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New Rochelle - Working Fire - 1/10/12

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Date: 1/10/12

Time: 20:37

Location: 44 Poplar Place (Cross of Liberty Ave)

Frequency: 460.4625 / 33.96 / Fire 18

Initial Units Operating: E24, E22, E21, L12, TL11, 2302

10-75 Units: E23, 30A1, 2301, 2306

Special Called: L13, E17

Relocates: White Plains TL6 to NRFD Station 1 (L14, R4 activated for coverage)

Weather Conditions: Cold

Description Of Incident: Fire in Structure

Reporters: Da' Box

Writer: Da' Box

20:37 - E24, E22, E21, L12, TL11, 2302 dispatched for reported structure fire.

20:38 - E23 dispatched as FAST.

20:40 - L12 10-84, 10-75.

20:41 - 10-75 transmitted, 30A1 to scene. E25 relocating to Station 3, L13 to Station 1.

20:47 - 2302 10-84.

20:54 - 2302 requesting L13 to scene.

20:55 - White Plains TL6 relocating to NRFD Sta. 1. Batt 18 dispatched.

20:56 - E25 dispatched to odor of smoke on Elm St. 30A2 to Lockwood/Memorial for MVA.

20:58 - 2302 rpts 3 L/S/O, fire still showing on #1 side, all hands working.

21:06 - E25 available, last was smoke from the fire on Poplar.

21:24 - E25, L14, TL6, 2303 responding to outside smoke on Rodman Oval.

21:29 - 30A2 to Lincoln Ave for Lift Assist.

21:31 - 2303 reports false call on Rodman Oval. L14 in service for Citywide runs.

21:44 - 2302 reports bulk of fire is knocked, still hitting hot spots around chimney. Holding all companies.

22:22 - 30A2 dispatched to scene, 30A1 transporting one w/ ankle injury.

22:32 - Two additional EMS calls in city, E18/30A2 handling one, E25/66A1 on the other.

22:35 - 2302 placing fire under control.

22:47 - E21, E23, TL11 available.

23:40 - L13 available.

00:02 - E22, E24, L12 available, E17 remains for fire watch.

00:03 - E24, E22, L12, L14, 2302 covering odor of gas on 6th floor of Maple Ave. building.

01:02 - 60 Control advising E17 of a CO alarm from residence.

02:05 - E17 available.

Edited by 1075thebox
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