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MVA, New Square, Rockland.

14 posts in this topic

On 11/23/11 the Hillcrest FD and Hatzollah Ambulance Squad was dispatched to a one car MVA on Route 45 in the village of New Square. It appears that the on duty, code enforcement officer for the Town of Ramapo had a heart attack while driving. The car stuck a fire hydrant.









FiftyOnePride, FF398, PEMO3 and 1 other like this

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Accident victim revived

RAMAPO – A Town of Ramapo code enforcement officer, who was involved in an accident with his town vehicle Tuesday morning, was revived after he lost his pulse.

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Great photos and glad to hear the victim survived. Darn, looks like no airbags. :o

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For the Life of me I cant figure out what happended to the Ashfault??? Can someone explain that

Edited by lad45der

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For the Life of me I cant figure out what happended to the Ashfault??? Can someone explain that

Looks like a hydrant was struck as well. You can see it is DOA in the last picture. The asphalt must have been knocked around when the pipe shifted.

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From the looks of the photos, was that hydrant in the middle of the driveway?

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From the looks of the photos, was that hydrant in the middle of the driveway?

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Break away hydrant didn't break away so well. Looks like they didn't use a breakable collar at street level when they raised the hydrant. Just extended the pipe off the main to the original barrel.

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The location of the MVA was not in the Village of New Square, it was on the west side of Rt 45 opposite the Village.

The hydrant is not so much in the middle of a driveway as it is towards the end of a small parking lot. The house used to be a dentist's office, and the hydrant has been there forever. The riser pipe did stick out of the asphalt quite a bit. You can see that the hydrant did in fact breakaway as it was supposed to, unfortunately with the pipe sticking out of the ground, it really didn't make much difference.

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good job on the save. lots of damage to the car..ouch!!! was the pt taken to saint anthony's???? if so im guessing they rushed him to the cardic cath lab there.

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thank you...i do a txp from a nursing home in Spring Valley to the Wiess Dialsys center behind Good Sam

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I thought Hatzolah only responded to calls involving members of their faith ?

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