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Yonkers: Chief William Fitzpatrick retires

19 posts in this topic

Want to wish Chief Fitzpatrick the greatest health and happiness in his retirement after 32 stellar years on the job. God Bless you Chief.

He is also being honored in 2012:

Edited by efdcapt115
jack10562, PCFD ENG58 and BFD1054 like this

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I had the privilage of meeting Chief Fitzpatrick last October. He gave us a tour of the Yonkers Fire Dept Special Operations Unit. "You just know when you see somebody who's really into the job". Such was the case when I met him for that one day.

I certainly wish Chief Fitzpatrick a Happy and Healthy, well deserved, retirement.

x129K and efdcapt115 like this

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I had the pleasure of taking a collapse class at Camp Smith a few years back that he taught. Great instructor. Best wishes on his retirement.

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As a resident of Yonkers I would also like to wish Chief Fitzpatrick a very happy retirement and thank him for his long service to this city. Whoever his successor is he will inherit a very well-run and professional department.

I think one thing all Yonkers residents can agree on -- maybe the only thing! -- we have one heckuva good fire department!

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Thank you Chief for your dedication to the Yonkers Fire Dept especially the soc division. You helped provide us with the latest and greatest equipment making Yonkers an elite dept. We are truly going to miss you!

fjp326, jack10562 and efdcapt115 like this

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I wish the Chief the best in his retirement!

Hope he retires down here in Texas. There are many departments in need of his talent!

(Please note only posts that pertain to Chief Fitzpatrick, his retirement, and congrats messages are permitted here. Dicussion regarding YFD operations aren't appropriate for this particular thread, and have been removed)

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I've had the honor and privelege of working under Chief "Fitz" for the last 15 years. His dedication, passion and sheer love of the job is unparrelled. Chief, you will be sorely missed and remembered as one of the "Great" ones. Thanks for making our job the best in the world! Enjoy your retirement.

PCFD ENG58, BFD1054 and jack10562 like this

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Congratulations on your retirement Chief. Best of luck to you and your family!

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Nothing makes me prouder of being a Yonkers native than our excellent Fire Department. Have a long, prosperous, and healthy retirement, Chief. It's well deserved!

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Best of luck to you always Bill, may the road rise up to great you and the wind be always at your back. And keep that left arm straight and your head down. Capt. Tom Ferrara

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I had the pleasure of taking a collapse class at Camp Smith a few years back that he taught. Great instructor. Best wishes on his retirement.

Andy, we may have been in the same class lol. I too took a class with Chief Fitzpatrick at Camp Smith several years ago. Amazing instructor and all around good guy.

Congrats Chief and all the best on a well deserved retirment!

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I wanted to congratulate Chief Fitzpatrick on his well deserved retirement. Many people know how he was key in developing Yonkers FD SOD to the finest in the region. But, he was also key in improving special operations countywide.

While Yonkers clearly has the best capabilities in the county, Chief Fitzpatrick was able to evaluate the gaps and realized that additional resources beyond Yonkers would be required for a large scale ongoing disaster. He proposed to the Westchester Career Chiefs Association the concept of the Westchester Special Operations Task Force (WSOTF), and then he created it. He was able to get federal funding for the training and equipment, which he spec'ed, purchased and distributed to the 9 departments.

He oversaw the training of over 700 firefighters to the Hazardous Materials Technician level and another 500 firefighters to the Technical Rescue Technician level. He was also directly involved in the oversight of the development of the Westchester Tech Rescue Team where his experience convinced the county to adopt minimum training standards for the team. He also was one of the lead instructors at OFPC Technical Rescue School at Camp Smith.

From Hazmat, WMD, a building collapse, trench collapse, confined space incident or a high angle accident the public and all emergency responders are safer today because of his leadership.

Chief, you accomplished what few have ever done. Job well done.

Enjoy your retirement. Be well.

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Enjoy your retirement. It is well deserved.

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I went to FLSTP (First line supervisor training program) with Bill Fitz when he was promoted to Lieut. in YFD and I was promoted to Lieut. in FDNY. I knew he would go up the ranks pretty quick! Nice job, Bill, on making the YFD SOC what it is today. You and the brothers in YFD have a lot to be proud of. Enjoy your retirement from YFD, and what life brings you next.

The other "Fitz"

SageVigiles and helicopper like this

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Congratulations and best wishes on your retirement, Bill. 1979 was a good year for both of us. You should be proud of not only what you accomplished in Yonkers, but what you did for the County. And to think, you worked with my sister at the A&P on Odell Ave. way back when.

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