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Fire district commissioner elections next Tuesday...

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Fire district commissioner elections are next Tuesday across New York State. Any districts plan on putting fresh blood in, or will the same people get reelected that are already in there?

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Yes !!! The secret public elections.

For those of you that get allot of your local information by reading the lohud site. You'll notice that you can read all about every election in the county. Here is a challenge, start your stop watch as you click on Time how long if you can at all find the notice of election for your district. That is without loading a specific search. The clock is ticking.

99% percent of the people that vote in fire district elections are Volunteers and their family and friends. The other one percent are people who wander in looking directions.LOL

If you think things will change, how can it?

If these election were moved to the regular election day it would.

(1)Save money instead of paying for a special election each year

(2)Be decided by many more diverse populous.

The fire district that I vote in Lake Mohegan, some voters would have to drive over 5 miles through heavy holiday traffic to vote. Then stand on line maybe outside in the cold. This district takes in 2 Townships Yorktown and Cortlandt never has a polling place been in Cortlandt. For so large a fire district with 4 firehouses to have the district elections in one corner of the district is just wrong.

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I realize that getting the election date changed is a non starter, as it would take a change to the laws of NYS. Probably not going to happen any time soon, if ever.

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Here in Somers, the incumbant is not running again, so new blood is inevitable. The only guy I know is running is a solid common sense guy. Rumor has it there will be some new efficiencies coming. Read into that what you will, over.

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I thought Commissioner was short for "ex-chief who still wants to still instill his control and influence over the FD"

Danger, helicopper, JM15 and 1 other like this

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I thought Commissioner was short for "ex-chief who still wants to still instill his control and influence over the FD"

Or Firefighters who could never make it through the ranks to become a chief! :lol:

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I thought Commissioner was short for "ex-chief who still wants to still instill his control and influence over the FD"

Or firefighters that want the ability to vote on Chiefs as firefighters in one room and 15 feet away vote again as Commissioners to put their buddies in as Chiefs. They can give their buddies/relatives new SUVs, gas, etc... instead of investing in replacing 40+ year old pumpers. Compliance to NFPA standards is optional.

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I thought Commissioner was short for "ex-chief who still wants to still instill his control and influence over the FD"

I happen to be a Fire Commissioner, who as you can see from my profile, is a female, and NEVER been a MEMBER of the Fire Department, much less a Chief. Two of my fellow Commissioners were Chiefs, the other two were never even Officers, one of which was an FDNY Lieutenant. Needless to say, as you can see, it is a fairly good balance.

By the way, I am up for re-election on Tuesday, and I would WELCOME a challenge!!!

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Oh, I see it is December and Open Season on Fire Commissioners! That season tends to run all year.

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Oh, I see it is December and Open Season on Fire Commissioners! That season tends to run all year.

I haven't seen any Fire Commissioners walking around with antlers on their head.......yet! :)

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I haven't seen any Fire Commissioners walking around with antlers on their head.......yet! :)

Look harder :) :) ...all kidding a side, in reading some of the posts about the election process like anything else if you see something wrong get involved and become part of the solution. I did and am glad I did. Remember nothing happens overnight.

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I agree 100%, HFD.. I got involved and I am happy I did so.

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I thought Commissioner was short for "ex-chief who still wants to still instill his control and influence over the FD"

Or disgruntled ex firefighters who could never make the grade, and rather then look in the mirror and say maybe its me, blames the FD for their failures.

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Yes !!! The secret public elections. For those of you that get allot of your local information by reading the lohud site. You'll notice that you can read all about every election in the county. Here is a challenge, start your stop watch as you click on Time how long if you can at all find the notice of election for your district. That is without loading a specific search. The clock is ticking.

At this time there are 742 viewings of this post and not one person has posted the URL of the notice of elections. Can anyone find the notice? How long did it take you?

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At this time there are 742 viewings of this post and not one person has posted the URL of the notice of elections. Can anyone find the notice? How long did it take you?

Most places you will see signs for the candidates who are running with the times and date. Really dont need a newspaper posting.

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The districts legal notice detailing the day & time & term of the elections and the last day you can submit your name to be put on the ballot is put in the local newspaper by law. The names of the canidates that are running are on the ballots. There is no legal requirement to post the list of canidates in the paper. I dont have the exact law # in front of me, but will post it later.

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Most places you will see signs for the candidates who are running with the times and date.   Really dont need a newspaper posting.

It is a legal requirement that District elections be posted. Where is it posted on the electronic edition of the paper?

The districts legal notice detailing the day & time & term of the elections and the last day you can submit your name to be put on the ballot is put in the local newspaper by law. The names of the candidates that are running are on the ballots. There is no legal requirement to post the list of candidates in the paper. I dont have the exact law # in front of me, but will post it later.

It is correct that the candidates don't have the be listed. But the time and place of all elections does. Please just list the URL and how long it took to accomplish this task? Just answer the question. Simple? We'll see.

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I don't understand what URL you want listed...

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I don't understand what URL you want listed...

The URL of the legal notice for the elections of your fire district. A 1000 views and no one has answered the question.

Edited by Healz

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Just a reminder, if you are referencing or stating laws on this site, we ask that you provide the source you found the law at and link to the law.

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It is a legal requirement that District elections be posted. Where is it posted on the electronic edition of the paper?

What exactly does the law require? Are you saying the law requires that the notice be posted on the online version? Or does the print edition suffice? Please provide a citation or reference for those of us who are not involved in fire district politics.

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Town law section 175, section 3:10 to 3:10.5

Section 10.4.1 says it must be posted to the district website, if one exists. Section 10.4.2 says if there is a district signboard, it must be posted, if one exists.

We have neither, so no requirement to do so for those mediums.

We send the legal notice to the paper, and it is printed. I have never seen an option to put it in a online legal section, nor does the local paper have such an thing. The law says nothing about an online newspaper legal section.

Edited by 38ff

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Found an interesting article on "The Daily Croton's" website regarding Fire District elections tonight.

Check it out HERE.

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The Somers candidate ran un-opposed and won with a total vote count of 17...... Whats the point?

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The Somers candidate ran un-opposed and won with a total vote count of 17...... Whats the point?

Even though at face value there is no point in going trough the hoopla of an election, the fact of the matter is that a fire district commissioner is a publicly elected position and the state specifically dictates when and the procedure in which the election is executed.

Would it make more sense to have the election on election day instead of the second Tuesday of December? Probably, but the only ones that can change that is state congress.

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Even though at face value there is no point in going trough the hoopla of an election, the fact of the matter is that a fire district commissioner is a publicly elected position and the state specifically dictates when and the procedure in which the election is executed.

Would it make more sense to have the election on election day instead of the second Tuesday of December? Probably, but the only ones that can change that is state congress.

The reason behind fire districts having a separate election date, just like school districts, was to avoid a potential "politicization" of important services that on a community level are supposed to be viewed as vital and integral to having a successful community to begin with.

Don't ask me to site where that came from; it's part of the verbal history that is passed down among those involved, who want to see the service remain true to it's original intent and spirit.

How 'bout them apples....

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My guess is that the Fire Tax in most places is the smallest dollar figure on a homeowner's tax bill by a large percentage (compared to town/county/school taxes) so it's not really a concern to most taxpayers until it's 3AM and the house is charged with smoke or they play pinball off the guardrails with their car needing extrication. (out of sight, out of mind)

I have never seen a fire commissioner canidate's political party affiliation play any part in an election. (How many registerd Republicans or Democrats are on your board and campaign as such? It really doesnt matter, does it?) Fire Commissioner elections are more of a "best person for the job" rather that "they are a Democrat or Republican so I will vote for my party" sort of election. I'd say that fire and school district elections are about the only elections where party lines aren't a part of it.

Elections are posted in the pretty much unread section of the newspaper's legal notices, and over all, most fire districts and their elections are "boring news" for paper readers that dont even warrant a reporters ink or time. (Would you rather ready about the hose testing the district did, or the latest sexting scandal at the school district? Reporters run stories on what sells papers... )

One small sidenote. I belive that Fire Commissioners term timeframes are the longest out of any elected position in NY. 5 years is the term. Possibly school board members also are that long, but I think that is up to individual districts, I think??? Not even the President of the United States has a 5 year term.

I think the local fire dept/district happenings in general are something most people dont ever think about until they are calling 911. Then, and only then, is it very important to that person. Sad, but true.

Edited by 38ff

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