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Pleasantville - Working Fire - 1/11/2012

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Date: 1/11/12


Location: 17 Heritage Dr

Frequency: 46.26, Fire 11, Fire ground 5

Units Operating:

Pleasantville FD: E-91, E-259, TL-5, R-47, T-57 - Car 2371,2372

Thornwood FD TL-1, E-89 for manpower - Car 2471, 2472

Valhalla FD - R9 - FAST - Car 2482

Millwood FD - R-36 - Cascade Car 2252

Chappaqua FD - E 146 - Car 2061, 2062

Batt 11

Armonk FD - E-287 to take up hydrant on Crest view and lay in for the TL operating


Potantico Hills FD: T-12 -Relocated, then requested to the scene, feeding TL-5

Sleepy Hollow FD: E-85 Relocated to PHFD

Briarcliff Manor FD: E-91 relocated PFD HQ

Mount Kisco FD: E-106 - relocated to Chappaqua

Weather Conditions: Cool and sunny

Description Of Incident:

13:28 - Dispatch for possible fire, caller sees house fire behind her house

13:31 - Re dispatch - MPPD relaying that DPW on scene with fully involved house

13:32 - Engine 91 enroute 10-75 transmitted

13:34 - Rescue 47 enroute

13:36 - 2371 ascertaining if anyone on scene yet - negative

13:37 - TL 5 enroute

13:38 - 2371 on scene establishing command - 2 story fully involved wood structure

13:39 - Coned electric and PVAC to the scene

13:57 - Command requesting tanker to the scene to feed the tower ladder - PHFD Tanker 12 enroute from PFD HQ

14:02 - Command updating 2.5 wood story 25x100, 4 hand lines in operation, fire throughout and through the roof, TL in operation as well, exterior operations, fire beginning to darken down

14:15 - Batt 11 requesting one Engine from Armonk to Scene - locate hydrant on Crestview before the scene to feed TL, one engine from Mt. Kisco to Stand by in Chappaqua

14:19 - Armonk HQ inquiring if request if for source pumper or attack engine

14:21 - Armonk toning out for Driver - E-287

14:25 - E-287 responding

14:26 - Batt 11 per command, 1 engine from Thornwood to the scene for manpower

14:27: CC1 - 4 hand lines, (inaudible), 1 Tower Ladder in operation, all hands working, structures integrity compromised.

13:32: Hawthorne to standby for Thornwood

14:35 - E-287 proceed up Heritage Dr, make a right on crestview, and hit the hydrant next to E-259

14:38 - 60-control advising CC1 operating time of 1 hour

14:39 - E-89 enroute

15:00 - CC1 - All visible fire is knocked down, checking for hot spots

photos: http://pleasantville...ulfed-in-flames


Reporters:JohnnyOV, IzzyEng4, peterose313, Firedude

Writers: Johnny - has the can, so someone else take the - OV

Edited by JohnnyOV
sfrd18, MoFire390, firedude and 3 others like this

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