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Naked Man Jumps From Ambulance, Dies On CA Freeway

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I've had at least 3 of these over the years, luckily every time the person saw the ambulance was stopped and headed for the doors. None were never naked...and I'm glad to say they weren't being who they are. Funny enough I see all 3 of them at least once a week at work.

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I dont know if PCP is a huge problem out there but dusted people getting naked in the street is a nightly occurance in yonkers.

I actually had a guy last week that was so dusted that after we handcuffed him he was laying on the ground in the rain licking the pavement and saying " umm goood."

He then sits up and looks at the grille of the car in front of him and starts yelling " kit are you there kit, this is michael, kit do you hear me." He them starts head banging like he's listening to metallica and began to yell " knight rider knight knight rider."

It was pretty amusing, thankfully he was calm but thats almost never the case when it comes to dust

BFD1054, peterose313 and helicopper like this

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I actually had a guy last week that was so dusted that after we handcuffed him he was laying on the ground in the rain licking the pavement and saying " umm goood."

The snozzberries taste like snozzberries.

Bnechis, FF398, Just a guy and 2 others like this

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I've had at least 3 of these over the years, luckily every time the person saw the ambulance was stopped and headed for the doors. None were never naked...and I'm glad to say they weren't being who they are. Funny enough I see all 3 of them at least once a week at work.

I find it in very poor taste to talk about the chiefs that way.....roflmao :D

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I find it in very poor taste to talk about the chiefs that way.....roflmao :D

Good one Barry.

Crime...I had one a couple of months ago that emptied every paint can in his friends apartment and the common hallway and was doing "snow" angels in the paint. It was funny trying to see how to figure out how to handcuff a naked dude covered in orangish, greenish and black paint.

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Good one Barry.

Crime...I had one a couple of months ago that emptied every paint can in his friends apartment and the common hallway and was doing "snow" angels in the paint. It was funny trying to see how to figure out how to handcuff a naked dude covered in orangish, greenish and black paint.

That sounds like a guarenteed uniform change after that one !!!!!

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I dont know if PCP is a huge problem out there but dusted people getting naked in the street is a nightly occurance in yonkers.

I actually had a guy last week that was so dusted that after we handcuffed him he was laying on the ground in the rain licking the pavement and saying " umm goood."

He then sits up and looks at the grille of the car in front of him and starts yelling " kit are you there kit, this is michael, kit do you hear me." He them starts head banging like he's listening to metallica and began to yell " knight rider knight knight rider."

It was pretty amusing, thankfully he was calm but thats almost never the case when it comes to dust

Sorry about that. :P

PCP / Dust is crazy stuff. The few times I've had to do calls dealing with patients on these drugs have been nothing short of entertaining, yet scary.

Remember everyone, as funny as they are one moment, they're even crazier the next. BE CAREFUL!

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as far as I know, PCP/Dust isn't as big a problem as the bath salts/spice in SoCal....Meth is the biggest problem in SoCal, use and manufacture....

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Am I the only one that thinks of the Allstate mayhem commercials when reading this?

I've had 2 patients abscond from the ambulance in almost 20 years and a few others try unsuccessfully. One had a nicely dressed wound to his hand when he jumped out. It was quite a sight to see the guy running down Broadway as the roll of 4 inch kling unraveled. In all seriousness though, this is a good topic for discussion. How far does an EMS provider go in these situations to keep the patient in the ambulance, at least until they are in a safe location to exit if they choose to do so (assuming they are not an involuntary)?

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Am I the only one that thinks of the Allstate mayhem commercials when reading this?

Yes. lol

How far does an EMS provider go in these situations to keep the patient in the ambulance, at least until they are in a safe location to exit if they choose to do so (assuming they are not an involuntary)?

Not very far at all. Unless your job wants to train and equip you with Tasers, stand back and watch them fly. He could take you with him as he's bailing out.

Edit: On second thought the Taser probably isn't a good idea either. Might just piss him off further and he'll direct the aggression at you.

Stay well.

Edited by efdcapt115
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Yes. lol

Not very far at all. Unless your job wants to train and equip you with Tasers, stand back and watch them fly. He could take you with him as he's bailing out.

Edit: On second thought the Taser probably isn't a good idea either. Might just piss him off further and he'll direct the aggression at you.

Stay well.

It goes something like this..."nooo, sit down...don't..." and usually they're gone. I'm not dancing around a box with a junkie or drunk homeless guy. If they're that sick..they won't get up. Which is why you only give them enough narcan to breath better and not fully wake up.

As far as the TASER. As someone who's experienced it first hand..and seen it deployed numerous times with Tac team...I have yet seen anyone all that willing to get up the first time...lone less a 2nd or 3rd. Drugs or not.

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Wasn't Rodney King on PCP and tazed with no effect, which eventually lead to the infamous video? Was that because the TASER malfunctioned/wasn't deployed properly?

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Wasn't Rodney King on PCP and tazed with no effect, which eventually lead to the infamous video? Was that because the TASER malfunctioned/wasn't deployed properly?

Its hard to get true factual answer to your question because the press doesn't delineate between the 2 well but I believe it was a stun gun. With that said if it was a TASER that was a much earlier generation and they are nothing like what they would have been back then. Rodney King was subjected to the deployment of a stun gun which has a completely different mechanism of action. Stun Guns were solely a pain compliance device. It causes pain and were not overly effective on those under the influence of stimulants. TASERS with barb deployment is electromechanical...meaning it hurts like hell and causes involuntary muscle spasms. To be clear and accurate the TASER can also be used in a manner that is similar to a Stun Gun, its called a drive stun and that causes just pain as there are electrodes on the cartridge. Even when under the influence with the pulse energy (you can feel it at the end of the cycle as the amps drop slightly) it will drop them because of the loss of skeletal muscle function and from every training I've sat in, I've never seen anyone not feel it. They might try to get back up but they will either fatigue or have enough people to get hands on by that point.

Edited by alsfirefighter
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