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Brooklyn - 2nd Alarm/Mayday - 12/19/11

1 post in this topic

Date: 12/19/11

Time: 09:05 hours

Location: Prospect Pl x Albany Ave

Frequency: FDNY Brooklyn

Weather Conditions: cold

Description Of Incident: fire on the top floor and cockloft of a 3 story brownstone, mayday transmitted. News reports confirms several FFs injured, at least one with serious burns.

Reporters/Writer: ryang

News Link:

Additional Info:

Crown Heights, Brooklyn, NY, 12/19/11

Address: 1100 Prospect Pl @ Albany Ave

09:06 hours

Phone Box 920 - Report of fire in a multiple dwelling, possible people trapped.

Engs. 234, 214, 227

TL111, L132

Battalion 38

Rescue 2

10-75-920 - 09:09 hours


L113 (FAST Truck)

Battalion 57

Division 15

Squad 252

7-5-920 - 09:13 hours

Battalion 38: Box 920, All-Hands, extra engine and truck, we have fire on the top floor of a 3 story 20x40 brownstone. Exposure 1 is a street, 2 is a similar attached, 3 is unknown, 4 is a similar attached.

E280, L176 S/C


2-2-920 - 09:14 hours

BC38: 920, 2nd Alarm, we've got a MAYDAY.

Engs 217, 249, 222

E207 w/ Satellite 6


TL120 (FAST Truck)

Battalion 37 (Safety Officer)

Battalion 41 (Resource Unit Leader)

Safety, Rescue Battalions

Tactical Support 2

FieldCom 1, Command Tactical Unit

Car 10 (DAC Kevin Butler, Bronx Borough Commander)

09:14 hours

BC38: Need EMS forthwith

09:17 hours

The staging area is Albany Ave and Bergen St

09:19 hours

EMS reports numerous units en-route

09:21 hours

Car 17 (BC Michael F. Gala Jr, Chief of Personnel) is responding

09:21 hours - Duration 16 minutes

Division 15: All members are accounted for, can I get a mixer off.

Note: Progress report relayed to Citywide that as per Division 15, there was fire in the cockloft with 2 lines stretched and in operation, all members were accounted for.

09:31 hours

By orders of Car 11D, Rescue Battalion is responding to the hospital, not the 2nd Alarm.

09:31 hours

Car 4G (DAC Edward Baggott, Deputy Assistant Chief of Operations) is responding

09:33 hours - Duration 28 minutes

L103, L102 S/C

09:43 hours - Duration 38 minutes

FieldCom: Progress Report on the 2nd Alarm at Box 920, at this time Division 15 reports: all visible fire has been extinguished, primary searches of the fire building and both exposure 2 and exposure 4 are complete and negative, secondaries are in progress, and the fire remains Doubtful. Also L113 is resuming the role of FAST truck, L120 has been put to work.

10:02 hours - Duration 57 minutes

FC: Progress Report on the 2nd Alarm at Box 920, at this time DAC Baggott, Car 4G reports: secondary searches in the fire building, exposure 2 and exposure 4 are complete and negative, and he's placing the fire at Probably Will Hold. Also can I get a mixer-off message.

10:06 hours

Car 14C (Fire Marshal) is responding

10:06 hours

FC: As per DAC Baggott, he would like a Battalion Chief on Staten Island to respond to the hospital where members are being transported, k.

Battalion 21 S/C to respond to the hospital

10:11 hours

FC: We have a correction on the address at 2nd Alarm Box 920, the address is 1100. 1102 is exposure 2.

10:16 hours - Duration 1 hour 11 minutes

FC: Progress Report #6 on the 2nd Alarm at Box 920, at this time DAC Baggott, Car 4G reports: he's placing the fire Under Control, k.

Relocations: E216/214, E236/222, E237/234, E205/235, L126/103, TL146/111, L156/113, TL107/120, L122/174

Edited by ryang
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