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South Salem - Working Fire 1/3/2011 **DISCUSSION**

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I know that there has been a lot of talk today about the South Salem fire that is still going on... Thought a thread should be opened so people on scene can give some insight about challenges faced, specifics, etc and where others can ask questions and hopefully get answers in return.

Can anyone provide insight to the water supply issues that seemed to exist throughout the entire incident?

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I noticed in one of the articles about this fire that these folks had their home burn down in 1981 too. That's terrible.

One question I have - is that a metal roof?

Be safe there guys, I'm sure everything is turning to ice by now.

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Had barely no water supply- had over a mile to stretch the lines- was listening the whole time, over 3 rehabs units, this house was targeted multiple times, including small fires, then bigger one in the 80's. CO Z5 stil investigating.

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I noticed in one of the articles about this fire that these folks had their home burn down in 1981 too. That's terrible.

Truly terrible...losing everything and having to rebuild from scratch twice at the same location. Makes me feel for the family.

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Here's one, was there any thought about calling county FieldCom? This event is going on 8 hours in subfreezing temperatures, with a lot of manpower, departments, and chiefs/coordinators on scene. Especially with different frequencies and different departments from other counties(states) being used. Wouldnt it be nice to have a big whiteboard and plenty of room to "set up shop", not to mention its warm....

Isn't that what this truck is for?

On another note, stay safe everyone involved. No injuries is good, especially with the ice and cold.

Edited by newsbuff
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Here's one, was there any thought about calling county FieldCom? This event is going on 8 hours in subfreezing temperatures, with a lot of manpower, departments, and chiefs/coordinators on scene. Especially with different frequencies and different departments from other counties(states) being used. Wouldnt it be nice to have a big whiteboard and plenty of room to "set up shop", not to mention its warm....

Was wondering the same thing. I was in Valhalla at the FTC pumping for the FF1 live burn today during the beginning hours of the fire and I kept looking over to see if FieldCom was going...never did.

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Here's one, was there any thought about calling county FieldCom? This event is going on 8 hours in subfreezing temperatures, with a lot of manpower, departments, and chiefs/coordinators on scene. Especially with different frequencies and different departments from other counties(states) being used. Wouldnt it be nice to have a big whiteboard and plenty of room to "set up shop", not to mention its warm....

Isn't that what this truck is for?

On another note, stay safe everyone involved. No injuries is good, especially with the ice and cold.

Not enough room to get them close to scene.

If people haven't seen the IA, you can read it here.

Edited by firedude

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Just heard that BHFD TL57 is waiting for a tow truck...any one know details?

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Well, I wasn't there but I monitored 60 Control from the start. What is they say about real estate: Location, Location, Location. In this case it worked against everyone. Narrow, long street access, significant distances for responding departments, poor water supply and a big head start in a large volume structure.

The size of the fire and the size of the response without any injuries I'm aware of is rather remarkable.

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South Salem going back,neighbor states vissable flames

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Does anyone know how many gallons of water comes from a well per minute ? If this is the secomd time this house burned down maybe they could have put in a residential sprinkler after the first time it caught fire. You only need a little water in the beginning stages of a fire to knock it down.

Also does anyone know if South Salem FD has class A foam. In my opinion, every fire dept especially where there are water supply problems, the FD should have class A foam. You use less water and you have a quicker knock down time of the fire.

The County should hold classes on Class A Foam at the training center to educate the people in the fire service who make the decisions on if foam should be used or not. I'm not talking CAFS, just add Class A foam to your hose lines and you would see a big difference in your firefighting abilities.

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They have heavy fire in the rear of the structure but it's inaccessible at this time due to icy conditions. They're attempting to get water on the hot spots.

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2453 updating still pockets of fire. Engine 167 is going to respond now too. At 0017 hrs.

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And tones drop for South Salem again...long day over there

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Had barely no water supply- had over a mile to stretch the lines- was listening the whole time, over 3 rehabs units, this house was targeted multiple times, including small fires, then bigger one in the 80's. CO Z5 stil investigating.

A mile of supply line? That's quite a distance. Hate to be the poor probies tasked with picking it up, especially if it was icy. How many pumpers were used in that line, or how was it structured with pools, tankers, etc?

Thank you for any additional info you could provide. Or anybody else wants to pipe in here, please feel free, especially if you were there, and your fingers have thawed enough to be able to type.

I agree with the recent poster who talked about using Class A foam to "stretch" that water supply. Very good post.

None of this is meant as MMQBing ( but get ready for somebody to post "we've posted about this before!" B) lol

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there have been several rekindle fires. South Salem was just dispatched again. 2451 enroute.

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there have been several rekindle fires. South Salem was just dispatched again. 2451 enroute.

No such thing as a rekindle its called not fully extinguished ;)

x129K, firedude, chris 31 and 4 others like this

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Here's one, was there any thought about calling county FieldCom? This event is going on 8 hours in subfreezing temperatures, with a lot of manpower, departments, and chiefs/coordinators on scene. Especially with different frequencies and different departments from other counties(states) being used. Wouldnt it be nice to have a big whiteboard and plenty of room to "set up shop", not to mention its warm....

Isn't that what this truck is for?

On another note, stay safe everyone involved. No injuries is good, especially with the ice and cold.

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Isn't this the reason we have county coordinators? They should be the ones assisting the IC. "Hey Chief we have multiple units operating on different frequencies". The IC is way to busy working and it is the job of the coordinators to handle these things.....

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any more information?

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