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Westchester County Battalions

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Looking for a break down of which battalion is assigned to each department's.

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I never realized how large Westchester County really was.

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Okay Thanks. When do they respond? When the 10-75 working fire is transmitted?

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Okay Thanks. When do they respond? When the 10-75 working fire is transmitted?

The Deputy Fire Coordinators serve as the liason between the County of Westchester and local fire departments. Coordinators are responsible for providing fire investigation services on scene. At the request of the on-scene fire chief, the coordinator secures and coordinates additional resources for the responding agencies to successfully mitigate the fire emergency.

There are ten battalions in the county that contain four to seven fire departments under each jurisdiction. There is one Deputy Fire Coordinator assigned to each battalion. Although each cooridinator primarily responds to departments within their own battalion, they may be called to another area for assistance.

From: Deputy Fire Coordinators

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Westchester County covers 450 square miles!

Kyle beat me to it :D while I was typing, but In a nutshell, County Coordinators are called out any time a cause and origin (aka: arson) investigation request is made, and acts as a liaison between the County and the local department, and provides any additional assistance if requested by the on-scene IC.

And No, they don't just buff the big fires. B)

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Whenever I'm listening to my scanner, I am always hearing 60 Control call Battalion 15 and 16. What are they responsible for? When or what do they respond to?

Edited by EFD1883

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I never realized how large Westchester County really was.

6 inches x 7 inches on my laptop...a little bigger on my desktop :P

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Westchester County covers 450 square miles!

Kyle beat me to it :D while I was typing, but In a nutshell, County Coordinators are called out any time a cause and origin (aka: arson) investigation request is made, and acts as a liaison between the County and the local department, and provides any additional assistance if requested by the on-scene IC.

And No, they don't just buff the big fires. B)

Not just C and O.. They are usually toned out when ever mutual aid or outside resources are requested.

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The "Battalions" are Mutual Aid Coordinators. They are dispatched anytime Mutual Aid is sent (fire incidents), not including Dual Responses. They're also dispatched whenever a DES resource, such as C&O, Haz-Mat, TRT, etc. is requested to an incident.

They are also liaisons to the departments in their area, holding periodic meetings & drills.

Battalion 10: Croton, Montrose, Montrose VA, Buchanan, Verplanck, Peekskill & Indian Point Fire Brigade

Battalion 11: Valhalla, Hawthorne, Pleasantville, Thornwood, Grasslands Fire Brigade

Battalion 12: Sleepy Hollow, Pocantico Hills, Archville, Briarcliff, Ossining

Battalion 13: Croton Falls, Somers, Goldens Bridge, South Salem, Pound Ridge, Vista

Battalion 14: Hastings, Hartsdale, Fairview, Elmsford, Ardsley, Dobbs Ferry, Tarrytown, Irvington

Battalion 15: Port Chester/Rye Brook, Rye, Harrison, Mamaroneck Town, Mamaroneck Village, Larchmont

Battalion 16: Mount Kisco, Bedford, Bedford Hills, Chappaqua, Armonk, Katonah, Banksville

Battalion 17: Yorktown, Millwood, Mohegan, Continental Village, IBM Yorktown

Battalion 18: Yonkers, New Rochelle, Pelham, Pelham Manor, Mount Vernon, Eastchester, Greenville

Battalion 19: North White Plains, Purchase, Scarsdale, West Harrison, White Plains, County Airport

They're a good asset at incidents to act as your go-to person so the IC can focus on the scene itself.

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Battalion Coordinators also do dual responses that require multiple agencies (more than 2 I believe). For examples, calls at Graham Hills Park for injured parties get Pleasantville FD, Hawthorne FD, Thornwood FD and Batttalion 11.

EMS Battalions are geographically different I believe.

Edited by PFDRes47cue
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EMS Battalions are geographically different I believe.

Yep, there are only 3 EMS Zone Coordinators (Zones 10, 11, 12).


Edited by firedude
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"County Coordinators are called out any time a cause and origin (aka: arson) investigation request is made, and acts as a liaison between the County and the local department, and provides any additional assistance if requested by the on-scene IC"

"The "Battalions" are Mutual Aid Coordinators. They are dispatched anytime Mutual Aid is sent (fire incidents), not including Dual Responses. They're also dispatched whenever a DES resource, such as C&O, Haz-Mat, TRT, etc. is requested to an incident."

The official title for the position is Deputy Fire Mutual Aid Coordinator and there are twelve positions of this type. The term "Battalion" came about years ago under former Commissioner Patrick Kelly so as to have an area of responsibility for the Deputy Fire Coordinators assigned to the mutual aid function. Battalions 10-19 serve in this capacity and, as John noted so well, they are dispatched any time mutual aid or other DES resource is sent to a fire department. The other two "Battalions" are Deputy Fire Coordinators assigned to the Cause & Origin Team, however their identifiers are not Battalions, but Cars. Cars 24 & 25 are essentially supervising fire investigators, one each for the northern and southern portions of the county. C&O is requested by the fire chief to assist them in determining the cause and origin of any fire in their jurisdiction. It's not just for arson, although this is the primary aspect in the protocols for the C&O Team.

The info on the County's website could be more clear on this matter.

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Battalion coordinators is the politically correct term I believe still.

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Are they now considered "battalion chief's" ?

At the last class I took at DES they wanted to make it very clear that they are not "chiefs" only a liaison between the IC and the DES.

BUT some think they are... ;)

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We are in no way, shape or form a CHIEF! We basically are a resource officer for the IC. Just my humble opinion! Some in my Battalion call me Chief but that is probably due to the fact I am dumb and served my dept. as Chief twice.

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