Police does.

None of the things they were buying are actually law enforcement only purchases, but it just seemed like a bad idea to sell to these three knuckleheads. The last thing I want is my business on the front page of the news for selling to some skells who robbed a drug dealer or kidnapped someone.

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Isn't that funny, I had an incident occur at my uniform shop last week that sort of relates.

3 guys come into my office claiming they were just hired as "fugitive recovery agents" for a company in New Haven. They wanted to outfit all three with BDU uniforms, duty belts, boots, gloves, polo shirts, etc. Something just seemed off, particularly because they looked younger than me.

I asked them for their Bail Enforcement Agent IDs. The one "leader" of the group slowly searched his wallet looking for the card, as if I was going to get impatient and say "forget it, its fine" (which I did not do.) After searching his entire wallet he tells me "my boss didn't give me my ID yet"

Several things got my spidey senses tingling about this.

1. They looked way too young to have a pistol permit and bail license.

2. There is no such thing as a "Fugitive Recovery Agent" in the state of CT, they are Bail Enforcement Agents (BEA.)

3. IF you are a BEA, your boss does not issue your ID's, the State Police does.

None of the things they were buying are actually law enforcement only purchases, but it just seemed like a bad idea to sell to these three knuckleheads. The last thing I want is my business on the front page of the news for selling to some skells who robbed a drug dealer or kidnapped someone.

Sounds like a good heads up play on your part, better to be safe then sorry. God Forbid these clowns did something stupid, the first question people would ask is where did they get the equipment from. I love when you ask for ID and the person begins the 3 - 5 minute wallet search for the ID that they will never produce.

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