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S.U.S or Stick up Season

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To all my Public Service Brothers and Sisters, but mainly LEO's. Today is Dec 1, what starts what we call SUS or Sitck Up Season. Please Be aware of your surroundings no matter what time of day. In these hard Economic times, people are resorting to comminting many types of crimes to provide for themselves or their families. If you see or hear something that doesn't seem right, it probably isn't. If you are home during the day, watch for packages being delievered to your neighbor's and watch for people removing same from your neighbors houses. Many people will be attending CHRISTMAS PARTIES at all times of the day and night which could result in Robberies and DWI's, always keep your heads on a swivel. It's hard enough for us in LE to go to work during the HOLIDAY SEASON, but it's alot more important that we make IT HOME TO OUR FAMILIES TO ENJOY THE HOLIDAY SEASON! BE SAFE!!!

efdcapt115, batt2, x129K and 3 others like this

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Here is why I love Florida:

"S.U.S? Meet S&W!"

I thought in the keys S&W means swimming and wadding..... :P

Kind of tought to carry in your trunks..... :)

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