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Guest Paladin Center

Paladin Center-New Regional Police-Fire-EMS-Corporate-Civilian Training Center

4 posts in this topic

Hello to all EMTBRAVO Administrators, staff and members!

Yes, as some of you know, we are in the middle of our phase deployment of a Regional training Center in Carmel, NY.

The training center is going to have many things to offer everyone POLICE, FIRE, EMS, CORPORATE and CIVILIAN.

As mentioned we are in a phased or Under Construction stage and still would like to keep some aspects under wraps until they are confirmed.

In the meanwhile, we have been working pretty closely with EMTBRAVO (in particular Mr. Granville) to help address the needs of all of our Public Safety Brothers and Sisters.

I am sure Seth will break out all of the good news when it is appropriate.

Please PM me with any questions you may have. You can also visit us on the web or on Facebook at You can also look at and register for some of our initial classes on both Facebook and the web.

Lastly, We are considering offering a class that would be an EMTBRAVO event. In that you will be required to be a member of EMTBRAVO to attend. Proceeds from the event will help fund the EMTBRAVO mission. The class we are thinking of offering is the GUN SHOT BUDDY AID/ SELF AID Class. This class IS NOT Law Enforcement specific and IS recommended for all Public Safety workers. Please look at the course description and feel free to comment in this thread.

We look forward to hearing from you all.

Stay Safe!

The Paladin Team

EMTbravo, JetPhoto, x635 and 2 others like this

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EMTBravo looks forward to working with the Paladin Center and is exicited to have the oppurtunity to work with the dedicated professionals that are making this concept a reality.

I don't want to release any more details at the time, but I just want to say I am confident that the Paladin Center will be a tremendous success and an excellent place to get training you won't find elsewhere.

We'll have many more details on the relationship between EMTBravo and the Paladin Center as soon as we can. Stay tuned to this thread, the Paladin Center Facebook page, and for details as they become available.

In the meantime, don't forget to "Like" their Facebook page at the link above so you can stay current on all the happenings at the Paladin Center.

Seth Granville

Founder/Executive Director


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I was fortunate to get a personal tour of the complex and pick out my office. Haha! The place has great potential and the concept will work in time. Wish all those involved lots of luck and success. There will be a line out the door once the indoor range opens.

x635 likes this

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great to see you again. Maybe next time we can work you up to an office with a view :)

Stay safe!


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