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Arlington 2nd Alarm Apartment Fire 12/25/11

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Date: 12/25/11

Time: 01:51

Location: 134 Innis Av, Apt E10

Frequency: 453.900, 453.925, 453.800, Arlington FG

Units Operating: Arlington, Pleasant Valley, City of Poughkeepsie, town of Poughkeepsie Police, New Hamburg FD (on stand-by AFD St 5), Red Cross

Weather Conditions: Cold 25

Description Of Incident: Apartment fire

Reporters: JETPHOTO


01:51 Arlington dispatched to an apartment fire

01:53 911 advises multiple calls

01:54 32-5 request 2nd alarm

01:56 Arlington on the scene with heavy fire venting from apartment.

02:04 Command reports 2 story wood frame 8 unit apartment building heavy fire in 1 unit on #2 floor, primary searches negative. Request mutual aid tower to the scene from the city of Poughkeepsie. (Poughkeepsie Tower 2 responding from previous AFA)

02:10 Command reports main body of fire knocked down

02:15 Command reports overhaul in progress, all searches negative. Request Central Hudson, town Fire Inspector & Red Cross to the scene.

Candle starts fire that forces residents from Poughkeepsie apartments

x129K, effd3918 and BFD1054 like this

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